Usual Disclaimer: Unfortunately this world and its wonderful inhabitants do not belong to me, they belong to J. K. Rowling, I'm just borrowing them. I am making no money from this it is purely for the enjoyment of those few who choose to read it. Thanks J. K. for lending me your ready made world of magic.

A/N: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For reading this story. If you have been with me from the beginning an extra special thank you to you for putting up with me! It has take a long time but finally we've arrived at the end of the story. I hope you all really enjoyed reading this because I really enjoyed writing it (although I suffered a fair few writers blocks)! Please review and let me know what you thought. And please alert me to any typo's or continuity errors etc throughout the story so I can correct them and repost a perfect version at some point.

As I said Thank you all for reading and reviewing and I hope you continue to read my stories.


EPILOGUE - A Fairytale Ending

The rest of that year at Hogwarts was a kind of mess. With Professors missing and most of the Slytherins having disappeared with what was left of their families, the rest of the student body continued their education as best they could. Examinations were lenient because of circumstances and everyone was happy to graduate and begin their new lives.

The very next year Hogwarts began House integration which was highly successful apart from the odd expected teething problem (a few hexes gone awry and some fisticuffs).

Hermione became a very successful academic writer, authoring such books as 'Hogwarts A Revised History' and 'Animagus Through The Ages'. She also wrote 'fictional' novels following the stories of some young wizards calling themselves the Marauders and a book called 'Just Harry' which contained an edited version of Harry's life story and for which all of the proceeds went to wizarding charities.

She married Ron of course and had plenty of red-headed children with him. Ron made it as the reserve keeper for the Chudley Cannons but works as a Market Researcher for Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes in between games.

Ginny opened an apothecary next door to Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes and does very well selling numerous antidotes to several of Fred and George's products as well as the usual lotions and potions.

Harry and Draco never quite made it away from Hogwarts but instead stayed on as professors for 'History of the Dark Arts' and of course Potions. During the holidays they stay in their beautiful home in the countryside where they can have as much peace and quiet as they wanted.

Draco sold all the Malfoy Family assets with little feeling for them and he and Harry visit Severus' grave whenever they can. Harry scattered Remus' ashes at Hogwarts where he could be free and happy.

Harry proposed to Draco during their graduation ceremony and they had the most beautiful wedding imaginable, their whole family there to support them.

And Draco did in fact win Witch Weekly's Most Dazzling Smile Award for two years in a row before he begged to be taken out of the running.

He and Harry couldn't have wished for a better life.

Professor Dumbledore retired two years after the battle and Professor McGonagall took his place, carrying on the school in his footsteps. Dumbledore enjoyed his retirement for a good few years, enjoying a rather muggle lifestyle (with a few differences of course) before he died naturally and peacefully in his sleep.

Remus and Sirius are together once more, content to be with each other in the after life and watch over Harry and Draco.
