Summary: Lyserg follows Hao into the forest hoping that he can finally have his revenge. But worst comes to worst he ends up vulnerable infront of of Hao. Will the brunette take this as an advantage to seize to boy, or is his nature to do something else.

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first Hao/Lyserg fic so please be kind. I know the pairing sounds a little off; I doubt if it's even possible but it's worth a try right? Please read and review!

Sorry if the characters are a bit OOC.

Genre: Romance/ Angst


I can't believe him how can he be so calm, so composed, it seemed as if he already has the world within his grasp………Hao Asakura. I admit he IS strong and it may take me a million years to actually defeat him. Shit! Yoh can't even lay a finger on him without being crushed to the ground by the fire spirit………what more can a pathetic weakling like me do?

Hao………he killed both my father and my mother leaving me with nothing but pain and sorrow. We had long lost our abode; I watched it burn in along with my parent's corpses during that time, so basically I had no other choice but become a wandering street rat. I swore revenge on that bastard ever since. I had always pictured those ominous eyes of his, the long lustrous hair, and the innocence of his façade, it never faded in my mind. I always wished and hoped that one day I will be able to defeat him with my very own hands.

Yes, I had considered joining the X-laws several times but then I met Yoh before that ever came true. Yoh had the same traits as Hao, they looked so similar but of course I was to adolescent then to know that they were actually brothers. Anyways, Yoh taught me so much, if I say so myself, he taught me friendship and trust not to mention inner strength. I respected him for this, but I still had my own beliefs.

Such Mannerisms can never defeat Hao, it can never be implemented in battle. Since in battle there are only 2 things. The weak that dies, and the strong that survives………I was ready to give my all simply to take the brunette on. But I never taught………not once expected—


"Lyserg- kun! Lyserg- kun!" Ryu cried out as he shook the boy out of his trance.

"Go-Gomen! You were saying something?" Lyserg asked innocently as Ryu whipped the fake tears in his eyes with the long sleeve of his suit. "Ano………did I do something wrong?" the boy asked worriedly.

"Lyserg! I'm so glad! I thought you would never wake up!!!" Ryu cried out, taking the opportunity to hold the boy into a tight embrace.

"Ryu-san! I'm fine really!" the boy replied assuringly trying to push the older man away. True, Ryu was once of his so called friends, but he hated the attention. He hated being embraced for that matters being touched.

"Lyserg?!" Manta whispered

"I said I was fine!" Lyserg almost shouted but tried hard as to compose himself.

"You were spacing out! You call that fine?" Ren barked irritably

The boy looked down "I'm sorry it's just that I have a lot in my head lately. I didn't mean to raise my voice" he continued feeling reluctant when Yoh suddenly patted him in the shoulder.

"Daijobu, Lyserg-kun! I think I understand you. I mean we're all in deep thought lately, not to mention we've been sleeping in the woods for more than a week now" the Shaman stated

"And we hadn't have any decent food for that past week too!" Horo Horo complained interrupting the conversation.

"Yah, that too. Um, Its fine to be stressed Lyserg. Just be careful, wild animals are lurking around this forest more that just often." Yoh murmured as the boy nodded in apology. " I think we're near a village though maybe we can stop there" the shaman continued

"Really? Yaaaay!" Horo Horo cheered as he jumped up and down

"What an idiot!" The Chinese muttered

"What did you say?!"

Ren glared at the ainu "Are you deaf or something? I said you were an IDIOT! A juvenile freakish IDIOT!"

"You're just jealous, atleast I'm not the one wi-with that thing sticking out of my head!" he countered pointing at the others stylish hairdo

"Leave my hair out of this!!!"

"Hmm………tell me little Ren Tao, are you actually gay?" Horo Horo smirked only to be glared at.

"Who are you calling gay!?!"

"Who else, you're the only stuck-up person around here not to mention extra vain!"

"It's called hygiene! Well I don't blame an indigenous like yourself, you probably had no idea whatsoever on sanitation" The Chinese shaman replied proudly

"Hmph! Arrogant bastard"

"You're the only bas-" Ren exclaimed preparing his glaive for the kill

"Re-Ren sto-stop that!" Yoh held him down.

"Shut up Yoh! I'll kill this blue haired freak!" he fumed as the ice shaman stuck his tongue out and made faces that got the other much more furious.

"They're so much like kids" Manta sighed as he watched the scene. Ryu nodded in reply and turned hoping to see his green haired friend behind him

"Lyserg-kun you wanna walk for a while?" he asked only to realize after a few minutes later that he had been talking to thin air. Lyserg was gone.



I couldn't stand all their meaningless bickering. They kept blabbing, mocking, whining and even cursing at one another it was sickening. It had always been the same routine eversince. Ren and Horo Horo fight, Yoh becomes their mediator, they become friends, and the cycle continues.

I envy them though, because despite the fact that they spent so many troubles they still have that unusual strength to laugh and play. I on the other hand took everything seriously. I was the phlegmatic kind of person. I felt as if everything was out to get me, I felt like I carried the world in my shoulders.

I felt almost dead………I hated Hao, blamed him for everything, why didn't he kill me back then with my parents? Why did he want me to experience such torment further?

I sat down in the grass with my head on my knees. I listened to my surroundings, there were birds cooing, the breeze blowing among the leaves, the river flowing, not to mention I can still the pointless squabbling of 2 shamans, my so called allies, friends? I'm not really sure………

After a few moments I realized Morphin pulling the hem of my shirt. She was looking at me in full concern and I knew she hated the fact that I was keeping secrets from her.

