Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the television show Charmed. All characters belong to Spelling Television, and the WB.

Author's Note: Prue passed away. Now leaving Piper, Phoebe and Paige to carrying on the fight. Prue before she died, she gave her powers to her best friend Alyssa. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Alyssa now fight evil.

The Power of Four

By: Cassandra Fisher

Chapter One

Chris watched Wyatt sleep. It seems that Wyatt though he was bad he didn't care all he wanted to do was to protect him. Suddenly 5 green little creatures appeared by Wyatt's crib.
"Get away from him." Chris said. The creatures turned to Chris and threw and fireball at him. Chris orbed out and orbed back in front of Wyatt's crib. The fireball hit the wall; it left a scorched mark where it hit.
"Why do you protect this child?" One of the creatures asked.
"That's none of your business." Chris said. He had to protect Wyatt from these creatures. The creatures made huge fireball. Chris knew that he had to wake Wyatt up.
"We will kill this child." The leader said.
"Wyatt wake up." Chris said really loudly. Wyatt woke up and threw his shield up around the crib. Wyatt still didn't trust or wanted Chris near him. Chris was thankful that Wyatt was able to protect himself. The creatures fired the fireball. Chris was able to put up a shield around himself and Wyatt. All the fireballs bounce off of the shield right back to the creators and they exploded.

Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Alyssa came running into the room to see the fireball bounce off of Wyatt's force field and killed the creatures that where after him.
"Wow." Alyssa said. She didn't realize that, that could happen with Wyatt's force field. Wyatt saw that Piper was there and let his force field down. Piper rushed to his side. She picked Wyatt up.

"Are you okay Wyatt?" Piper asked. Wyatt giggled.

"Chris what happened?" Phoebe asked.

"There were these five green creatures that were after Wyatt, so I got in front of Wyatt crib and was protecting him. I woke him up and he put the force field up." Chris said.

"Well, I am moving Wyatt to my room" Piper said.

"I'll check the Book of Shadow," Paige said, heading up to the attic. Phoebe followed Paige. Piper who gather Wyatt's belonging and she moved it into her room. Chris just watched everything that was going on with the sisters.

"Thanks, Chris." Alyssa said. Chris didn't realize that Alyssa was still in the room with him.

"Your welcome. We better get to the attic to see if we can find out why those things were after Wyatt." Chris said. Alyssa left and Chris was right behind him.

"So what did you find out about those creatures?" Chris asked.

"There's nothing in the Book of Shadows that said anything about this little green creatures." Paige said, as she stood there in pajamas. Actually the girls and Wyatt were in their PJ. Chris was fully dressed. Piper was holding Wyatt.

"I am going to check this out with the Elders." Chris said, as he orbed out.

"Do you think we can pick up this search after we get a decent night rest? Some of us have jobs to get to?" Phoebe said.

"You four go to bed and I will keep looking for more information." Alyssa said. Piper, Paige and Phoebe hugged her and kissed her goodnight. Alyssa looked and read the Book of Shadow from back to front. She didn't find anything in the Book of Shadow about these little green creatures. She was still reading when she fell asleep from being totally exhausted. Chris orbed back to the attic to see that the girls and Wyatt went to bed. He saw Alyssa sleeping in the chair, he went and go a blanket and cover her up. He stood there watching her for a moment before he orbed out. He didn't have anywhere to go. Leo was busy with other things since he became an Elder, and the Charmed Ones were sleeping. So he found a bench in the park and he sleep there that night.

Phoebe was ready for work and she left before anyone was up. She left a message for the others telling them that she went into work early. Paige got up and got ready for work and she got a cup of coffee before she left. She had a temporary job at Wilson& Ferguson. She left a note saying that she was off to work. She put it next to Phoebe note.

Piper alarm went off and she hit the snoozed button. Then she went to the bathroom and cleaned her self and got ready for work. Then she got Wyatt up and got him dress for the day. She took Wyatt downstairs to the kitchen to feed him breakfast. She saw that Phoebe and Paige went to work and also that Alyssa was not up yet. After feeding Wyatt she took him and went to look for Alyssa. When she didn't find Alyssa in her room she went up to the attic. Alyssa was asleep in the chair and covers where covering her. Piper went to Alyssa side and nudged her gently. Alyssa woke up, almost knocking the Book of Shadow to the floor. Then she noticed the blanket on her. She assumed that Piper put it there.

"Piper, what time is it?" Alyssa asked.

"It's 7:30 am. I need to get to P3." Piper said. Alyssa took Wyatt from Piper hand. Piper kissed Wyatt good-bye and left. Alyssa went and took a shower and dressed. She and Wyatt went for a walk in the park. They where there for and hour when there looked at a person who was sleeping on the bench.