Author: My first Fire-Emblem story! Whoo!

K.K. Slider (disclaimer): Yea, so be nice.

Author: I'm on the last chapter in Eliwood's Story. Right now, I've tried beating it, like five times.

K.K. Slider: Do ya'll know how hard it is to imagine them fighting valiantly when suddenly whoosh.Eliwood just died.

Author: Eh. Obviously, you aren't going to do your job so I'll say it: I DON'T OWN FIRE EMBLEM! NINTENDO AND SOME OTHER PEOPLE DO. NOR DO I OWN THE NAME K.K. SLIDER! There. I've said my peace. NOW GET READING!

~*Chapter 1: Innocent Child*~

Lycia, 998 years
After the Scouring

"C'mon Kent, let's go!" A young boy with brown hair and brown eyes called to his friend. The six-year old stomped impatiently on the ground. His redheaded, more serious friend looked dubiously at the mini-forest ahead. True, he had always wanted to go in the forest but, yet he thought Sain's mother had a point when she said they might not be ready to go in. But then why had she granted permission? Who knew. "Kent, hurry up!" Sain jumped up and down. When looking at the two, one might say Kent was eight and Sain was four. But in reality, Kent was only two months younger than Sain. Sain pushed his hair from his eyes. He was in desperate need of a headband.

Kent sighed. "Hold on, I'm coming."


"My, your hair is beginning to become much too long to keep down like this," a mother commented, pulling a brush with some difficultly through her daughter's long green hair riddled with dirt and grass from rolling in the Saece Plains all day. The small girl beamed.

"Me and daddy were playing outside and I saw a baby fox. It was cute and let me touch it."

Her mother laughed a pleasant, melodic sound. "Sounds like you and daddy had fun outside. She herself had also been wandering the plains, only with her light Katana sword, the Broken Hand. "Hmm, is that someone at the entrance? Her daughter, whose hearing wasn't as sensitive, cocked her head towards the door.

"I don't hear anything," she commented, snapping her head back into place, causing her mother to jerk the brush through a knot. "OW! That hurt!" she complained, rubbing her scalp furiously.

"Oh, Lyndis, if you hadn't moved you head, it wouldn't have hurt so much." She sighed quietly as she restarted to brush her hair.


"Eliwood, may you please stop bouncing on the bed?" Her six-year old red- headed son abruptly stopped jumping on his knees and looked at his mother. Her longish hair was dark purple and in a loose braid (I think). The quiet queen of Pherae had been lying in her bed, reading, when Eliwood had entered and begun bouncing. Eliwood slipped off the bed and walked to the other side and got back on next to his mother.

"Whatcha reading?" he asked, looking at her book.

His mother smiled at his language. His schooling was to begin soon, but still, she dearly hoped her son would keep his childish innocence. Her husband, Elbert, scoffed at the nobility rules and only used them in the presence of other royals. She had been raised in the castle so all she knew was the nobility rules.

Eliwood snuggled up to his mother. "I love you, mommy."

She kissed the top of his head. "I love you, too." (Kind of short, kind of sappy but please-I couldn't think of much.)


"And, and then, we saw a serpent! Can you believe it!?" Sain and Kent had just gotten back from the forest and now an overexcited Sain was telling his mother about their adventure. Kent however, wasn't thrilled. He had been scared to death-and even now he had to try hard not to cry.

"How about you, Kent? Did you have fun?"

Kent started to nod his head-for the sake of Sain-then he stopped. "No, I didn't!" burst out of him, along with the tears he had been holding. He sat on the floor, sobbing. "Oh dear," Sain's mother said and sat on the ground and held Kent. Sain stood in the background, looking bewildered.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Sain demanded, looking bewildered and frustrated.

Kent gave Sain a one-eyed teary glare. "I-I did!" he said furiously, and kicked Sain in the leg. Sain immediately sat on the ground and started wailing, not from pain in particular, but more the hurt of his best friend mad at him.

Sain's father entered the kitchen, yawning. "Wh-what's going on?" he managed to sputter through yawns.

Sain's mother smiled at him over Kent. "We seem to be having a little trauma here." She straightened Kent and looked at him and gently asked, "Sweetie, do you want to go home?" Kent nodded and sniffed. "Okay, Kai, Sain, I'll be right back," she said as she put on her traveling cloak and disappeared with Kent into the frigid night.

[Not bad for a first chapter, eh?]