Before I start, I just want to thank everyone for going along with the scheduling change as far as the elimination went. Sorry I haven't been able to update in a long time. Just getting promoted to editor for my High Schools paper isn't without its cons. Anyway, I just realized that none of my author's notes came out clear. When I wrote them I put them in bold text, which for some reason never showed upon So no all my notes are in . One last note on the elimination rounds; this is the fourth day, designed to test stamina and agility; basically a close combat test without any weapons.

Disclaimer - I own nothing except Aoi Island, the Tournament and OC's

Chapter 16 – Replacement

Author Notes (Character Thoughts)

The sun rose slowly outside Keitaro's window as he slowly stetched out in his 'bed.' Letting a small sigh escape his lips, he sat up, casting a lazy eye out seaward. (God, it's been a tough week, but it's only halfway over. Oh well, that's what I get for agreeing to do this stupid tournament. What the hell was I thinking? Anywhose, I had better wake Kanako.) Finishing this train of thought, Keitaro carefully extraculatedis that a word? from his 'bed,' his ginger muscles moaning with every move. Once standing, the young ronin turned to face his dormant sister, only to find her gone. Standing there for a minute or two, he tried slowly to comprehend this new revelation. And failed. Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to head over to the galley, figuring he would need as much help as he could get to survive today's test. Opting to use as little energy as possible, he merely down a brown jacket with three white vertical stipes running fown each arm think adidasover his shirt and khaki shorts.

Meanwhile, downstairs, in the galley, a fight was ensuing. Members of the Gishibuto and Testyukya families were fighting over postions for food. Thanks to the huge expenditure ooh...big word of food from last night the galley was seriously understocked. Meaning that in order for everyone to get something for dinner, some would not be able to get anything for breakfast. The news had not been conveyed to the families in an effort avouid a fight breaking out because of them fighting to get there first. Of course, this only made the entire affair tha much worse. Thankfully, the non-fighting members of the ship managed to get there fill, leaving the fighters to compete for their place. The Aoyama's, being accustomed to waking early, had all received their food, and several stood gloating at the other competitors. A crowd had gathered, and sat on the other side watching excitedly, waiting for a fight ot break out. They were sorely disappointed, however, when an official entered, followed by two of the judges. Without much delay the contestants settled down, hoping to avoid early elimination for bad sportsmanship.

Of course, it was at this time that Keitaro Urashima, Landlord Extraodinaire, Pervert King, and Contestant number 70, chose to walk in. Casting a curious look about the room, Keitaro was suprised to find all the contestants standing at attention, their food laying forgotten at their tables. On the otherside, the onlookers stood riveted, as if waiting for some exciting conclusion to huge drama. Awkwardly, Keitaro approached a bystander; "excuse me, Ms.or is it Miss., do you know what's going on?" Rapidly, with a slight tilt in her voice, the bystander filled in Keitaro on the situation. Thanking her, Keitaro stood, and started towards the line. Then, thinking better of it, at least after he saw the frightened yet determined faces of the other contestants, he head out towards the deck, opting that he could go for a day without breakfast anyway. Seconds after he left, the room broke out into chatter once again, as the official and judges got their breakfast with the contestants watching, hate radiating in waves from their eyes.

Out on the deck, Keitaro looked for a chair. Finding one with a scenic view of the ocean below him, he sat down and began pondering. As usual when the three time ronin pondered,he failed to register the mass of people that had started to flood the deck and consequently found himself no longer alone at his table. Placing two trays of food on the table, Kistune sat down slowly. Without saying a word, she sat back and gazed a the crystal waters surrounding the pair. Muttering a quick but well appreciated thanks, Keitaro settled once again into silence. The pair sat like this for a moment until a sharp cry pierced the air around them. Snapping out of their reverie, they were confronted with the image if a crying child, screaming her lungs out as her mother tried desperatley to appease her. Slowly, but steadily, words began to formulate themselves and the story behind the tears began to become clear. Because of the fighting over food downstairs, there had not been enough for even all the guests. The girl continued to scream her head off as she begged her mom for the breakfast they had missed. Keitaro, looking at the girl, then at the contestants all around them ignoring her desperate call, came to a conclusion. Taking the tray of food from his table, he carried it over to the crying girl and her mother. Kneeling before the girl, who immediatley stopped crying as the sweet smell of food iinvaded her nostrils. Smiling, Keitaro asked is se was hungry.

"You betcha' mister!"god, that sure sounded lame :(

"Well, tell you what; if you stop yelling at your mom, I'll give you my food." The girl stopped moving for a second, as if pondering her choice. Tilting his head and cocking his eyebrows, Keitaro waited for an answer. Slowly, then faster, the girl nodded her head. Keitaro sighed, and gave her his tray, and stood, ready to return to his own table. As he turned, he caught a thankful nod of appreciation from the girls mother as the child dug in. Without much energy, the young landlord sat back down at his table. Catching Kistune's stare, he nervously asked, "What?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all," came to soft reply as she slid her own tray down to him, "here, it's not like I need it."

"I couldn't." Keitaro said after staring hungrily at the dish. Without pause, he slowly pushed the tray back to her. After staring at it some more, Kitsune reached with a shaky hand and calmly said, "Why not split it?"

145 Minutes Later

Tai looked across the stage, grimacing again as yet another person waved hi to him. He hated these filthy cretinsis that how you say it?. (But,) he thought, (the sooner we get this thing started, the sooner I can be rid of them.) A small smirk splayed itself on his jaw line as he watched the contestant's line up once again. He joined the Urashima family and stood, ready to do whatever it took to ensure his bosses succeeded. He served no other purpose than to please his boss. These lowly maggots have got another thing coming of they think they stand a chance.

A/N – alright, how was that. I know, that really didn't establish much, but I just felt it would be appropriate for character development. Anyway, reviews would be much appreciated.