A new story. It just had to be put on paper; it wouldn't let go off me. This is another AU. Just read it please and tell me what you think. Thanks to Melina for taking time to beta my fics!


Chapter 1: Intentions

"I don't understand why we're doing this... It's completely beneath us, to try and make a treaty with those sniveling, weak, opportunistic... weaklings!" General Nappa was at the other side of the large bridge of the ship, but still he was heard by the silent figure which stood before the large window, staring off into space.

"Nappa!" Another snapped, who looked a suspicious lot like the smaller figure. "How many times do I have to explain this?! It's called a strategic move! Strategy! Now, shut up! I have enough of your grumbling!!"

"But, Sire," The enormous, bald warrior protested. "Why would we go so low to make a treaty with those humans?! What do they have what we don't? Technology? We have power! That's what decides a battle! Not some machinery! We have the *Super Saiyan*," this word was said with reverence and awe, "in our midst. Nothing can beat him!"

"Nappa." Came a soft, but unyielding voice from the dark figure at the window, obscured in shadows. Nappa immediately fell silent, and he bowed his head.

"Nappa, I appreciate your loyalty and your faith in my capabilities and power, and they are indeed true, but tell me... How long have I been the legendary Super Saiyan?"

"For over two years, Sir."

"Correct. And how many times have I've been in a direct battle with Frieza since then?"


"Right. That's my point. I have not been in a direct confrontation with him. Frieza is a coward. A coward yes, but a smart one. His technology is far more advanced than ours. His fleet of ships dwarves ours. His guns and cannons blow our pods clear out of the sky. This is the truth. I may be far more powerful now than that bastard, but if I can't get close to him, how am I ever going to kill him?"

"Yes, your Highness, that may be true, but-"

"No buts, Nappa. We need those sniveling weaklings, as you so strikingly put it, to beat Frieza and his army. That monster is cunning. He won't come near us, so we must seek him out. And we can only do that with the help of the humans. Their technology is even further than that of Frieza. We make a pact with them, and assure us of a total victory. Frieza will die by my hand, and his empire will be ours. So, any questions?"

"But why a *treaty*? Why don't we just move in, and take what we want? Make them our slaves. That would work too!"

"These humans are more than they let us believe... Wasn't it Frieza who invaded their planet, intended on enslaving them and use them for his own purposes? However, many found an escape, believed led by Dr. Briefs, just before Frieza blew up the planet. He has never laid a hand upon a single piece of the rare technology those humans possess. So if we march in, make them our slaves, we will loose a great opportunity; they won't confide in us, they won't show their best pieces... This is the best way to go about it. But that doesn't say it won't *change*." None could see the cruel smile that had settled on his lips, but everyone in the room heard the malice in his voice.

They smirked knowingly at each other. Those humans wouldn't know what hit them.

"So, Nappa, keep that trap of yours shut. Of course, there will be distrust and suspicion between us and the humans, and bickering and insults thrown. We have to make this as real as possible, but," the King looked sternly at his general, "there will be no insinuations of enslavement. Make it appear that we really want, albeit reluctantly, a kind of treaty with them. They won't find out our real intentions after Frieza is defeated. Than, it will be too late."

"Sire, we are approaching their location. Do you want to send the message?"

"Yes, proceed." It was the Prince who said so. He stepped away from the window, and walked towards his father.

"Let's see if they take our bait." He stood next to his father, his arms crossed before his broad chest, his posture proud and arrogant. "They won't know what they will be getting into..."


"Bulma?" A rather short man ventured cautiously into the large lab. Cautiously, because he didn't want to bump into an unfinished bot, or trip over a discarded tool, or crush something incredibly fragile and valuable under his foot. The lab seemed like a mess to him, but to Bulma it was an intricate design all together. She knew where to find the smallest screwbolt in this massive space, between and in these pieces of material. He found it quite the feat, if he was honest. But he mostly just teased her about the keenness of her brain. She'd become embarrassed, and blush. Teasing his friend was a very entertaining pastime.

"Bulma?" He said a little louder. Where was she? He couldn't see very far into the large lab. As usual, the lights were dimmed; Bulma usually worked with portable lights illuminating the project she was working on, and left the rest of the lab in half-lit shadows. Why, he actually did not know. But for someone who wasn't familiar with this space, it had an eerie effect.

He carefully made it past some huge half-finished capsule ship. "Bulma!"

"We're here, Krillin!" A youthful voice came to him from his far right. He smiled; apparently she had company again. He slowly worked his way towards the source of the voice, and finally saw them, both the young woman and the child kneeling over what appeared to be a... robot, or something like that.

"Hey, you guys!" He greeted cheerfully, while he watched Bulma's face closely.

"Hey, Krillin!" The young boy greeted him with a big smile on his face. "Bulma is letting me help on a very secure job; we're wiring this combat- bot. She says she needs my 'soothing influence' or she would screw it up!"

"Gohan! Language!" Came the half-hearted stern reply. "What would your mother say if you come home and start spouting all those words? She'll never let you come near me again!"

"That's right, Gohan! You better watch what you say!" Krillin smiled indulgently at the young boy, then looked back at Bulma.

"You're okay?"

"Sure, Krillin, but... I am so... angry!" Bulma let out a deep sigh, and picks up a piece of cloth to wipe her grease-stained hands clean with frustrated, angry swipes.

"Yeah, I can understand that."

