Right, so this is my first fanfic and me really wants reviews. But no flames please. Also this is AU (if u already didn't kno so yea)

And now the great and almighty Disclaimer: Duh, I don't own Inuyasha, cuz otherwise I wouldn't be writing this would I? DUH DUH and DUH.

Rin is an average girl who has always been in her sister, Kagome's shadow. Rin has always just been "Kagome's little sister" until one day, when she's eight, she sees her first figure-skating competition on TV.

"Oh, look! Kagome! Ice-skating!" Rin yelled, chocolate brown eyes staring hard at the television screen in the living room.

Her now eleven-year-old sister looked up from her math book and tossed her back her black hair. "Oh, cool. Do you wanna learn how to ice skate?"

Rin grinned happily. "Yeah! Can I? Can I? When? Where?"

Kagome got up from her comfy leather chair and said, "Sure, we can go today. Just lemme ask Mom."

So therefore, fifteen minutes later, the family was at the local ice- skating center. Rin was overwhelmed by it all, and hid behind her sister for a while before Kagome pushed her forward and told her to skate.

Rin, started skating hesitantly, falling a couple times, before she started getting used to it, then starting to skate just as good as her sister.

"Whee! This is fun!" Rin cheered as she zoomed around the rink. Unfortunately though, she had never learned to stop, so therefore, she had to learn the hard way. Ouch:(

Sesshomaru, a fourteen-year-old boy skated slowly around the rink, glancing at people here and there. He didn't smile or anything, but his natural grace on the ice showed him to have great potential. He was quite solemn and had, quite frankly, almost no sense of humor. Currently, he was deep in thought, so he was even more irritated (he never got really mad) when a screeching Rin cannoned into him and barreled them both over.

"Owee! Rin's head hurts!" Rin complained. Then she noticed the boy underneath her. Sesshomaru glared, "Ah-hem."

"Eh-heh.Rin is sorry! Sorry really sorry! Don't be angry! *Sniff*" Rin quickly got up and bowed deeply, glancing up every couple of seconds to see how mad he was.

"Uh." Sesshomaru stammered, thinking 'don't cry don't cry' "it's all right."

Rin looked up. "Really? Good!" At this moment, her family raced over.

"Rin! Are you alright? Oh my, we're terribly sorry!" her family hastily apologized to the young boy.

Sesshomaru just shrugged. Rin hid behind him from the accusing looks of her relatives. "Uh-oh." she whispered. Sesshomaru frowned slightly. 'what?' Thinking that Sesshomaru was angry, Kagome stepped forward and dragged Rin back.

"Rin, apologize to-" Kagome glanced at him. "Sesshomaru." He said, answering her unsaid question.

"Sesshomaru, then." Rin glanced at him shyly from under long lashes. "Rin already said she was sorry. Sesshomaru-sama(1) isn't angry right?"

Sesshomaru just shrugged again, but then said, "It's alright."

Rin jumped up and down in glee. "See? He's not angry." She then took his hand in her small one. "Come skate with me, then?"

Sesshomaru sweat-drops. "Um." he glanced around, "Fine." So, they skated, holding hands, Rin happily and not that loudly, too, seeing that Sesshomaru obviously liked his peace and quiet, and Sesshomaru, giving death-glares to one and all who even dared to hint at a smile when they saw the two. (with the family all only a little behind, watching him when they thought he didn't notice, but he did *sweat-drops*)

Well, that's it for the prologue "How Rin Met Sesshomaru" short huh? It'll get better.I hope. By the way,

(1)I'm not sure if sama is only used for royalty or something, or if it's okay for this but if u kno, tell me, k?

And now.review of course! Please please pretty please?