Eeps! Been a while… for anyone um.. even still out there waiting patiently.. I'm sorry for the long wait.

I hope you enjoy! I'll try not to let it be quite such a long wait before the next chapter.

She was on the balance beam. Slowly lowering until the top of her head touched the beam. And Tommy had to curl his fingers into a fist to stop himself from shouting out a warning, from going over there and plucking her off the damned thing. He could remember all too clearly the last time he'd watched her on the beam, and that had not ended well.

He only realized he'd been holding his breath when he finally released it, which only occurred when Kimberly had righted herself and was sitting upright, swinging her legs back and forth. Even as he watched, she sighed, shoulders slumping.

"I know you're there Tommy, you might as well come out," she said.

Caught. Time to face the music. He walked over, not surprised that she looked less than friendly.

After the cockpit fiasco, he'd been less of a leader and more of a jerk. Needless to say, Kim had borne the brunt of his annoyance. He'd insisted they start training immediately. What a disaster that had been.

He'd been a monster. One small nudge away from being decked in green and having 'property of Rita Repulsa' stamped on his forehead.

Nothing anyone did got approval. He drilled them again and again, continuing only until his own weariness beat him. Until he was too tired to constantly picture the petite brunette kissing Billy. He would try and push down the guilt at the looks of utter exhaustion on everyone's faces. And he found a great deal of fault with Kim. He'd punished her for the way he was feeling. Pushed her harder, found the most problems with her actions. And the worst part was he hadn't realized just how bad it was until Rocky and Jason staged an intervention this morning.

"What's going on?" Tommy wanted to know. He had just come out from visiting Lola, an apple in his hands to find Rocky and Jason blocking the exit. Jason just folded his arms.

"We need to talk," Jason said. Rocky nodded.

"About?" Tommy asked. The two red rangers looked at each other before glancing back at him, still frowning.

"Tommy, you know you're one of my best friends, so when I tell you you're acting like a megalomaniacal jerk, with massive control issues, it comes from the heart," Rocky said. Jason switched his glare to the other red, who just shrugged. "It's true," Rocky added. Jason couldn't argue with that. Tommy scowled.

"I just want us to be ready."

"And the exhausting workouts where we can barely move afterwards are helpful... how exactly?" Jason wanted to know. Tommy didn't have an immediate answer to that. At least not one Jason or Rocky would find acceptable. Somehow, he didn't see them being too cool with "well I saw Kim kissing Billy and that has me kinda pissed off."

"That's what I thought," Jason said.

"It's been that bad?" Tommy wanted to know. Even as he asked it, he already knew the answer. A resounding yes. Rocky and Jason's twin looks of disbelief just confirmed it.

"If I had to choose between the Spanish Inquisition and your training... Hasta la vista el rangers, no me gusta la playa."

"I don't like the beach?" Jason translated before making a face. Rocky shrugged.

"It's the only thing I remember from Spanish Class. And I actually love the beach."

"How did you get through high school again?" Jason asked. Rocky grinned.

"My good looks and charming personality. Plus they needed me for football." Tommy sighed. Time to regain control of the conversation.

"Alright, so it's been bad. I'm sorry." That brought Jason and Rocky's attention back to him.

"Yeah, I don't think we're the only ones who need to hear that." Jason said. Tommy winced, but the red ranger wasn't finished yet. "You've been really harsh, and I think you know on who. You're lucky I barely managed to convince Trini not to beat you into a bloody pulp after yesterday. And that was only because we don't have time to return back to Earth to find someone to replace you on this mission."

"Fear the yellows man. They're dangerous when riled," Rocky added with a mock shudder.

"Alright alright, no more Green Ranger. I get it."

"And apologize! Or I let the Trininator loose."

So now here he was, standing in the weird subspace pocket the rangers used for their training, wondering why even sweaty and mussed and grumpy, Kimberly Ann Harte could still make his pulse quicken. Not to mention lead his mind to dirty dirty places where he considered alternative ways of making her sweaty and mussed. The leotard she was wearing didn't help keep his mind out of the gutter.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. Tommy sighed, not the most welcoming of statements, but he couldn't really expect much.

"It still makes me nervous, seeing you on a balance beam," he blurted out. She eyed him quizzically and damn if he wasn't frustrated that he could no longer read her as well as he used to. Of course maybe that was because she'd always worn her heart on her sleeve, making his job a heck of a lot easier. Now, he couldn't tell if she was going to tell him to get lost or accept his apology. Which he still hadn't offered.

However, her eyes softened and she patted the spot next to her. Without another thought, he hopped up. Never let it be said Thomas J. Oliver could resist an offer from a gorgeous woman. Especially one in skin tight clothes with legs that were to die for. She noticed their shoulders brushed, and suppressed a slight shiver that had nothing to do with the temperature.

