Chapter 14 The Beginning

Harry and Voldemort worked late into the night finalizing the plan to the smallest details and informing the death eaters of their roles. They only told the few leaders of each group all the details because they knew for sure that the ministry had spies within their ranks. They had agreed to attack at midday when it was broad daylight and there were many people around. This was to create the most fear in people and the most destruction because who was scared of someone who snuck in at night like a thief and destroyed an empty building, even one that was so strongly protected it was like a fortress? At least that was what Voldemort wanted. Harry himself didn't care whether people shook in terror at the thought of them in the least. He had his own private reasons for attacking the ministry that day that he had not shared. There was someone deep within the building that Harry wanted to see and talk to. Voldemort didn't want to attack the minister of magic as he found it especially useful to have someone in control that was so utterly incompetent. He thought it was high time he paid the minister a visit, after all Harry hadn't forgotten who brought the Dementors into Hogwarts and authorized giving Sirius Black the kiss. Harry settled down to wait for the signal to attack in what would be the largest attack since Voldemort's first reign of terror.

Harry moved around a bit trying to get into a comfortable position on the hard ground and peered out at the streams of people walking past. He could hear hushed murmurs as the Death Eaters talked in hushed tones and the creaking of the wood as they moved about but he ignored them and they ignored him. He, along with about 50 Death Eaters were currently hiding in an abandoned building across the road from the ministry building. There was anti-apperation wards stretching around the building so they couldn't just apperate in and it would have been slightly obvious something was going on if a group of Death Eaters just strolled down the street. This meant they had to come into position in the early hours of the morning and was the reason Harry was currently sitting on the floor. He silently congratulated himself on organising the best hiding position. He had made sure to have Malfoy's group hide in a magically enlarged space behind some dumpsters. He smirked at the thought of them crouched in the cold holding their noses, trying to block out the revolting smell. He was broken from his pensiveness by a tingling feeling in his palm and looked down at the small stone in his hand and saw it was glowing. That was the signal. It was time.

Harry slowly got up and spoke. 'Lets go.' That was all he needed to say for around the room the death eaters jumped into action. He went out the entrance with the Death Eaters trailing behind them, masks covering their faces. He himself didn't wear a mask even though he knew it made him a bigger target. He didn't want to hide behind a mask. There was already screaming as people saw them but Harry ignored them and ran across the ministry building. He pointed his wand at a second floor window and called out a charm, 'ropius' along with the other Death Eaters. Hundreds of ropes hang out of the windows and they all swarmed up. Voldemort was assaulting the first floor and Harry the second floor while smaller groups on the outside were holding the aurors that were quickly arriving at bay.

When Harry jumped through the window into the office he was surprised that all the ministry workers were still working at their desks as if nothing was happening. It was then that he realised that each little cubicle was soundproof so they could get more work done. However people were now noticing them and jumping up with their wands out. In an instant curses started flying from all around him. The curses thrown out by the Death Eaters were very dark curses, many of them unforgivables. A group of ministry workers had grouped in a corner and some were throwing out curses while others maintained a shield but Harry could see they were weakening. Other workers were hiding under desks or trying to fight while some had even tried to run away. Thoses that did however presented easy targets and were quickly struck down by angry Death Eaters. Harry's main job was to control the Death Eaters so they could present a unified attack but although outnumbered they were easily beating the ministry workers weak defence. Harry moved to join in when a dark haired wizard popped up in front of him and sent a curse flying at him. Harry was surprised that he was brave enough to attack him and guessed that he was probably an auror. Instincts took over and Harry put up strong shield that easily absorbed the spell.

'Fireosar,' he shouted and rolled to the side as a curse came flying at him at the same time, thankful of his years playing quidditch that had quickened his reflexes. Even as he was getting up he was firing two quick curses at the auror, one after the other. Harry saw the man stagger and his shield fade as he felt the impact of the two curses. Before he had time to put his shield up again Harry's wand was up.

'Avada Kedavra.' He didn't need to check that his curse had hit, knowing that his aim was good.

Harry looked around at the destruction that had once been offices. He didn't know what part of the ministry they were in as he wasn't familiar with the building. He assumed that particular section was the department of mysteries because of the strange contraptions. The curses were still flying and Harry decided that now was a good time to leave. He looked around but everyone was too preoccupied to notice him and he slipped out a side door into a deserted corridor. Harry didn't know where to go so he started wondering the halls hoping to see a guide or something. Thankfully in front of a set of stairs Harry found a map of the ministry. He quickly scanned it and found the place he was looking for. Harry ran up the stairs to the third floor. It too was empty, as everyone in it had gone down to help fight the Death Eaters. After a few twists and turns found himself at grand looking door. Fancy lettering was engraved on the door and Harry peered closer to read the writing. Minister of Magic. Excellent, Harry thought and pushed open the door. Inside was a spacious office that had been furnished and decorated carefully and obviously expensively. Harry looked around and the small smile that had been on his lips widened.

'Well hello Minister,' Harry said looking down, 'I thought I might find you here.' The minister who had been hiding in fear under his desk looked up now as he heard the cold voice. Terror filled his eyes and the fear in his heart was plain to see on his face.

A/N: Finally! I'm sorry. I feel so bad that it has been so long since I have updated. As you can see I'm pretty bad at writing fighting scenes. Hmmm…. Shame most of my story has fighting, lol! Anyway thankyou so much to ever one that reviewed. You motivated me to keep writing and thankyou for all the great advice. A couple of people have asked questions so I thought I'd answer them.

Samurai Demon-God Sekikage: I'm sorry for what will happen later, you may not like it. (from your review for chapter 13).

Pure Black & NateP & kizna2: As to both your comments you will just have to wait and see J

ERMonkey, Burner of Cookies I haven't forgotten about the prophecy and in a few chapters time you may have your answers!

HoshiHikari4ever: Good work picking up on the bonds. It may be important later.

Desolation Lily: Harry probably won't get much different from what he is now, sorry. I changed the genre, sorry if it was wrong I just wasn't sure what to put it under. Still not actually…

henriette: Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't really think about it before writing it down, I was just thinking of Malfoy saying he almost hit a plane in first year. Ummm… lets just say the plane just took off.

Ravensblack: To tell you the truth I haven't decided what side Snape is on yet. Probably shouldn't admit that. Anyway I figure he would hate Harry heaps whoever he supports.

Treskell: I don't mind being added to a C2 community, not that I know what it is!

Anyway thankyou again to everyone who reviewed. You're all great!