A/N ^_^ This is the TF: Armada fic that I came up with after watching TF: Armada for a while. It's my first fic, and it's not great, but anyway, it's posted, so...make me happy and read it? Comments, constructive critisms and what-not are welcome. Heck, flame me, if you really think it sucks. Just please, tell me why it sucks, so I can get better^^ Forgive me if the spacing is a little messed up, I'm still figuring out how to do it right.

Thanks. Oh, and 'Vione' is pronouced Vee-Oh-Nay, okay?

Disclaimer: I don't own TF Armada, and I don't pretend to. *glares at Transformers lawyers* Now GO AWAY!!! *lawyers walk away, grumbling* All I own are my characters, Sasha, Saria, and Spinout.

            "Heads up!" Sasha Vione cried, enjoying the thrill as her dirt bike hit another small hill. The wind tossed her blonde braided hair, causing even more strands to come loose. Behind her, second dirt bike roared in challenge. Hitting the same hill, Saria, Sasha's best friend, laughed as her green and blue dirt bike caught up to Sasha's blue and white one. Both girls pulled up on a rise, lifting their goggles off to rest on top of their helmets. Saria took her helmet off, shaking her shoulder length brown hair out.

            "Time to head back?" she asked, quieting the motor of her bike.

"Nah. We've got a few hours of daylight left, might as well use 'em."

            "Or, we could go home and you could finish your essay..." the brunette trailed off as Sasha rolled her eyes and grinned.

            "I've got all night to finish that. I'm almost done anyway. I know you had yours done for days."

            "I finished it early, so what?" Saria said indignantly.

            "Oh, nothing," Sasha said, "It's just you ALWAYS finish so early!"

            "And you always finish stuff the night before it's due. Point being?"

            "That I wanna stay out while the daylight lasts," Sasha said, "You can go if you want to..." Even as she said it, she knew Saria would say no.

            "If you're staying out, I might as well, too, " Saria said, then grinned. "It's not my essay, anyway."

            "Yay!" The blonde's eyes took on a mischievous look. "Shall we go cliff-jumping today?"

            Saria's voice of reason returned. "Ohhh no, you nearly scrapped your bike last time, you idiot!"

            "Oh, come on, it wasn't THAT bad," Sasha said airily, "I just scratched the paint a little."

"You hit your back tire on the edge and nearly ran into the rocks on the other side!! You call that 'scratching the paint'?!"

"Uh, yeah...maybe," Sasha pulled her goggles down again.

            "You just got it fixed! Sasha, don't you dare." Saria said warningly. Sasha turned long enough for Saria to see the challenging in her eyes and hear her say in a rebellious tone,

            "Watch me."

            "Sasha!" Saria yelled after her friend as she sped off down the rise and towards the broken ground. "I'll run her into the rocks myself when I catch up," she muttered, putting her helmet back on and tuning her engine to life again before chasing after the other girl.

            Sasha's eyes grew icy with determination as she neared the cliff 'This time,' she thought, 'I'm going to clear it completely.'  She almost had last time, too. If only her back tire hadn't hit the edge of the other cliff.

'And I did *not* almost smash into the rocks.'

The jump loomed ahead. Her thoughts were taken from the cliff, however, when the ground began to shake.

"What the--?" Sasha yelped as a few rocks tumbled from their place and crashed to earth beside her. She pulled up short and looked around. "I-it's an earthquake!" she gasped. The sound of a second engine caused her to turn in her seat.

            "Sash, we'd better get out of here!" Saria said, and this time, Sasha listened to the voice of reason.

            "Yeah, I think you're right," she nodded, turning her bike around. The two girls raced from the cliffs, heading back towards flatter ground. As they got further away, the rumbling became less and less strong, until it vanished completely. They stopped on the outskirts of the plain they'd been dirt-biking in.

Sasha removed her helmet and tucked it under her arm. "What the heck was that?" she asked.

            Saria shrugged. "I don't know."

            "Kind of freaky, huh? I've never seen such a short earthquake...if that's what it was," Sasha added.

