Ack! I am SO sorry for such a long delay. These have been the crappiest few months of my life. I mean, I didn't have internet for over two months, and no computer at all for over one month. Its evilness, I tell you! Anyway, here is your update. This is the LAST chapter in this story, but it will continue in the upcoming 'Golden Haired God'. Enjoy!

Two Left Feet

By: BabeyRachey

Chapter 10

Estel groaned as he shifted his position in the bed. If was tiring, day after day, being in one spot. And at the moment, he would give anything to be able to step out on the balcony for a few seconds. At the same time, any kind of movement seemed impossible.

The young boy glared at his arm, still splinted and swathed with bandages. Today, finally, his Ada was going to all the bandages off and begin what he called 'physical therapy'. Though he didn't fully understand the concept, Estel knew it would be painful and long from what he heard.

Using his good hand, he poked at his equally immobile left leg. Even that hurt! But Ada said he was still healing, so it was supposed to hurt like that. Anytime he tried to move it, so far, it hurt.

Estel sighed and gingerly leaned back against the pillows. His whole body was sore, but the lacerations were still healing well. They would have been better, Estel knew, if he stopped having nightmares.

Lately, Estel had been waking up to extreme pain after thrashing around in his sleep, trying to fend off the imaginary attacking wolves. Lately, Elrond had taken to giving him an elixir to drink to keep him from dreaming, so he could heal.

Estel was just wondering where everyone was when he heard some scuffling outside the door.



"Stop it!"

"Only if you do!"

The human couldn't help but grin at his brother's antics. It continued for a few more moments before the twins entered, both grinning if a little red-faced.

"Hullo, Estel." Elrohir declared, sitting dramatically in the chair to Estel's right. Estel giggled a little at their actions. "So, gwador nin, what would you like to do today before Ada gets here?"

Estel frowned in thought, biting his lip nervously. "Could you-"

He stopped himself, feeling silly. He was too old for that kind of thing from his brothers. Elladan and Elrohir were both on alert, surprised by the boy's hesitancy. "What, Estel?" Elladan asked, taking the boy's hand. Estel squirmed a bit.

"Could…Could you read to me?"

Both of the twins smiled at the shy plead. "Of course, Estel. What would you like to hear?" Elladan asked. Estel thought for a moment.

"The one about Hallaer and Aier, that grandmother sent me."

Both the twins grinned. It was hard to believe it when Galadriel had sent Estel a gift on his last birthday. She hadn't even met him, as of yet, but she had sent the perfect present in the form of a hand-made book about the 'Tall one' and the 'Short one'.

Elladan went and got the precious book off the shelf, before settling down on Estel's other side. Estel smiled as it began.

"There once was a beautiful land, where there was hardly anyone except for two. An elf and a man…"

Elrond walked along the hallway carrying a tray of supplies. Today was the day that Estel would try to move, at least a little. Though he didn't show it, Elrond was nervous.

What if Estel didn't get better? What if he couldn't move at all?

'Don't be ridiculous!' He chided himself as he approached his youngest son's room. 'Of course he would be able to move!' But he hesitated for a moment outside of Estel's door. Inside, he would hear Elladan's voice, slowly reading from Estel's book.

Elrond couldn't help but smile as giggles erupted inside the room. From the sounds of it, the Twins were doing a good job in distracting the boy. He didn't want Estel to be nervous about what was to come.

The elf lord looked at the tray in his hands. Two different surgical knives, extra bandages, some healing oils and some ice, as well as a pot of tea. He was half-tempted to just set it down and walk away, and let Estel continue being with his brothers.

Elrond sighed, straightening his shoulders. He couldn't keep putting it off; it had to be done sometime. As quietly as possible, Elrond opened the door, and spent a moment watching the three of his sons.

Elladan sat in a chair on the far side of the bed, book open in his hands and a smile on his face as he read. Elrohir was on the other side, relaxed, his eyes closed, but he was smiling as well.

And Estel…Elrond couldn't help but feel his spirits lift. He had more color, which was good, and he was currently sitting up and his eyes were alight with laughter. He looked better than Elrond had expected by this time.

"Ada!" Estel cried, spotting his father by the door. His smile was infectious, and Elrond grinned himself as the Twins shot up, startled.

"Adar!" Elrohir said, hurriedly holding out his chair for his father. Elrond set the try on small table beside the bed before taking the seat.

"How are you feeling, Estel?" Elrond asked, automatically checking how strong the boy's pulse was with one hand, and checking his breathing with the other. "Ok." Estel answered. "Not any worse than last time."

