Hello, and welcome to my first story.  I wish to inform those of you that are reading it that it may be a bit violent, and saying that it is PG-13 might be wrong, but I intend to hear reader feedback on that first and see if changes to the rating must be made. Omega and Professor Gail are my characters, and as such, belong to me. If you'd like to use them (which I kinda doubt, heh) please just ask me first.  I hope you enjoy.


It was a normal morning in Hawaii…well…as normal as can be expected in Lilo and Stitch's house…

"Where the heck is my coffee!?" Nani Yelled loudly, having found the cabinet empty when she checked.

She glared at Stitch.  Stitch slinked down into a corner of the room, knowing full well the power of an earth female when angered.  He drank it all, too. So he had every right to be scared! 

"Um…I don't know…big dummy took it, maybe?" 

Nani growled at him angrily, "Liar! I know you drank all my coffee! You said the same thing about my Raviolis! I bet you ate those, too!" 

Stitch tried to deny these mean accusations but Nani simply refused to listen! She grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, carried him all the way to the elevator to his and Lilo's room and tossed him into it, quickly pushing the button to send him up afterwards. 

"You're punished!" She yelled up the elevator shaft.

Stitch's ears lowered. He felt bad about drinking all of her coffee. He hated it when anyone in his little family was angry at him…it made him feel terrible.  Stitch had grown into quite an affectionate member of the family.

Suddenly, he was struck by an idea!  Jumba didn't give him a brain like a supercomputer for nothing!  He decided that he would sneak out of window of his room and head into town to get some coffee for Nani.  But wait…he doesn't have any money… So, he resolved to stea…er…liberate some coffee for her!  He opened the window, being careful not to awaken the still-sleeping Lilo, but stopping to admire the surprising fact that she was still asleep after all of Nani's yelling.

 "Lilo sleep like rock!" Stitch giggled to himself as he slid out of the window, promptly falling the 20 some-odd feet to the ground.  In all of his haste, he'd forgotten how high up he was. He got up, rubbed his head painfully, dusted himself off, and then set out for town.


Hundreds of Light-years away, a tall, skinny man in a lab coat was hunched over instruments gathered around a table, upon which laid a strange-looking object.  The man, Professor Gail, was…disturbed, to say the least. Some might venture to call him insane. He had always loved science and genetics, even as a young boy. And he had two wonderful mentors when he was younger as well; at least, he likes to think they were his mentors. In reality, he merely spied on them…Hamsterviel and Jumba Jookiba were their names. He watched them throughout their years as they toiled away upon their own experiments, aiming to create the most perfect military weapon imaginable. Once they were both arrested, the good professor continued his work where they left off, "improving" their designs. Some may call Jumba and Hamsterviel mad, but Gail was far beyond that point.  Gail's experiments had a tendency to go wrong…mostly because of his deranged mind and calculations, but every day he continued, working away endlessly to create the perfect living weapon. Insanity was truly the good professor's most powerful asset.  The doctor put a large glass dome over the object on the table that he was working on, for the purpose of containing whatever it was…strangely enough, it looked like a certain experiment of Jumba's creation, much like experiment 626…And, according to the calculations Gail made, it would be. It would be an exact clone of the current 626. Unfortunately, Gail never got to see the real 626 in action, and was unwilling to make the risk of being seen by observing it on Earth, so he was going to make one for himself. 

Professor Gail stepped away from his console, and picked up a control of some sort. He pressed a large button on the control, and there was a bright flash of light, the glass container filled with smoke, electricity flowing about the cloud as thunderbolts in a storm would. And when the smoke finally cleared…there it was…Jumba Jookiba's greatest creation to date. The most powerful experiment in the galaxy! 626 opened his Ebon eyes and stared at his creator. Gail studied 626 closely, and then pressed a button on his console, 7 metal arms sprouted from beneath 626's body and picked him up, one on each limb, and one around his neck, to keep him steady. Knowing fully well the capabilities of his subject, Gail had the Metal arms specifically designed to be inescapable by 626. Probes began to be jammed into 626's body, he screamed in pain, despite his rage and indignity at being held like this against his will. His eyes fixated upon his evil captor's unemotional face. Gail watched the results of probes reaching his computer…and began to grow irritated…He looked into the containment dome where 626 was still being prodded and probed, and noticed something most disturbing. 626 was crying. 626 was in pain from all of this.  626 looked directly at Gail and Gail glared straight back at him.

"Weak, pathetic experiment, Jumba" Gail growled as 626 sobbed in pain, tears streaming down his face.

Between the tears and sobs, 626 begged, "Please…let me be free…"

"I can do far better than this." The professor said angrily.  He pressed another button upon the console which gave him full control of the arms holding 626. The probes retreated quickly. 626 smiled through his tears at Gail, but all Gail returned was a sneer…

"Thank you so mu…" 626 was cut short as Gail increased the pressure of the metal claw around 626's neck. Gail crushed 626's neck, killing him, silencing the lab once again.  Gail then vaporized the lifeless body of 626. 

"Unlike those fools, I don't let my failed experiments live.  Imperfection is as good as death."  Gail returned back to his place at his console and began working upon his next experiment. He would create an experiment to end all experiments…An….Omega.