            "Yeah..." Saria seemed uneasy, "Listen, I've gotta get home. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure. Keep an eye out for anything about that quake, okay?"

            Saria gave Sasha a thumbs-up, then turned and drove away. Sasha watched for a minute, then looked back to where the earthquake had been.

            "I wonder..." she began out loud, and glanced around. It could be dangerous, she knew, going back to where the ground had been rumbling. "Aw, what's the harm in just checking it out? The essay can wait," Sasha said, placing her helmet on her head again, "Besides, I'll be quick."     

            Five minutes later, Sasha stood at the exact cliff she'd been at before. The rocks were still, and the ground looked relatively untouched.

            "Huh. There's nothing here," the blonde noted, climbing off the bike. She set her helmet on the handlebars and brushed a few stray hairs out of her eyes. "Not a thing."

            Curiosity still peaked, Sasha left her bike and began climbing down the slope to the valley below. "Maybe something happened down there..." she mused, gingerly making her way to a flatter surface, where she could walk. Down here, it was easy to see that the ground had been disturbed, and recently.

            "Wow. What the hey went on here?"

There was black stuff on some of the rocks, and a lot of the ground had indents in it, like something really heavy had been on it. What startled her most was that some of the surrounding cliffs looked like they had been blown apart, and they were black, too.

            "Well, this is weird."

Without warning, a jet zipped past overhead, alarmingly close. It vanished just as fast.

 'What was-'  Before the girl could finish that thought, she heard an explosion. The ground began to tremble again.

"Holy heck," she gasped, "What's going on?!"

Another blast flashed, closer this time. Sasha yelped as the cliff beneath her crumbled, and she tumbled head over heels down the slope. Pieces of rock fell down around her as she landed with a crash at the bottom.

 "Ouch…" she groaned, "That wasn't fun."

The jet screamed across the sky again, this time accompanied by a helicopter.

"Are we under attack or something?" Sasha asked aloud, bewildered. A huge rumbling caught her attention, and she turned to see an enormous tank roll up a few hundred feet away.

 "Transform!" it yelled, and in seconds, a giant robot stood in the tank's place. Sasha's jaw hit the ground.

 "I'm dreaming, right? This isn't real," she said, and pinched herself. It hurt. And the big mech was still there. To top it all off, it was glaring at her. Instinctively, Sasha backed up, only to fall over her own feet. 'Holy crap, holy crap, holy CRAP!'  her mind screamed over and over. The robot reached for her, its big hand casting a shadow over the girl. Sasha was too stunned to move.

Suddenly, a tremendous crash was heard and the hand was withdrawn. A second robot stood there, this one red, blue and silver, with piercing yellow eyes. The first one growled, obviously unhappy at this new robot's arrival.

"Optimus Prime!" it said.

'Oh my gosh, it talked. I'm officially freaked out now,'  Sasha thought, her traitorous body still refusing her brain's commands to move.

The red robot's gaze was frosty as he stood in front of the former tank. "Still picking on humans, Megatron? Why not pick on someone your own size?"

The one called Megatron drew himself up to his full (and considerable) height, and without another word, the two titans clashed. Metal strained as they clasped hands and began a battle of strength, each trying to force the other back.

Sasha looked up at the two massive beings fighting in front of her and decided this was not a good place to be. Finally, she lurched to her feet and ran for shelter near the cliff she fallen from. Pressing her back up against the rock, the girl tried to convince her heart rate to return to normal; it felt like her heart was going to jump right out of her chest. She spotted the helicopter again; it was firing at a yellow sports car that was tearing up the ground, dodging the blasts that exploded all around it. The red jet Sasha had seen before landed and changed, just as the tank had, into a robot. He pulled some sort of sword from his wing and faced off against an orange robot with a crane on his shoulder. An emergency SUV drove up behind them.

Something else thundered across the sky. Sasha looked up, and her mouth fell open for the second time that day.

"A-a space shuttle?! " she gasped. Indeed, a white space shuttle traded fire with a fighter jet. From where she stood, hidden, Sasha could see some of the giants were emblazoned with a red mark, while others displayed a strange violet symbol.

