Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor anything associated with him, which are property of J. K. Rowling

Summary: Ron takes a little confrontation with Malfoy too far, and Hermione's backing him 100%. Harry doesn't like what his friends are doing. OOC Hermione.

Warning: Just for fun, I'll say it's got OotP Spoilers, and there's vulgar language. Maybe A/U, too, depending on how you look at it. Also, this is a one shot, but if I ever get the inspiration, I'll write a sequel. When I do write a sequel, I'll just post an Author's note on here letting you know.


It was the weekend before the winter holidays, during the end of the first real snow storm of the season. A great white blanket of snow reached over Hogwarts grounds, a beautiful blinding white as far as you can see. For Harry and his friends, and one Draco Malfoy, they were like sailors staring out over miles of nothing but clear blue ocean. The four couldn't imagine a more beautiful scene.

That's why they were outside that day, the three Gryffindors chatting silently amongst themselves, enjoying the cool air and the soft snowflakes sprinkling down upon them. A red head nudged a girl, nodding towards a blonde haired Slytherin leaning against a tree with a far off expression. The two were thinking the same thing. How dare he be outside on this day, why did he have to ruin their day of fun? The spoiled brat couldn't possibly enjoy a day like this as much as them.

One lone Slytherin, with his cloak wrapped tightly around him, was leaning back against a tree next to a frozen lake, admiring the beauty of it all. The snow was one of the few pleasures he had in life. Those icy eyes caught sight of three Gryffindors, slowly moving closer to him. How dare they be outside on this day, why were they so intent on ruining his pleasure? The stupid Gryffindors couldn't possibly enjoy a day like this as much as him.

Draco slipped his hands out of his gloves, stuffing them in his pockets. He felt for his wand and he clung to it. The Gryffindors were coming even nearer now, that Weasley brat was talking about him, no doubt. Potter and Granger were joining in, too. How dare they speak of things they knew nothing about.


Harry listened to his friends speak in quiet tones, about Malfoy, to one another. He didn't understand the fun in it all, so the boy was a jackass to them, but he didn't have another reason to hate him than that. What did his two friends have against him? He never knew them to be so cruel.


Draco crossed his arms, hiding his wand up his sleeve, and started to approach the three. He'd never give them the satisfaction of insulting him first.


"Oh God," Ron murmured, "he's coming. Can't he just leave us alone for once? It's like he lives to irritate us."

Hermione frowned a little, "I don't know what his problem is either, you'd think after 5 years he'd leave us alone. At least after his father was thrown in Azkaban. I always thought he put up that facade to please Daddy." She rolled her eyes as she said 'daddy.'

"He's just rotten to the core, just like his dad." Ron shrugged, "He'll always be the same git that thinks pure-bloods are better than muggle-borns. Nothing will ever change that."

"He's going to be a Death Eater, just like his father."

"Come on, you guys," Harry said softly, "can't we think of a better topic of conversation? As much as I hate Malfoy, I really don't want to talk about him, or listen to you two do so."

"You've changed a lot of the summer, Harry." Ron said softly.

"I'd hate to admit it, Harry, but it's true. You're not nearly as..." Hermione trailed off, not wanting to continue what she was saying.

"Go on, say it." Harry said calmly, "I'm not nearly as fun as I used to be. Well, I'm sorry that we have different ideas of fun."

There was a short silence, when Harry said, "Look, can't we just enjoy this day?"

"We could," Ron muttered, "but that blonde bastard is coming towards us now."

"God, why does he always have to start something?" Hermione mumbled.

"Maybe if you just ignored him." Harry suggested.

"No," Ron blurted out, "he's gone too far. If he says one word-"

"Oh, look," Draco's voice, colder than the snow falling, came, "the Golden Trio-"

"Shut it, Malfoy." Ron growled, cutting him off.

"No," Draco growled, "see, I was having this perfectly great afternoon, and then you three have to come out and ruin it."

"No one cares." Hermione mock yawned.

"Come on, you guys," Harry said softly, "lets just-"

"We're ruining your afternoon?" Ron cut Harry off, ignoring his protests, "You're the one that was out here, leaning against, and contaminating, our tree, ruining our afternoon." Ron snarled, reaching for his wand.

"Yes," Draco hissed, "because that is indeed my sole purpose in life, to ruin your afternoons. What other reason would I have to live for, than to impede upon your day."

"See," Ron growled, giving Harry a look, "He even admits it," Ron said, lifting his wand at the same time Draco did.

Harry mumbled, "Its called sar...." He started, but never finished. Draco wasn't quick enough. Ron had sent Malfoy backwards into the foot deep snow with the knock-back jinx.

Harry huffed, "Now that you've had your fun, can we go inside now?" As he spoke, Draco had sat up and was pulling out his wand.

Hermione was the one to send a knockback jinx at Malfoy the second time, sending him backwards even further, toppling over himself. Harry could hear his hiss quietly in pain, and could see that he lost his wand when Hermione's curse hit him.

