Author: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

K.K. Slider: And this is good news?

Author: Yepper doodle!

K.K. Slider: Oh my god.

Author: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, you're such a silly doggy!


Author: A silly doggy!

K.K. Slider: -_- Whatever. Anyway, this story was going to be a word by word explained battle story. But it's not anymore, just when the four characters meet and maybe the final battle. I really couldn't think of anything else. Please give it a chance!

Author: I don't own Fire Emblem.

~Chapter Three: Glory Days Gone~

"The letter said that they lived in the Sacae." Kent looked from the map. "And here we are in Sacae, but I wonder where in Sacae. Where do you think they...Sain?" He looked to his side. Sain was gone. Oh no, not again. Kent began looking for green armor or a beautiful woman. Sain wasn't that hard to figure out.

He saw green. Green hair and green armor. Kent hurried over. "-with your name, or better yet, your company?' His usual catch phrase. Kent looked at who he was flirting with. A...Sacaen? Unusually, he stuck with people of his own country. But...she was very beautiful. For a brief second Kent wished he could just act like Sain and tell what he felt

"Who are you?" She was giving a look that just said "Leave me alone", and yet he persisted.

"I am Sain of the Caelin Knights, home of brave hearts!" Kent hoped he could get there before she smacked him. Most thought Sain cute, until he said something. But ALL thought Kent the dearest thing, much to Sain's envy.

"More like, Home to Loose Tongued Oafs,'" she countered. Sain was taken aback. Most women he knew would just glare at him and leave. Kent was practically running now.

"Excuse my companion for his behavior," Kent said, bowing slightly. Sain looked at him.

"No way, I saw her first!" Now she looked furious.

"Apparently there are no decent men among Caelin Knights! Come on, Sorrow," she said to the girl behind her, "let's leave." Kent glared at Sain.

"You oaf! I'm not like you!

`"I thought-"

"No Sain! I'm not a pervert. I am focused on our mission...wait...our mission..." He looked at Lyndis. Could it be?

"Ke-Kent?" He looked at Sain. "I heard a yell. We had better go see what the problem is..."

Good idea. For once.


"Father, please!" Marquess Pharae just laughed. Eliwood couldn't help frowning at him. "Father! Stop laughing!" He shook his head. "I don't see what's so funny Eliwood stiffly remarked.

"Eliwood, when you say that, I think, is this the son I raised? And I can't help laughing." Eliwood frowned again.

"But it isn't funny."

Marquess Pharae laughed again. "Not to you, but to me."

"Father! Please grant me leave to search Lycia! Hector could join me, Marcus could come, I know he's my caretaker and a good knight so he could-"

"Yes. Eliwood." Eliwood beamed.