"I'm fine Morphin, I just can't stand to much noise" I murmured thought I doubt she bought it as she gave me an angry look. "Hahaha I guess you know me really well………" I smiled "I'm sorry, I guess my mind is still wandering, thinking………about him" I said truthfully as the fairy sat on my shoulder, not that I minded.

She gave me an appeasing look as if saying that I should go back, Yoh and the others are worried. I smiled then hesitantly stood up. "You go ahead" I informed her "I'll just wash my face in the brook, then I'll follow" I continued as she simply nodded and sauntered away.

Morphin, she was the only one I trusted, she was the only one that cared for me, she was my family………

I knelt down in the edge of the brook then I took a handful of water and splashed it in my face. It was cold yet refreshing all the same. A few minutes later I heard footsteps then --

"Hao-sama! Matte!" My eyes widened as I heard the small voice call out from the clearing not too far away. Hao? If I'm not mistaken that voice belonged to Hao's little slave, Opacho. So that bastard is here, I won't waste this opportunity to meet with him, kill him even.

I went deeper in the woods were I thought I had heard the lithe voice. I felt uneasy 1. it was unusually dark along that secluded area 2. I felt eyes intently watching me from within the darkness and 3. I sensed something following, something big and ominous.

I quickened my pace, but as I went deeper I felt somewhat nervous. Morphin wasn't with me, I had no weapon to protect myself to think that thing behind me was growing nearer. Shit! How can I be such a dumbass to act so carelessly? Well there's no turning back now………was there………


It had been only been 10 minutes or so when Lyserg started his little escapade but for him it seemed like he had been walking there for hours. 

"It's coming………" the boy mumbled to himself as he wiped the sweat in his face with his sleeves. He took out an old dagger from his jacket and readied himself in an attacking stance. As if by cue a large creature leaped from the bushes.

Lyserg's eyes widened in shock and horror, never in his life had he encountered such an animal. It's body consisted of a lion in the front, a goat in the middle and a serpent behind. He never even thought this kind of creature existed.



" Hao-sama!" Opacho called out rushing out of the woods carrying a basket of different kinds of wild fruits. I smiled at him gratefully as I took the heavy basket from him and placed it in the rags scattered along our camp.

"Opacho? You were followed. " I said, calmly as the boy looked at me eyes wide in shock.

"Bu-but? There was no one there or so I thought" he muttered nervously. I knew he was panicking inside; he never really did want to displease me.

"Its alright Opacho! I'm not mad!" I assured him "But can I ask you a little favor?"

"Anything for Hao-sama!"

I smiled at him happily "Ano………Can you gather some medicinal herbs in the forest, and cold water?"

"What for Hao-sama?"

"Um………You remember when I told you, you were followed, that intruder is now up against a chimera which had been residing in the nearby caves. As I can see the little intruder is being beaten up pretty badly"

"Huh? I don't get it. You want to save him?"

Again, I smiled at my slave "You're mistaken Opacho, this intruder is or was an acquaintance of mine………"

"I see." The boy finally nodded and went his way. I sat calmly in a large rock as fire spirit emerged behind me. I glanced over at him as he gave out a growl

"Shall we go?" I muttered as I rose to my feet and making my way to the woods where the boy was………Lyserg Diethel………



Lyserg was badly injured since the Chimera had pounced on him with great speed that he barely even noticed till he felt his right arm being torn apart. The hysterical growling of the beast was deafening and it gave Lyserg a headache not to mention its vile odor made the boy nauseas. 

The Shaman positioned himself again, while holding his broken arm. He knew it was futile to fight any further since the Chimera would kill him all the same. He's vision was starting to get blurry as he felt another intense blow along his nape. He tried to stand up, but the best he could to was a kneeling position in which his left knee supported his body.

"(Is this my end?)" Lyserg murmured to himself, summoning the last bit of strength he had

"So you'd rather die here and now?" a familiar voice mocked as Lyserg adverted his gaze on the intruder.

"What are you doing here? Have you come to kill me?" the boy growled

Hao grinned, "Kill you? You're the one that wants to kill me!" the brunette replied pretending to feel hurt.

"……………Why can't you just leave me to die!?!" the boy sobbed.

"You want to die that badly?" Hao glanced at him

"……………" Lyserg was speechless, Of course he wanted to die, His life was meaningless or so he thought it was. After a moment of thinking Lyserg realized the creature he was up against earlier was snarling like mad. It was visibly clear that it was angry since Hao, had interrupted it with killing its prey.

It bore it sharp fangs at the brunette and charged directly at him. "Hao!" Lyserg cried out, not even realizing what he had said rather to whom he had addressed it to!

Hao merely glanced over the chimera with seemingly boredom, raised his right hand and before they new it the beast had been eaten up by an inferno. The brunette once again looked down at the boy his eyes were sweet and composed.

"Why did you do that?" he questioned playfully

"D-do what?!"

"Call out to me? I thought you wanted me dead!"

"It was an accident………"

"Was it?"

"Shut up! I can't even die without seeing your face!?" Lyserg shouted out, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Why don't you just kill me like you did to my parents?" he sobbed

Hao frowned at this and knelt down adjacent of the boy. It wasn't his fault he had to kill Lyserg's parents. He would have left those fools alone but no, they had to act so tough and hunt him down. That's right, Lyserg's parents were part of a Mafia, that was out to kill him but of course it only resulted to futility (Of course the boy never knew anything of that) "If you want to die so badly—" Hao began "Why don't you kill yourself"


"Or is it because you fear death?"


"Do you want me to help?"


"I would personally send you to the depths of hell if you want but—"


"It's a pity you should die"


"Lyserg Diethel" Hao murmured keeping that same innocent smile as within less that a minute the fire spirit ascended behind him………


A/N: Please read and review.