"No, you don't understand! My father... I've done nothing but trying to convince my father to not get involved with those Saiyans, the last two days... It's been two days since they've sought contact with us, and my father, and everybody else who has a say in it, is already prepared to take their offer of a treaty! They're eager for it! They think it's a great opportunity! My father is talking about nothing else than this so-called conciliation between us and the Saiyans! But can't they see?!" She threw the rag to the floor. "They're being lured into a trap. It's that simple; a trap. I've been telling my father this over and over again, but... He still sees me like a little girl, who is handy with mechanics and science... I couldn't possibly know *anything* about politics..." her voice was bitter.

"I'm sorry, Bulma." Said Krillin, shocked about the amount of anger and frustration she had pent up.

"Me too, Krillin. We're signing our own fate here. Our doom. You've heard the stories about them. We've all heard the stories. And not only that. We've seen with our own eyes what they're capable of... The planet of the Fiqqu was violently purged by them. What do you think they'll do when they hear we're in a treaty with the Saiyans? I know, they have to accept it too, but... It's like stabbing them in the back."

"It's not fair." Said Gohan angrily.

"No. It isn't. But what can we do about it? My father won't listen to me. They're signing the treaty as we're speaking." Bulma despondently sat down in one of the few chairs that were around.

"Actually, they've signed it. Just now." Came a low voice from the darkness.

"Mister Piccolo!" Gohan exclaimed happily, as the large Namek appeared out of the shadows.

"Hey, Piccolo," Both Krillin and Bulma greeted their friend.

"So, it has happened." Krillin rubbed his head. He could feel a headache coming up.

"Yes, those fools are going through with it. They wouldn't listen to me." Growled Piccolo. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, a show of how agitated he really was.

"They only listen to themselves. And this time it is not the voice of reason. I guess... they're afraid after all, of Frieza, and the Saiyans. They think they've chosen the lesser of two evils." Krillin stated thoughtfully, while he wondered if Bulma had some aspirins laying around.

"I can follow their reasoning, even if it's that stupid, but to think the Saiyans the lesser of two evils... That's so wrong." Bulma jumped up, and started pacing up and down, while she shared her reasoning with her friends: "That prince, Vegeta, is said to be more powerful than Frieza, right?"

"Yes; his ki is... unbelievable. Even Frieza's final form would be no match for him..." Piccolo offered.

"So, that's true. The only thing that keeps the Saiyans from eliminating Frieza is that they don't have the technological means to get near him. They can simply not get their warriors in his vicinity. They would get blown out of space before they can make a planetfall. So what do they do? Right; hook up with the humans, who's planet is destroyed by Frieza, and have, how handy, a large arsenal of technologically far superior ships and weapons! Problem solved! We are giving them everything they need to conquer the entire galaxy! Because I don't think they will stop when they have Frieza's empire... No. They will want even more. They'll betray our trust, and enslave us, use everything they have to try to sate their insatiable hunger for power."

"But can't we keep them on a distance? I mean, we only give them what we want to give them?" Gohan tried.

"I wish it was that easy, Gohan. But no, this treaty means we have to share almost everything we have..."


"Well, everything my father and his club of sniveling men *think* we have..."

"How do you mean?" Piccolo looked at her with a knowing smirk.

"There are several things I didn't... err... I have 'forgotten' to tell them... Some things that I didn't even trust my father with... He would not abuse them, but... Well, the thought of something happening like this situation made me very careful."

"So... What kind of things are those?" Krillin had the same knowing smirk now as Piccolo.

"You know the most of them. Gohan helped me hide some of them when we were working on them, and when people entered unexpectedly. Didn't you?" she asked Gohan, who nodded proudly.

"Bulma knew I would never tell!"

"Yes, you're a most trustworthy assistant." Bulma grinned at the beaming Gohan. "Among them is the concept of new propulsion technique... And some very powerful cloaking shields. But I think that artificial ki, or AK, as I like to call it, is the most valuable of them; I could create guns, cannons and shields with that. I've already done some prototypes. If that ever falls into the hands of Frieza, or the Saiyans... That would be an total disaster, and the end to all the surviving independent rebels and species..."

"That's something you trust us with." Murmured Krillin, awed with her brilliance. He too saw the danger in those inventions.

"Only you guys. And I will show you soon where I exactly hid those nasty secrets of mine. If something happens to me, you'll know where to find them."

"We won't let anything happen to you, Bulma." Gohan said urgently. "Nothing will happen to you!" He bit his lip, and Bulma knelt before the small boy and hugged him fiercely. "Ok. I won't let anything happen to me, ok?"

He nodded, and threw his arms around her neck. Bulma looked over his shoulder to Krillin and Piccolo, who both wore a dark expression. They all felt for the small boy. Poor thing.

Suddenly, everything was bathed in a harsh light, and they all blinked against the sudden brightness.

"Bulma? Bulma, are you there, girl?" Dr. Briefs voice traveled through the enormous room.

"Shit." Piccolo cursed, and he growled. "Krillin, stay with them," was his command, and he disappeared.

"Are you sure that daughter of yours is in here? It seems like one big mess in here. Not exactly what I would call a lab. Maybe she got lost." An unknown voice reached their ears.

"Saiyans." Bulma whispered. "They don't waste any time, do they?" She straightened up, and looked at both Krillin and Gohan, who both looked grim.

"Well, let's not disappoint them." Bulma winked at them.

"I'm here, dad!!"


Tada! So, did you like? Tell me! I already have chapter 2 finished, and started on chapter 3. My beta does have to check chapter 2. Maybe it will be up before December the 23rd, otherwise after Christmas. I'm going away for a few days with my family.Well, we'll see what we can do! Pallas.