Elrond just nodded, inwardly sighing. The wounds on the boy's chest still gave him a difficult time with breathing. While this wasn't good, he knew it could be a lot worse. "Are you ready?" He asked.

Elrond and the twins saw fear flicker over his face. "I-I guess so. What are you going to do?"

"Not much today, ion nin. We just need to see how much movement you are capable of." The elf lord answered, reaching into his robe pocket. He pulled out a phial of oil. "First, we massage this on your leg and arm. Then we will try some basic stretches. This will help the healing a great deal."

Estel nodded, chewing his lip nervously. "W-will it hurt?" The seven year old asked timidly. Elrond sighed. He couldn't lie to him.

"Yes, it will. But it is only for a short time, and it will get you out of bed much quicker." He gave the boy's hand a squeeze. Estel nodded bravely, but there were anxious tears in his eyes.

Nodding to the twins, Elrond eased Estel out of his nightshirt. Now only in his undershorts, Estel lay silent as they began to unwrap the bandages. He himself hadn't seen the actual wounds, or the scars he was sure that he bore.

Estel gasped when they were bared. Long, red lacerations went up and down his leg, stitched together with dark thread. Some looked like puncture wounds from the wolf's teeth. He shuddered at the memory.

His arm was even worse. Only patches of skin seemed to be whole. He could even see a straight line where his father cut into the arm to fix it. He gulped loudly as he took it all in.

The three elves watched the boy apprehensively. Estel was shocked, no doubt, thoughhe probably still didn't understand the extent of his injuries. Estel glanced at his chest, where even more scars marred his body.

"Estel?" Elrond said gently, making the human look at him. "Are you ready?" He asked again, eyes sympathetic. Estel ducked his head, but nodded, leaning heavily on the pillows behind him.

Forcing his hands not to shake, Elrond poured some of the oil onto his hands. As gently as he could manage, he took the boy's arm in his hands. Estel stiffened at the sudden movement, but stayed silent. He let out a little gasp of pain when he began to rub.

Elladan and Elrohir watched in their own silent pain as their father worked the arm slowly, making Estel cry out from the pain. Oh, Valar. This was awful, to watch their brother inagony and know they were the ones causing it.

"Ada, saes, Ada! Saes!" Estel begged, tears falling down his face. Elrond, after a few more moments, set the limb down. His hands shook slightly as he reached for a wet cloth. Estel let out a moan of pain at the slightest of touches while Elrond wiped it clean.

"I am sorry, Ion nin." Elrond said gently, as he moved around the bed to the mangled leg. The twins moved themselves to Estel's head, Elladan grasping his good hand tightly. "It's ok, gwador nin. We are here." Elrohir whispered to them, as Elrond began the same ministrations to the leg.

Estel started to arch in agony as Elrond tried to bend the leg, but the twins held him down. Any sudden movement could make it worse. Elladan felt tears prick his eyes at teach pained cry his brother made, struggling against their holds. He was so young! Why did he have to bear so much pain?

By the time Elrond was finished, the three elves were holding back tears, while the human sobbed uncontrollably. Once finished, Elrond moved back to Estel's head and pulled the child into his arms.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ion nin. Shhh…" He soothed, rocking at much as the wounds permitted. "It'll be ok. Shhh…" He softly began a lullaby:

You lie here in my arms

And I thank the Valar for you every day

For sending you my way

You lay here in tears

And I just want to wipe them away

For another day

Sleep now my child

You're safe where you lay

In my arms another day

By the time he was finished, Estel had gone slack and was sleeping peacefully. He brushed back the messy hair in affection.

"Sweet dreams, my tithen pen." He murmured, situating him under the covers. Elladan and Elrohir watched with small smiles.

"Where was that song from, Ada?" Elrohir asked with a puzzled frown. "I don't remember hearing it before." Elrond just smiled as he rose.

"My mother used to sing it to me, when I was just a babe. It is one of the few things I remember about her." An old, almost sweet grief passed over the ancient elf-lord's face. "It never fails to comfort me. Get me if he wakens, will you?"

The two brothers took up their position faithfully, and Elrond knew Estel would never be lacking when it came to love and protection.

'May the Valar help us all.' He thought, as he left. 'We're going to need it.'


Well, Did you like? Please read and review! I will get the sequel up as quickly as possible!! Thank you all for your patience! I love you! :-D

- BabeyRachey

Oh yeah, the poem/lullaby is mine that I made up on the spot. So, it's mine. don't take it and use it without asking please. :-)