DH88- Well! At long last I've updated! It's been far too long...

Draemen- And not a moment to soon... Have you seen the cobwebs inside your skull? Yeesh...

DH88- Well, thanks for that... I think?

Draemen- C'mon, just say it, you know you want to.

DH88- And I shall. It's great to be back, and without further adue...


Disclaimer: Oh come on... Just read the story...

Bring It!

"Grampa!", yelled Pan, now that Goku was about ten meters away. The sun was now just sitting atop the horizon, gazing down upon the three in the forest. The local wildlife was waking up all around them, and the sky above them was cloudless. Pan and Draemen stood beside the river, looking up to the man lowering himself down to them. Draemen kept a small smile on his face, while Pan's wide smile remained a constant.

"Hey Grampa! Ready for that spar you promised me?" yelled Pan. Goku landed on the ground with his hand scratching the back of his head, and a sweatdrop appeared on his face. He clearly hadn't remembered, but he tried as hard as he could to cover it up.

"Uh… Yeah! Of course I remembered Pan! Since when do I ever forget?" said Goku, still rubbing the back of his head. Pan started to giggle, and Draemen permitted a small smile onto his face. Goku looked a little confused, looking from Pan to Draemen and back again.

"Hey, what's so funny?" he asked, with a small discouraged look on his face. Pan stopped giggling and answered him.

"I never said you did forget Grampa, you just let that out all on your own." She said, smiling at him. Goku looked at her with wide eyes, but then slowly regained his composure.

"Note to self," he thought, "Think before you speak…". Draemen looked to him and tried to gauge how much power he had, but it seemed way too low for him to be the great warrior others claimed him to be. Unless…

"He's concealing his power, clever." Thought Draemen. He currently was concealing his own power as well, but now he realized that everyone he had met the previous day must have been doing the same, not covering it entirely, but still only showing a little of it. Draemen was quickly brought out of thought by Pan, who jumped up into the air yelling.

"Alright! Come on Grampa, lets go! The day is wasting away!" she yelled, floating up into the air with Goku. They were about to fly off, but Pan turned around and looked down to Draemen, who was still on the ground. She gave him a confused look, tilting her head to the side.

"Hey, Draemen! You coming or what?" she said, looking at him questioningly. He looked up to her with a surprised look on his face, and after a brief moment, he nodded and floated up into the air. Pan smiled and turned around, nodding to Goku. They two took off quickly, and Draemen sped up, keeping right up behind them. Goku looked back at Draemen, and let a big grin cover his face. He hoped he could get Draemen to spar with him, it was just so much fun fighting new opponents! A new Saiyan opponent no less!

Draemen was a little taken back by the happy look Goku got when he looked back at him. During those last few months on Golonthay, the looks he got were either of sadness or sometimes even disgust. It felt amazing to have people smile to him again, and he let a small smile crawl back onto his face. He looked down to the ground below him. This planet was so beautiful, full of lush forests, and rushing rivers. He was taking in the sights below him, when Pan yelled up ahead.

"Hey! There it is! That's where Grampa and me spar Draemen!"

He looked down upon the landscape before him. It was a barren, rock covered terrain that seemed to stretch on forever. The whole area seemed devoid of life of any kind, and there were large craters all about the area.

"This," Draemen thought, "is a perfect spot for sparing. A person could just about go all out here...". He went on thinking for a second, until his eyes caught Pan and Goku descending, and he followed. They landed and Goku started doing short warm up exercises, and after about a minute Pan followed suit. Draemen felt slightly out of place, and while any attention was diverted from him, he slowly walked over to a large rock pile and took a seat. About five minutes later they both seemed loose enough and they took up fighting stances. Both had a smirk on their face.

Draemen found himself wanting to see this sparring session more and more, part of him wanted to see what kind of power these two concealed, and another part of him wanted to see how his own power measured up to what they could dish out. Then the last part of him wanted to know why he cared. Why did he? Fighting for fun? That was a concept he had all but lost long ago. During the last few years, fighting was hardly fun, he did it to protect and to survive. Whenever he began to treat fighting as fun, bad things happened, whenever he let his pride take over, he would make only one mistake, but it was always a big mistake, a crucial one, a mistake that always cost him dearly. Fighting seemed to have become more of a fact of life rather than a form of recreation.

"But still..."

Draemen's thoughts were snapped back to the fight at hand as Pan flew forward yelling in a frontal attack on her Grandfather. She began by sending a flurry of lightning fast punches at Goku's midsection, but just as fast he managed to block them all. Frustrated, Pan began to send her feet into the fray as well, sending punches and kicks at her grandfather. Goku almost effortlessly defended against these strikes, but for his granddaughter, he made it look like it took some effort.

After keeping this up for about 2 minutes, Pan began to get frustrated. She gave one last punch and then jumped about 20 meters away from her Grandfather, raising her hands over her head. Draemen felt her Power level rise dramatically, and he watched as a large energy ball formed in her hands. Goku looked on, bracing himself for the attack. Technically, he had taken far worse blasts than what Pan was going to throw at him, but even the strongest fighter has to be ready.

