Disclaimer: don't own Trigun.

THis is a little poem I wrote a couple of month back, think of it in Knives' POV and he falls in love with a beautiful lady. Hmm? What do you think of that? Once I can think of a good plot I might just make a K\OC story. If you can think of anything feel free to give me some ideas.

Love After Pain

I have caused so much pain.
With no waking remorse.
for those I have slain,

It's to late to change the course,
of my deeds.
And now I live with their pain eating at my soul.

Every life I took planted seeds.
in my mind that was black as coal.
And they grew.
To the point that I saw those I hurt.

It scared me so, that I threw,
away my weapons of of everlasting hurt.
And ran till I could not move.

Then there you were, bold.
telling my that i could love.
to melt my heart of cold.

And as you held me your arms
the pain went away.

And I was at peace, away from harm.
All my nightmares castaway.

I wanted to die
My last feelings that of peace.

I wanted to die
in your arms of realease.

I didn't want to go back
to feel that pain crash down around me
where their unending attack
was a collage of a bloody sea.

But fate wanted me to live
But there you were to help me through my pain,
as much as it hurt you would not give
into the hate of what I had done.

You were there for me,
teaching me that love was not immpossible.
After all I had done.