Curiouser and Curiouser

By: The Indigo Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own YJ or Curious George.


"Dude, I think I'm scarred for life." Superboy blinked in astonishment, he wanted to scrub his ears out with sandpaper. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, but knowing the source he wasn't surprised. "When do you have time to think up all this stuff?"

Robin gave a derisive shrug, "I was trained by the Bat, you'd be surprised what I could piece together. And besides it's pretty obvious, I figured you would have caught on to it by now."

"Caught on to what?" Wonder Girl had been walking by when she had heard the conversation between the two. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, then again maybe she did, but her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"I'm tellin' ya Cass, you don't wanna know."

Cassie arched an eyebrow at Superboy, "How bad can it be? What were you two talking about anyway?"

Tim took a deep breath, "Well it all started when Kon and I got into a discussion about cartoons. Then I told him about how I used to watch Curious George until I found something out about him."

Cassie looked at Tim steeling herself for the worst. "Ok, Tim, what did you find out?"

"I found out how 'curious' George was." She said nothing nodding her head for him to continue. "Well I see it as this, and this is strictly a Freudian point of view on this. George has a fascination with bananas, that's why he followed the Man In The Yellow Hat around, to him he was a walking talking banana. But bananas are often confused with other images, and it wasn't until I was in psych class when it hit me. The banana represented a phallic image, meaning that George had an obsession with phalluses. So in a sense George was gay, or at least bi-curious, hence the title 'Curious George.'"

Cassie looked at Tim horror, dumbstruck. Managing to blink several times she then realized that she had stopped breathing. "Oh my gods, were you an abused child? How could you ever think of something like that? I think I may need therapy now."

Superboy, who had been quiet for many moments, finally chimed in. "I told you, didn't I?"

"I think I may be sick, I can never look at that cartoon the same way again."

Ray, who had a beverage in hand, walked by and looked at the trio. "Look at what the same way?"