Pan decided she finally had enough energy charged and she raised her hands a little higher and yelled, "Masenko-Ha!". She fired the large Energy Ball Towards her Grandfather, putting everything she had behind it.

"Today's the day I finally knock him down!" Thought Pan, hoping to finally start getting the upper hand over her Grandfather.

Goku didn't make a move as the attack hit him, not any move that Pan caught anyway. When it hit him, a large cloud of dust went up around him and Goku was lost from sight. Pan Was smiling and trying to see through the dust cloud, holding her hand cupped overtop her eyes. She was sure she had finally knocked him down.

"Alright! I did it I finally did it!" Pan began to cry out, doing a little dance in the air. She began to laugh loudly, taking another look at the dust cloud, "I did it! I did it! I… Wha?"

She stared wide eyed at the dust cloud as it dissipated, a shadowy figure standing within it. As the cloud finally gave way and drifted off, Pan's eyes widened even further. There was her Grandfather, standing in the exact same spot her started. He was wearing his classic grin, and besides a small tear in the top half of his usual orange garb, and a little dirt on his face, you wouldn't even know that he'd just been "attacked". He gave a big smile and looked over to Pan.

"That was a real good one Pan! Man, you're getting a heck of a lot stronger…" he said, chuckling. Even though he meant well, Pan's face quickly became a scowl as she heard those words.

"I'll show him just how much stronger!" she though, clenching her fists at her sides. This was supposed to be the day! She was supposed to knock him down today! She glared at him leaning back onto her heels. With little more than a growl for warning, she launched herself towards her Grandfather again. With superhuman speed, she exploded into a furious flury of punches and kicks. Goku was flawlessy blocking each attack, with an impressed look upon his face.

"Wow" he thought, "She's really coming along...". When Pan began to tire and slow down a little, Goku noticed that she was obviously becoming less observant too. Goku sneaked a quick glance to Draemen while he delflected a kick aimed toward his face. His heart jumped a little at the prospect of facing him in a spar.

"I wonder how stong he is? Can he acend? If he can, how far can he go?". These questions and more flew through Goku's head as he turned his attention back to Pan. She was really starting to slow down, and she was bathed in sweat. The look upon her face was one on pure determination, but her body slowing down, and even she knew it. Finally after another great punch, Pan launched herself high into the air, raising her hands over her head. Goku's eyes widened a little at this.

"She's putting all of her energy into this..." he thought to himself. Goku tensed a little and fell into a stance himself. Pan started pouring everything she had into one final attack, her gaze locked upon her Grandfather.

"Ka..." Goku looked up towards her, gaguing how powerful her blast would be. A large ball of energy was forming in the palms of Pan's hands.

"Me..." Draemen kept gazing between the two. Their ferocity was nearly had him stunned. They were family members, and yet they could attack each other and not hold back... It was so alien to him... And yet... It was intriguing...

"Ha..." Pan gave a great yell, her attack seemingly reaching capacity, her energy reserves running dry.

"Me..." Goku finished charging his attack, his hands twitching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, Pan yelled out, releasing her attack.

"MASENKO HA!!" the great ball of energy hurtled towards Goku, while his hands shot up before him.

"HA!" he cried, releasing the great blue wave. His Kamehameha met and clashed with her Masenko. The two pushed at each other, giving and gaining ground, neither getting the better of the other. Pan gave one final cry, putting all of her remaining force behind her attack. The Masenko began to drive back Goku's attack, the waving seeminly failing. Goku gave a smirk, his eyes meeting those fo his Granddaughter.

"Sorry Pan. You've still got a ways to go..." he said, tensing his hands again.

"HA!" he cried out, the wave gaining new strength, forcing back the Masenko. Pan's eyes widened in disbelief as her attack was forced back towards her. Goku's wave gave one final push, curving in the air and sending both attacks sailing up over Pan's head, where they finally went off, an energy shockwave pulsing out for miles. Draemen stared at all of this, his mind battling between excitement and something near to fear. They had some much destructive force behind their attacks, but yet, so much control...

He snapped back to reality as he watched Pan go limp. She began to fall from the sky, her eyes half closed, her mind barley conscious. He leapt to his feet, ready to take to the air, when suddenly Goku appeared beneath her. He caught her in his arms and slowly decended towards the ground. He leaned her up against a wall of stone, her head drooping to one side. He slowly looked up to Draemen, a smile plastered across his face.

"So, Draemen," he began, "Would you like to have a spar with me?" Draemen stared in awe.

"Is he serious?" he asked himself, "Does he really want to fight me...For fun?". Goku gave him a questioning look. Draemen just stared silently towards him.

"Hello? Draemen? You alright?" Goku asked. Draemen slowly nodded, his face blank. He looked over to Goku, meeting his gaze.

"So, would you like to spar with me?" he asked again, his smile returning. Draemen gave himself a mental shake as a smirk slowly formed on his face.


DH88- There we go! I hope you all liked it, and I'm hoping that I get another one out soon!

Draemen- Me too... Living in your head is terrible...

DH88- Oh come on, it can't be that bad...

Draemen- Speak for yourself...

DH88- Well then... Time for Spring...Er...Winter cleaning then...
Well, I hope you all enjoyed this, and don't forget to Review!