Harry Potter was having another sleepless night. He was listening to his dorm mates' even breathing and sighed. He wished he could sleep as soundly as they did, but he just couldn't. The nightmares constantly chasing him wouldn't let him. He was glad he was finally back at Hogwarts again. This was his home, where he belonged. Yet, nothing was the same as before. Before Sirius died. He stopped crying himself to sleep and the nightmares weren't as frequent as before, but they were still haunting him.

He tossed his covers to the side and slid out of bed as quietly as possible. He slipped his feet into a pair of warm, fluffy slippers and started searching for his Invisibility Cloak. He tried to make as little noise as possible but, as he grabbed his cloak from a chair, the cloak got stuck. It ended with the chair falling to the floor with a loud crash. Harry panicked and hid under his cloak as fast as he could. He could hear Seamus and Dean groan in their sleep, but no one seemed to care enough about the sound to wake up and check what caused it. Harry let out a breath of relief and left the dorm room. Down in the common room he stopped as he noticed there was someone sitting on one of the couches. When he moved closer to take a look, he saw not only one person but two. Namely Ron and Hermione. Hermione was resting her head in the crook of Ron's neck and Ron had an arm draped loosely around her waist. They were both sleeping. They must have fallen asleep while they were studying, judging from the books that were everywhere. A little smile ghosted in the corner of Harry's mouth and he conjured up a blanket and wrapped it around his friends carefully, so they wouldn't wake up. With that done he left the common room.

He was standing by the lake staring at the water and the moonlight that was reflected in it. It was a bit cold, but he didn't mind. It was a welcome feeling. It made him feel alive. Not that he liked pain or anything, but this was something he could actually feel. When Sirius died, a piece of him died with him. The summer was uneventful. The Dursleys were as unpleasant to live with as always, but this time Harry didn't care. He was so numb with pain over losing his godfather, that none of this affected him anymore. Nothing did and it was starting to frighten him. Slowly he was becoming emotionless. He didn't hang out with Ron and Hermione as much as he used to, and they figured he needed a little space after everything that had happened, so Harry found himself spending more time alone than the years before. But this didn't bother him. On the contrary, he felt he needed to be alone. He was glad that his friends weren't constantly asking where he was when he wasn't with them or why he was missing dinner sometimes. He figured Hermione must have talked to Ron about it, because he kind of doubted Ron would have gotten the message on his own.

Harry sighed and sat down on the grass beside his cloak. He figured he wouldn't need it out here, since the whole school was probably sleeping anyway, save Filch and Mrs. Norris who were probably searching the corridors for naughty students such as himself.

Suddenly he felt a burning sensation on his back. It was like someone was watching him from behind. His heart started beating faster and he felt slightly panicked as he turned around to face whoever was looking at him. Suddenly he found himself face to face with a wolf. He didn't move. He wasn't scared, just surprised. Very, very surprised. The wolf was quite big and breathtakingly beautiful. It was as white as snow and almost glowing in the moonlight. Harry had never seen a more magnificent creature. Harry stared into the wolf's eyes. They were like pools of silver and somehow they reminded him of Malfoy. When he taught about that, the arrogant way it was looking at him also reminded of his nemesis. The way it seemed to look down at him like he was beneath it. Yet, it didn't seem to want to attack him or hurt him any way. Harry found himself wanting touch the soft looking fur it was covered in. He lifted his hand slowly, not wanting to scare it. Seeing this, the wolf stepped back, not looking too happy about what Harry wanted to do. "It's okay. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to touch you." He said softly and pleadingly, withdrawing his hand a bit. The wolf seemed to understand, but it was a bit hesitant. "Please? You're so beautiful. I just want to touch you." Harry tried again. This seemed to work, because the wolf moved closer so Harry could touch it.

His hand was slightly trembling with anticipation as he lifted it to the wolf's head. The fur under his hand was so much softer than he expected. He smiled at the sensation and stroked it down to the back. He buried his fingers in the soft fur and found himself turning around completely so he could stoke the wolf with both hands. Suddenly it made some sort of noise and Harry's hand stopped for a second and he looked into the silvery eyes. All the arrogance from earlier was replaced with something that looked like pleasure and happiness. It lifted its head and sniffed Harry's neck. Harry let out a surprised laugh at that and kept stroking it. "You are nothing like him after all. For a moment I thought you reminded me of Malfoy." Harry said in a soft voice. He didn't know why he was telling this. And to a wolf, no less, but he felt he needed to talk to someone who would just listen. He felt the wolf tense a bit at that last sentence, but he wasn't entirely sure it even happened because it relaxed quickly again. Harry sat there for a few hours just caressing the beautiful wolf. Soon he found himself very tired and he almost fell asleep, but he stood and took his Invisibility Cloak. "I have to leave now. I hope I will see you again though." He said and caressed the wolf affectionately one last time before he turned and put on his cloak.

The snow-white wolf heard Harry's steps fade and it just sat there looking at the spot where Harry disappeared for a while. Suddenly it started changing. The fur disappeared, and it got taller and more human-like. Soon, instead of a wolf, a boy with silver eyes and soft silver-blonde hair was standing where the wolf sat. The boy was none other than Draco Malfoy.