Title: Protecting My Son

Author: Jezebel Jinx/VampireQueen21

Rating: PG-13-R (possible NC-17 material but I don't know yet)

Category: X-over with Coyote Ugly.

Couple: Fox/Theresa

Summary: When the social worker came to take Little Ethan away Theresa ran away with him to New York. Then 5 years later Theresa and Little Ethan are found. Rebecca, Julian, Ivy, Ethan, and Gwen come to New York to see if Theresa is in the streets where she belongs.

Authors Note: Sarah is still dead, and when Theresa ran with Little Ethan the police and social workers could never find her, almost like she dropped off the face of the Earth.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


December 2003

"You're only making this harder on you and your son if you keep fighting." The social worker yells through the door trying to reason with the angry mother.

"You can't have my son." Theresa yells back. Just moments ago these people entered her home and tried to take her little boy away from her. When they thought they had her cornered she with Little Ethan ran into her mother's bedroom locking the door.

Glancing around she had to find a way of here-her eyes land on the window. Feeling a ray of hope she runs to Mama's closet and grabs a coat for her and Little Ethan.

"Come here baby." Little Ethan walks over to his mother and she wraps him one of her mother's coats. Hurrying through Mama's things she finds where Mama keeps some extra money in case of emergencies, and she would have to say that this is an emergency.

Grabbing a pad and a pen she scribbles a note for her mother saying quickly what happened and why she took the money, and hiding the note in a place where only her Mama was sure to find it. Shrugging on a coat Theresa picks up her son and walks toward the window.

She peers out making sure no one is out there ready to catch them when they run. Not seeing anyone in sight she opens the window slowly happy that her mother had fixed the hinges last week so it doesn't squeak when she opens it.

With her son securely in her arms Theresa eases out of the window and slowly creeps away. Always looking back to see if anyone was following her, no one was. Holding her son close she kisses his forehead and prays that everything will be all right. She doesn't know what she'd do if her son was ever taken away from her.