Hiya peeps. Thanks to all who reviewed my stori..SessRin2003 has always reviewed thank u soo much. *gives u a cookie* an everybody else...sorri if I'm not writin ur names down this time...i'm just to lazii..very very sorri please forgive me.

BTW: Does anyone want me to make this a Jaken/Kikyou fic too? It'd be funni*giggles evilly* o and if u want me to talk about kagome and Inuyasha at home too lemme kno.

Chapter 5: Meeting Miroku and Sango

"*Yawn*" Rin sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So tired." She glared daggers at her alarm clock which had woken her up at precisely 6:45. "Stupid thing." Rin grabbed the clock and threw it into the wall, causing it to beep and the alarm to go off once again. "Aargh!" Rin screamed throwing the pillow over her head. "Dammit!"

"Uh...." A dazed Kikyou yawned. "Swearing is against the morals of all decent human beings...." (It appears that neither is a morning person but then again- neither am I.)

Rin got up, snarling enough to make even Sesshomaru proud. She grabbed her alarm clock, stopped it and walked across to the window. She jerked it open and tossed the thing out, hitting an innocent bird in the process.

"Animal Cruelty. Act 4 Section Fourteen B...." Kikyou murmured before falling asleep once again.

"Hey Kikyou!" Rin snapped. "Don't you have class?" When this earned her a muffled no, Rin shrugged, got dressed and left the room.

In Sesshomaru/Jaken's Room:

Silence. That was all you could hear besides the clinking of some dishes and the microwave going off. Sesshomaru stared mindlessly into space holding a styrofoam coffee cup in his hand. Jaken crept about, grabbing dishes, napkins, forks and setting them up in front of Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru glanced in disgust at the food and pushed it away towards Jaken. This was obviously a ritual that went by every single day.

Finally, after a tense hushed fifteen minutes, Sesshomaru stood up, grabbed his keys and left, unfortunately as of yet, still undressed, only to meet Rin at the door.

"Sesshomaru!" Rin yelped. "What?" Sesshomaru replied sulkily. "Um..." Rin giggled, "your clothes. You might want to get dressed."

"Huh? What? Goddamnit!" Sesshomaru fled back to his room, punched Jaken in the face and then kicked Jaken in the stomach for not telling about his not being dressed, and quickly clothed himself, and then ran outside.

Stumbling out, still blushing slightly Sesshomaru rushed out of his room. Rin was still standing in front of his door with a befuddled expression on her face. "Uh-hi..." Sesshomaru fidgeted, then had to ask: "Was anybody else here? Watching?"

Rin shook her head, biting her lip to keep from shrieking from laughter. Oh, she should have brought her camera! The poor guy, though, she had to admit. Rushing out still in his pajamas, though they were very nice pajamas. Black and silky to the touch. She wondered if his hair would feel the same way.

Sesshomaru fidgeted some more when Rin kept staring at him. Was something wrong? Was his hair messed up or something? "Uh, Rin?" She shook herself, grinned than took his hand. "Come on."

She skipped off down the corridor, now fully awake and cheerful again. "My first class is, um, Ice-Skating. Yippee!"

"Same." Sesshomaru replied. He gently disentangled his hand from hers and simply ruffled her hair slightly. For some reason Rin still reminded him of a child, making him feel protective and kindly towards her. Rin smiled up at him. The moment was broken when loud voices came from behind the corner. Rin and Sesshomaru jumped apart just in time as a tall, pretty, black-haired girl slapped a handsome, brown-haired boy.

"Miroku you hentai!" Sango screeched as she bonked Miroku on the head with her.

"But my dear lady Sango! How could I resist with such beauty as you before me!" Miroku made puppy-dog eyes at her only to be slapped once again. The two stopped their bickering when they saw Sesshomaru and Rin.

"Uh-hello." Sango murmured, bowing, as Miroku and Rin did the same. "I'm Sango. The pervert here is Miroku."

"O how could such a beauty as you say such cruel things?" Miroku sighed then bowed gracefully to Rin.

"I'm sure such a beautiful lady as yourself would never treat someone that poorly. Because I'm so sure of that, there's this question I must ask."

Sesshomaru and Sango both rolled their eyes, while Rin back up slightly, running into Sesshomaru, who whispered in her ear. "He's harmless. Just beat him up when it's necessary."

"My dear lady-" "Rin." Rin supplied.
"My dear lady Rin, would you please bear my child?" Silence reigned for a whole ten seconds, then: "Hentai!" and a great *Slap!*

Sesshomaru smiled slightly. That's my girl he thought. Wait-when did he start thinking of her as his girl? Shaking his head Sesshomaru walked away.

"Come along, Rin." Sesshomaru called. Sango rolled her eyes, then nodded toward Rin. "He's so up and lordly." She remarked. "But go on."