Harry didn't move as his two friends stepped closer to Malfoy, Ron raising his wand and burying the blonde in snow.

Harry watched as Malfoy managed to clear the snow off him, and stuck his head out of the huge pile, his eyes blazing with anger and humiliation. Harry felt something flicker inside him at the expression in his enemy's eyes. He knew how it felt to be on that end, and had vowed one day that he'd never subject anyone to it. He'd been horrified that time he saw his father doing something similar to Snape in the pensieve. Why was he watching this now? Why wasn't he stopping them? Was it because his friends called him dull, says he changed? Why did he care what they thought, if they were going to be that way to him? They should like him for who he is now. The-Boy-Who-Had-To-Grow-Up-Too-Fast.

Deciding he shouldn't allow that to rule him, he stepped forward just as a huge crack sounded. The lake beneath them was cracking.

Harry stopped, eyes wide. "You guys, get off the ice!"

Hermione laughed slightly, "It's not breaking, just expanding, Harry, ice does that."

Ron looked relieved, but Harry couldn't see Draco's expression.

Actually, he couldn't see Malfoy anywhere. Just his arm sticking out the of snow.


Severus Snape was heading outside to do a quick walk around the Hogwarts grounds. He needed, no, craved fresh air. As he was taking his evening stroll around Hogwarts grounds, he stopped dead hearing a loud cracking sound coming from the lake. His eyes immediately found three Gryffindors, one a little bit away from the others, standing right at the edge of the ice, and a tiny black thing sticking from the snow a little ways in.

He frowned. That tiny black thing was moving. What were those three imbeciles doing? Muttering to himself about them disturbing his stroll, he started a brisk walk towards them.


Harry's eyes widened, a sickly feeling filling him. He gave his friends a disgusted look, and was about to speak when Ron's wand was lifted into the air and a spell was directed at Malfoy.

The Slytherin's body was lifted out of the snow and was now floating in the air, upside down. Harry's eyes widened, further, in horror.

Right then, he snatched his wand from his robes and sent a knockback jinx at Ron, who flew into Hermione. Malfoy started to drop, a loud piercing scream filling the air, one that would strike terror into any mother's heart.

Harry was quick thinking, and quickly cast the same charm Ron did, but instead turning him up right, and lowering him to the ground, approaching him as he did so.

Snape was steadily advancing. Draco's eyes were wide with shock, and he was trembling, his robes soaked and his body cold. Ron was quickly getting to his feet, and offering to help Hermione up. Harry extended his hand to Draco, locking eyes with the blonde, silently calling a truce.

Ron and Hermione were dusting off their robes, and Snape, his eyes blazing with fury, was almost near them.

Draco took the offer, extending a trembling hand, then shaking the Gryffindor's without gratitude, but agreeing to a truce.

Harry released Draco's hand, and turned to his former friends, eyes suddenly blazing with anger. Before he could speak, Ron started yelling in fury.

"I can't believe you! You traitor! I should've known you were in league with Malfoy! I knew you'd turn out to be a Death Eater, since second year when we found out you could speak parseltounge! And then fourth year, when you killed Cedric, and last year when you got your godfather killed. I knew it! You bastard! I can't believe I trusted you for so long!"

Harry's eyes, narrowed into little slits, moved to Hermione, silently asking her to voice her opinion.

Hermione shook her head, "Ron's right, Harry. I should've known something was up when you started acting different, but I was too blind." She looked disgusted, "And I let you hug me."

Harry was about to open his mouth to let out his tirade, when a certain Potions master, who had been standing there since Ron started talking, cleared his throat. "Draco, would you please tell me who your attackers were?"

"W-w-weasley an-d G-Granger." He responded with a weak sneer at the two, teeth chattering.

"Mr. Potter had nothing to do with this?" Snape sounded annoyed.

"N-no s-sir." Draco managed to answer. Severus's gaze hovered on him for a moment before he turned to Hermione and Ron. "25 points each from Gryffindor. One month's detention for both of you. You're lucky the Headmaster wouldn't see this as a fit reason to expel you, because I do." He sneered, then he turned towards the castle.

"Come Along, Draco. We need to get you to the infirmary before you freeze to death." He said icily, and started tot eh school. Draco didn't move, every muscle and bone in his body refusing to. He was too cold. Severus stopped noticing the young man wasn't following, and turned, walking back to him.

Ron and Hermione were already on their way back to the school.

Professor Snape lifted Draco into his arms, arching his eyebrows at Potter.

"I suggest you to inside too, Mr. Potter. Wouldn't want you to catch the flu." He sneered, almost sarcastically, before starting to the school with Draco in his arms.

Harry knelt down and lifted Malfoy's lost wand out of the snow, before retaking stance and shoving it into his pocket next to his. He started to the school, mind reeling. So the Sorting Hat was right. He would've found better friends in Slytherin.


I hope you all liked it. Anyway, as i said before, oen shot. But tell me what you think, I love basking in the glory of reviews.