Ron, the Brother

It was one of those days when Harry and he would lay sprawled on their Gryffindor beds, attempting to do damned homework, but always managing to get off-task. Harry lay on his back hugging a gold and red pillow to his chest and staring at the ceiling, while Ron stretched on his bed, pretending to read a massive textbook laid out in front of him, when really his eyes had stopped moving across the page long ago. Typical thinking position.

"Hey Ron?" Harry would ask suddenly.

Ron looked up anxiously from the book, glad to have his attention finally averted. Though... If Hermione came in and caught them off-task, he'd be the one to pay for it. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you a question?" Ron gave Harry a quizzical look. The situation at hand was quite strange indeed. Since when did best friends ask to ask a question? That's the kind of thing you ask your teachers... Or maybe your secret crush. Woah. Ron got off that train of thought.

"Umm... I guess?" He narrowed his eyes at Harry once again, before turning back the same paragraph he'd been on for the past ten minutes.

Harry sat straight up in bed, feeling truly awkward, and trying to figure out how to phrase this delicate predicament. "Hypothetically speaking..."

Ron rolled his eyes, and strapped himself up for a good long healthy dose of gibberish. In other words, he stopped listening.

"You know... Or... Say there's this girl. And this girl is really nice and a lot of guys like her. But her brother is really mean. Or not necessarily mean because a lot of people like him too. And he has a girlfriend. Well... Not really a girlfriend yet, but everyone knows they like each other. And... And he's really overprotective. So now he's found out who really likes his little sister... And... If you were that brother, what would you do?"

Ron blinked. Brother, overprotective, little sister, lots of guys like her... What would he do? "Kill the stupid git."

Harry groaned and flung himself back down on the bed, grabbing the pillow and stuffing it over his face, all in one swift movement. Ron smiled knowingly.

"And I don't like Hermione, Harry."


AN: ...Totally OOC.... But.. Heh. Short sweet Harry/Ron friendship. ^__^ Based off my favorite ships H/G;H/R ... It's 1:00 in the morning by the way. I wanted to point out that Ron's not all THAT clueless... I think he knows a bit about the signs, just not about his own. And... i know its probably physically impossible for Harry to be lovesick, but hell!!! It's a fanfic!! WOO!!! *drinks a coke*