"Yeah." Rin grinned, bowed once again, and then felt something on her butt. "Miroku...." Both girls looked at him and smiled slowly. Miroku grinned frantically. "My dear ladies. How could you not forgive me-"

*SLAP* "HENTAI!" Both girls slapped a dazed Miroku two more times each just for good measure and walked away, noses in the air, after a sweat- dropping Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru." Rin stated calmly. "Yes?" Sesshomaru replied, walking a precautionary five paces away, out of slapping reach.

"Are you Miroku's friend?" Sesshomaru shrugged slightly. "Perhaps." Rin turned on him with ice in her eyes. "Really? Now, Sesshomaru, I really hope you do not develop any Miroku-like tendencies due to your time with him. That wouldn't be good, would it?"

Sesshomaru shivered slightly. Rin was scary! "Of course not." He said brusquely, ignoring the goose bumps on his arms. "Great." Rin said, suddenly bright and cheerful again.

Walking to the classroom, Miroku caught up to them, weaving drunkenly. Sango and Rin automatically snapped their wrists up and smashed him in the face, leaving, once again, a dazed Miroku on the floor. Sesshomaru wisely decided to ignore them.

They stopped in front of a large door. Sesshomaru opened it, and they all went in, Miroku following at a slower pace.

"Wow." Rin said, awed. "This place is huge!" She stared in wonder at the enormous ice-skating rink in front of her. "Nice, huh?" Sesshomaru stepped up beside her. "We'll probably be sorting into groups today."

"Huh?" Rin glanced at him. "By levels. A, B, and C. The teacher will explain it for us." Rin shrugged and went back to staring at the rink. Sesshomaru watched in amusement. Other girls might squeal and smush their faces into the glass coverings of a dress or ring, but not Rin. She looked prepared to just stand there for hours, just gazing at it.

A tall man suddenly skated into the middle of the rink. "Quiet please!" he called. The class, after a moment, did. "I'm Kouga, your ice- skating teacher. Today, you'll be sorting into three groups! There's A, which is the highest level, B, which is medium, amateurish, and C, which means," here he paused and grinned devilishly at them all, "you go home in shame."

"You will each be called up to perform a little presentation, same as the one you did for your auditions to get here. First up, is Kagura Himenti!"

A tall, graceful, black-haired girl with fiery red eyes stepped up, grabbed a pair of skates from under her seat, laced them on and whooshed onto the rink.

"I dedicate this to my dear Sesshy," she said sweetly, glancing at him. A couple people chuckled and Sesshomaru stiffened and glared daggers. Rin looked up at him. "Your girlfriend?" she asked, calmly, though inwardly she was yelling at him.

"No. She just thinks she is." Sesshomaru replied, looking away from her. Meanwhile, Kagura began her little show. Ignoring it, Rin went on, even more calmly if that was possible, "So she only thinks she is? Well, why would she think that if you didn't give her any hints?"

"Shut up." Sesshomaru snapped, "It's really none of your business anyway. You're not even my girlfriend either." Rin smiled coldly. "Yes. It does look that way, doesn't it."

"What do you mean by that?" Sesshomaru said irritably. Rin simply turned away, pretending to watch the show. Sesshomaru sighed in exasperation and watched too.

She really is good, Rin mused as Kagura performed a perfect triple- axle and everybody cheered. When she finished, she bowed and blew a kiss in Sesshomaru's direction. Rin stiffened and glanced sideways at Sesshomaru. He just sat there, ignoring everyone. "Level A!" Kouga said.

"Now for Rin Higarashi!" Rin smiled nervously, laced on her skates and went down the stairs to the rink. The music started. She waited for her cue and then started. She blocked out all the other noises and only thought about skating.

Okay, she thought. Jump here, twist right-now! Turn, lift foot, spin. Bend back and-flip! And so on, until it was over. She stood, there, not even breathing hard, and then winked at Sesshomaru. He was forgiven.

He sat there, and then a glimmer of a smile touched his lips and he applauded, along with the rest of everyone, except Kagura who snarled at Rin. "Level A!"

Rin skipped along, and plopped down next to Sesshomaru. "My, Rin," Miroku said admiringly, "you dance beautifully." "Yeah! You put Kagura the bitch to shame!" Sango put in. Sesshomaru just, glanced around, blushed then kissed Rin on the cheek. (a/n: ooh lala! OOC we knos but w/e)
Rin blushed too and Sango and Miroku grinned. When Sango and Miroku's turns came, she barely noticed though even in her drugged state, she did think they skated very well, and were also Level A's.

When Sesshomaru's turn came, though, Rin instantly snapped out of it. Sesshomaru skated, like-like an angel, graceful and otherworldly. He was a definite Level A, everyone knew it and Rin knew something else too.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed as he came back! "You're the same Sesshomaru!"

And here we stop...because I can't think of anything else. But hey ppl, could u read my other story too? An review of course! Thanx! It's almost X- mas! Hurrah! *dances around randomly knocking various objects over* lol. Don't ferget to review! *waves happily* til next time then!