"The Little Sparrow"

Disclaimer: The characters do not at all belong to me, unfortunately. I have merely taken them out to play for a while.

Note: We all know that Captain Jack Sparrow often kept "pleasurable company," and here is what resulted from one of those events.

Warnings: This story is rated PG for suggestions to past sexual activity and very mild and rare profanity.

Chapter One

~She's Yours~

Captain Jack Sparrow strolled, or rather stumbled, about the island of Tortuga. The Pearl was taking a rest stop, as it were, and its captain was out happily seeking rum and women. The rum was down, now for such pleasurable company as his available money could afford. Ah, there were the beauties.

"Wendy!" Jack cried, seeing a familiar form in the shadow. The form came forth into the light and promptly slapped him across the face. Hard. 'You'd think I'd get used to this.' Jack thought. But Wendy did not flounce away in her faded yellow dress. She just stood there, staring Jack in the eye.

"Jack Sparrow! You did this to me!" She said menacingly. Jack swayed backwards, somewhat belatedly, and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, love, I missed something. Did what to you?" He asked. Wendy glared at him and he flinched perceptibly.

"You gave me a child, Sparrow: a daughter. And don't think I want her. She's yours." Wendy stated firmly.

Jack, thoughts of rum and women gone, stood a moment absorbing the load of information he had just heard. A child? He had a daughter?! "How... old?" He managed.

"Two weeks. I have nowhere to put her and I can't work with her around; I can't do anything with a baby, Sparrow! You take her or the streets will."

The first coherent thought that made its appearance in Jack's mind was, 'And to think people like her are considered pleasurable company.' Then, 'I can't leave the girl to die in the streets. I am her father after all... wait...' "Wendy, how do you know that I'm the father?" He asked.

"You're the only one. I couldn't work for a while after you because I got sick, see? You're the only one." She repeated. "And anyway, she looks like you."

Jack tried to imagine a baby girl with his distinctive features, and, after the amount of rum he had imbibed, the results were quite amusing. He chuckled. "Have I really been away from this lovely place so long?" He thought out loud.

"You've been away near ten months now, and don't think we've been sad about it." Wendy said pertly. Jack brushed off the insult: he wasn't too happy to be back himself either, now. Suddenly the effects of having a baby around hit him full force.

"Wendy, what am I supposed to do with a bloody baby? A girl, no less! I'm a pirate! The captain of the Pearl! That's no place for a baby to be!" He cried, becoming somewhat frantic. The other "ladies" gathered about, beginning to get interested in this drama.

"Like I said, you or the streets."

"But, Wendy, love, can't you just... just keep her for a little while? Until she grows up?"

"Sparrow, you take her, or she'll die. I don't want her." Wendy said bluntly. Jack groaned. What would he do with a baby? She couldn't live on the Pearl. There was no possible way. But maybe...

"Alright. She'll come with me, then. Where is she, anyway?" He finally said.

"Follow me."


Wendy led him to a shack of a boarding house a few minutes away. The gaggle of women had stayed behind. 'Waiting for more victims,' Jack thought sourly. When they walked in Wendy's room, Jack noticed a new addition to it: a pile of rags and blankets that apparently served as a bed for the babe, who was at the moment sleeping peacefully.

"She sleeps there? Alone?" Jack asked incredulously. Wendy didn't answer and picked up the infant.

"Here," She said, handing the little girl over. Jack awkwardly caught her, but once she was in his arms, he relaxed into what seemed to be a natural position. He pulled back the blanket from her face with his other hand and stared. She did look like him. He glanced up at Wendy and back down at the girl. She didn't look a thing like her mother. 'Good.' He thought, a mite viciously. Jack looked closer. She was... she was small. And she was beautiful. And she was his: all his own. "What's her name?" He asked softly.

"She doesn't have one. You name her. She's yours now." Wendy said dismissively. Jack gaped. How could you help but name such a gorgeous thing?

"Bloody whore..." He muttered.

"What did you call me?" Wendy demanded.

"I called you a bloody whore! You have to be to be such an awful person as to not love a beautiful child like this!" Jack raised his voice, the rum coming back to haunt him. The girl squirmed in her sleep. Jack turned his attention back to her. He thought on names, and was brought back to the only woman he had ever really admired. Elizabeth Swann. Well, Turner now. But Elizabeth... "Thank you, Wendy. I'll be on my way now." He said.

"Wait, what did you decide to name her?" Wendy asked.

"Elizabeth. My little Sparrow."
