***The characters used in this work are the copyrighted property of their original creator. I do not seek profit from my writing. I would prefer that you did not copy my work, but I can't stop you.***
While discussing Saitoh with my true love, it occurred to me that Saitoh and Aoshi really are quite a match. So here's my summary of why they were made for each other, in the good old Blanket Scenario format. No, it isn't yaoi.
"Blanket Scenario" (Saitoh x Aoshi)
Stepping into the run-down old cabin's doorway, Aoshi brushed the heavy powdering of snow off the chest and shoulders of his ninja uniform. Though the cold stung at his skin through his clothing, he ignored it. It was just a little cold, nothing a powerful warrior like himself couldn't get used to.
The Mibu Wolf, he had to admit, was at an advantage. With the perpetual nasty cigarette hanging from his lips, the warmth Saitoh was enjoying seemed worth the nasty smell. Of course, he wouldn't admit to being cold any more than Aoshi would. Tossing the cigarette butt down into the snow, Saitoh turned back to Aoshi.
"I don't see anything more promising than this. It could be another thirty kilometers to any kind of civilization. And Kami-sama knows what kind of unfriendly wildlife is out there."
Aoshi smiled, a sensuous curving of his perfect mouth.
"Dinner would run right into our arms, I'm sure."
Saitoh snorted.
"This far out you'd be more likely to be dinner than eat it. We'd better just stay here."
Shrugging, Aoshi stepped into the cabin, stomping to shake the snow from his boots. It didn't even melt. The cabin was freezing. And with no visible sign of anything to burn for heat. From across the room an extremely beat-up wooden chest caught his eye. Maybe they could split it for kindling...
Naturally, the chest was worm-eaten and wet with decay. If they ever did get it to burn the smell would be horrible. Disdainfully Aoshi managed to extract a moth-eaten old blanket. It smelled very musty and looked filthy, but it was some warmth.
Saitoh glanced over his shoulder.
"Any more in there?"
Aoshi tossed the nasty thing down to the floor.
"No. That's the only one."
The beginnings of a toothy smile quirked the corners of Saitoh's mouth, but never made it all the way.
"What shall we do then, Shinomori?"
Aoshi raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not sharing a blanket with you."
"Nor am I with you."
"Unlike me, you're a homosexual."
"Why you..."
The next morning, the sun dawned over the snowy landscape, melting the frost off the cabin's windowpanes enough to reveal smoke from a town less than two miles away. But it was far too late for Saitoh and Aoshi.
Mibu's Wolf sat deep in contemplation, tinted a distinctively unhealthy shade of blue. Aoshi leaned back against the wall, forever involved in caressing his beloved blade. Just as it had been in life, even now in their state of frozen permanence...
It was impossible to tell which one was more cold.