"Vehicles turning into giant robots and then duking it out. Yeah, I definitely want to go home now," Sasha decided, and turned, glancing up the cliff. It didn't look like an easy climb, but considering her options, she'd take what she could get. Ignoring the sounds of blaster fire and strains and grunts of combat around her, Sasha started her ascent. The ground still shook, sending rock and dirt in showers down on her. Hauling herself over the ledge, she looked around wildly for her dirt bike. Spotting it only a short distance away, unharmed, the girl heaved a sigh of relief. She began running towards it. A minute later, she tripped over something and went sprawling.

"Owww...." she muttered, "What did I trip on now? I'm not this much of a klutz..." Her eyes fell on a piece of something green sticking up out of the ground. Crawling on her hands and knees, she made her way over to the green something-or-other. "What's this?"

Sasha tried to lift it, but it was stuck fast to the ground. Curiosity getting the better of her again, she began to dig it out. When she'd cleared the dirt away, Sasha saw that she held a green panel, marked with an 'M'.

Suddenly, the panel lit up and began to glow with multicolored lights. Sasha dropped it in shock.


Apparently, this was her word of the day. She quickly backed away. The glowing panel's colors turned digital, and a shape began to form. Within seconds, it revealed itself to be a small robot, similar to the ones she'd seen fighting. Only, compared to those, this one was tiny, a bit shorter than her. It was purple and white, with what looked like small guns of some sort attached to its forearms and a light purple visor sitting on its head. It didn't appear to react to her at all.

"Uh...hello?"  'Wait a sec, why am I talking to it ?! '

To her surprise, two glowing circles appeared on the face, and the robot turned and looked at her. Sasha froze. Those guns on its arms looked like they could do some damage. However, the little guy didn't seem all that interested, instead turning away and looking at her bike. Sasha watched as it approached the dirt bike, and its head began to spin. A white light passed over her bike, and when she looked back at the newcomer, it had changed somewhat. Now there were wheels on its back and handles behind its legs. A white stripe ran down one side.

"Weird...what'd you do?" Sasha said, not really to the robot as much as to herself. The robot turned and beeped at her. Amazingly, the girl was able to decipher what the beeps meant.

"Me? I...my name is Sasha. I'm a human," she said, cocking her head to one side. Whatever this thing was, it clearly didn't want to hurt her, and it seemed a heck of a lot more friendly than the huge mechanical bots fighting below. "What are you?"

Beep, click. Bleep, bleep.

"A minicon? And that would be...?"

More beeping.

"What do you mean, a transformer? You're not really helping, here."

It pointed back over the ridge. Like them

"Whoa, wait. You know them? And they're called transformers? Oh gee, now it all makes sense." Sasha muttered sarcastically. She sighed. "Let's start small. Do you have a name?"

I'm called Spinout it beeped in answer.

"Spinout, huh? And you're a minicon. What's that?"

A special type of robot, from-- the purple and white 'minicon' interrupted itself with frantic beeping that Sasha couldn't understand.

"What? Slow down!"

The minicon trembled and waved an arm in the air, pointing with the other at the cliff behind the girl.

"What's wron-" Sasha turned around as the wind picked up and began to tear at her clothes. A second later, the helicopter appeared over the edge and changed into a robot with a shout of "TRANSFORM!"

"HOLY HECK!" Sasha yelled. Spinout beeped in fear and dismay. The big robot was laughing.

"Megatron, sir! I've found the minicon!!" it spoke.

"It wants you?" Sasha asked her newfound companion.

Yes, but I don't want to go with him! He's a Decepticon!

"A Decepti-what?" Things were moving too fast. The helicopter-bot brought his weapons up. 

            A/N Oh boy, Sasha and Spinout are in trouble. Will they escape?

            ........................You'll just have to wait and find out, won't you? ^_^

            Sasha: Was that supposed to be a cliffie?
            SIA: Yes............

Sasha: Because it wasn't a very good one.
SIA: Oh, zip it. I'm new at this, okay?

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