A word from our Author - Jenny.that's me!

Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic EVER and I know it's not completely original, but just give it a shot please!!!!! The more positive reviews I get, the quicker I'll update. I think it's best that you actually see Finding Nemo before you read this. Also, I'm afraid I don't own anything from Finding Nemo * cries * PIXAR and Disney own it all! The lucky - OK, read on! And I stress again.this is my first EVER fanfic, so go easy on me - I've lost my mind, savvy?


Chapter 1: Friendly Beginnings

It was almost night when they arrived. For almost four days, Gill had led his friends from the murky waters of Sydney Harbour to the colourful and picture perfect landscape that was the Great Barrier Reef - and his true home.

The orange light from the evening sun reflected through the water, telling him he didn't have long to find somewhere for his 'Tank Gang' to stay, but he so wanted to explore. He swam aimlessly through the paths of bright coral and looming seaweed, his friends following him in stunned silence. Finally, he stopped and turned to them, a proud grin plastered on his scarred face.

"So?" he started. "What do you think? Isn't it everything you ever imagined?"

Peach sighed. "Oh Gill.its.Beautiful!"

"It is!" Deb chipped in. "But it's a shame Flo isn't here."

Gurgle picked up a small, shiny, pink shell and beamed. "Its clean too! I could live here easily!"

There was happy chatter from the group as they took in their new surroundings. Gill, however, was silent.

"Well, hello there neighbours!"

A friendly-looking seahorse and a round, pink octopus had just came up behind Bubbles, who screamed and dived behind Bloat. The stunned and nervous looks on the group's faces gave away that they were 'newbies' to the area and its inhabitants. The octopus smiled.

"You're new here, aren't you?"

Gill came forward. "They are. Do you know where we can find a place to stay for the night?"

"Sure. We'll give you a quick tour of the area too, if you like." The seahorse invited them.

The gang beamed, relieved, and followed the two 'tour-guides' while giving their thanks. Gill turned to head in the opposite direction, when Peach spotted him.

"You're not coming?" She asked.

"I've got some things to do first, Peach." He said swimming away. "I'll catch up with you guys later, OK?"

She smiled knowingly. Gill had been so eager to get home; he probably wanted to find Nemo.

"Well, if you find Sharkbait, you'll come and get us won't you?"

Gill turned and nodded coolly. Then carried on his way, while Peach followed her friends.

The area was even more beautiful than Gill remembered as he took in every single detail. For a moment, he thought it was all a dream - the dreams you hate where all your wishes come true, and then you wake up to reality.

But this is reality! He thought. His dream of escaping the tank and returning to the sea had come true.

He sighed happily when he suddenly heard a familiar giggle from behind a forest of seaweed. A group of youngsters were playing and laughing, and there in the middle of them was a healthy, happy little clownfish.

"Hey Sharkbait." Gill said quietly, though the children still heard his low voice. Some of them looked confused and scared. Nemo, however, couldn't contain his excitement.

"Gill!" He yelled shooting over to the Moorish Idol and hugging him. Suddenly, he stopped and looked up at him sadly.

"Where are the others?"

"They're fine. Off looking for new homes." He replied, putting a smile on Nemo's face again.

"You've gotta come and meet my dad!" He cried joyfully, grabbing Gill's fin and pulling him away from the kids, whose large eyes could still be seen staring over the seaweed.

Nemo chatted non-stop about what happened after his escape from Darla, his strange meeting with his dad's friend, Dory, and how he had saved a bunch of fish from being netted. He also talked about school and his friends, and then went into questioning Gill about the gang and how they escaped the tank.

"It's a long story Sharkbait," Gill replied calmly. "How about I tell you tomorrow when the others are with me." Nemo agreed obediently then smiled as he looked across at his anemone home and saw Dory swimming in circles around Marlin who looked as if he was trying to explain something to her, but in vain.

Marlin eventually spotted Nemo and his companion coming closer. He headed over to Nemo's side and, looking slightly worried, he turned to face Gill.

"Is everything alright? Have you been hanging with Sandy Plankton again Nemo? You know how naughty he is! I'm so sorry sir! Whatever my son has done I promise we'll fix it." He said without taking a breath.

"Dad? Dad! I haven't done anything wrong.today." Nemo rolled his eyes to himself. "This is Gill! The fish from the tank! Gill, this is my dad, Marlin."

Marlin suddenly looked embarrassed. Luckily, Gill noticed this and spoke up, holding out his fin for Marlin to shake.

"Good to meet you Marlin! This is some boy you've got here!" He said patting Nemo on the head. "Brave.I guess he takes after his dad, huh?" He finished raising an eyebrow and smiling confidently.

Marlin cleared his throat and politely answered Gill.

"Well.um.I'm not really-

"Hi Lilo!" Dory chirped as she appeared behind Marlin. The three, Nemo, Marlin and Gill corrected her with 'Nemo'.

"Sorry." She said, tapping her head. "My bad!" Then she noticed Gill.

"Hi there!"

Gill grinned at her charmingly. "And who is this blue angel I have the pleasure of meeting, Nemo?" Though he already knew the answer.

Dory giggled while Marlin felt slightly guilty. He had never been this nice to Dory since he had known her, yet Gill was being a gentleman after only just meeting her.

Nemo laughed at Gill and answered the question. "Gill - Dory. Dory - Gill." He said, mimicking Crush.

"Nice to meet you Gill!" Dory held out her fin for Gill to shake but instead he kissed it.

"Same here, Dory."

Dory giggled again while Marlin's mouth was hanging open. She leaned across to Marlin and whispered to him merrily.

"Ooo, ain't he a charmer!" She said, oblivious to his disapproving frown. He didn't reply.

Marlin sighed and looked at Nemo who was chatting happily to Dory and Gill.

"Nemo." He spoke up. "I think its time for bed. School tomorrow."

Nemo and Dory whined in protest, but the clownfish would none of it.

"Now Nemo!" He said. "I'm tired. You can play tomorrow." He turned to swim into his house and Nemo followed.

"Goodnight guys!" Dory yelled waving at them. Nemo turned and waved back, but Marlin seemed to drag him inside. Dory was left alone with Gill. She turned to go home when she came face to face with him.

"Oh! Hello! What's your name?" She smiled holding out her fin again.

For a moment, Gill looked extremely confused until he remembered Nemo had told him something about her having a memory problem.

"Dory." He started calmly when Marlin suddenly came out of his home and sighed.

"Sorry Dory, I forgot to take you home. I'm catching your memory loss!" Marlin said laughing as he pushed her in another direction. He almost ignored Gill but then he stopped and turned back to him.

"She has a memory problem." He said sadly.

"I could've told him that myself." Dory said.

Marlin smiled at her, then back at Gill. "Thank you for saving my son, Gill."

"It was nothing." Gill replied gratefully. "I'd like to take him to school tomorrow if that's OK with you."

"Sure, Nemo would love that." Marlin finished. Dory waited with a large smile on her face for them to end their conversation.

"Goodnight." He said to Gill. "Come on Dory, let's get you home!" He held her fin and pulled her away.

"Nighty night.um.Mister!" Dory yelled pleasantly to Gill who smiled back at her and waved.

When they had left the area. Gill sighed.

Now to find Peach and the gang.and a place to stay, He thought.

OK, there's the first chapter. I know it was kinda Marlin/Dory/Gill heavy but that'll change if you want it to. Please review if you want me to update!

x Dory the Jenny-fish x