"The fall was the easy part," she said, "it was getting back on that was difficult."

"But you did."

"After a lot of failed attempts, but I had to for Pan Globals."

"Was it worth it? Pan Globals I mean," he asked. She glanced over at him, meeting his frank gaze. He'd asked this before, when they were in space. And she hadn't been given a chance to reply. Thank goodness. At the time, she didn't have a reply. Of course, she still didn't have one. There hadn't been much time for reflection recently it seemed. Especially not with the way Tommy had been acting. Eat, train, sleep. Rinse and Repeat.

"I don't know," she said finally. Maybe she wasn't so easy to read, but even he could see the truth in her eyes at that answer. But she wasn't finished.

"When I think about the fact that I deserted my life and duty for a chance to win a piece of metal, I wonder. But, when I think of what that metal represented – years and years of dreaming, of work and enough ace bandages to roll around the earth twice - well it makes it easier. I guess maybe I was afraid that being a superhero was all that there would be to me, and I wanted to prove that wasn't true." She smiled, wistful and bittersweet. "Although the power withdrawals were awful."

"Tell me about it," Tommy said before clearing his throat. "I saw you and Billy two nights ago, in the cockpit." She choked, almost falling off the beam at that.

"Tell me about it," he repeated dryly, "I don't think I ever would suspect you two of -"

"It wasn't like that," Kim interrupted. "Billy's Billy... and I... well it just wasn't like that." Tommy raised an eyebrow, leaving the question unspoken.

"It was like kissing my brother or something. Nothing like kissing you." She winced as soon as she said it. Where had that come from? The last thing she should be thinking about was Tommy's kisses. How sensitive his neck was, or how her hand inevitably found its way to his hair, and he'd practically purr when her nails would gently scrape his scalp. Kimberly shook her head, trying to snap out of it.

"That's not my concern," Tommy muttered. Even if he did feel more relief at that then he wanted to. And that did answer one question he had about the letter. He wasn't given a chance to point that out.

"Then what was your concern?" she wanted to know, sounding genuinely curious. He couldn't possibly be jealous, could he? She told her heart to stop beating so fast and calm the heck down.

"Well, that doesn't seem fair to your boyfriend, now does it?"

"It wouldn't be, and I'd never kiss another guy if I had one – a boyfriend I mean." It was Tommy's turn to nearly fall off the balance beam.

"What?! But what about... I mean... well I thought.." In an imitation of him earlier, she raised an eyebrow.

"You thought what?"

"Isn't know..."

"Gay?" she finished for him, when she realized he had no intention of doing it himself.


"Tommy, you honestly didn't notice? The boy's fruitier than a Hawaiian buffet. Which doesn't mean I don't love him, but really now. He's girlier than I am."

Tommy was relieved, happy, shocked and most importantly, an idiot. That explained everything. The fact that Jonathan went out all the time leaving Kimberly alone, and had intimate knowledge of female hair products, and groped his ass for gods sake! She wasn't dating that oversexed jerk. But... did that mean she dated a different oversexed jerk? He scowled at the thought.

"What about that letter then?" he asked. She wouldn't look at him, opting to stare at the ground instead. She bit her lip. And suddenly he knew.

"There wasn't anybody," he said. A small nod from her confirmed it. "Then why did you-"

"You aren't the only one who gets jealous Tommy," she interrupted.

"I do not get jea-"he started, but she interrupted again. Apparently he was never going to finish a sentence with her around.

"Billy told me about your little talk with the boys once you were white," she grumbled. He had the grace to look embarrassed, but that didn't diminish the strange combination of anger, disbelief and even relief welling up in his stomach. There was no other guy. No gymnast with a fist sized target on his nose somewhere in the world.

"You didn't trust in us," he said finally. Kim had to give him credit. For a guy oblivious enough not to notice something obvious like Jonathan, he was certainly good at pegging her.

"No," she said. Her talk with the fake Jason had told her that.

"I thought you were stronger than that," he continued. She bristled.

"That's an awful thing to say," she snapped. He knew it. But he was far too gone to apologize.

"Like saying I was like a brother wasn't awful? Lying about cheating on me wasn't awful? You wrote the book on cruelty! Or would it be more specific to say the letter!"

"I was seventeen, alone, thousands of miles away from the people I loved, suffering from eight hour practices and power withdrawals. My mother was in Paris, my father was barely even in the picture and the time zones made it so even when I called you were asleep, at school or battling some monster. When Icalled you! I don't remember a single phone call or message waiting for me from you. Or letter even. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? I know you were busy with school and ranger business, but one phone call, was that too much to ask? I'd go on and on about what a wonderful guy you were, and then someone would ask about the last time we talked. And then would come that horrible line 'oh it's a long distance relationship? Those never work out... but best of luck to you'. And to top it all off, even if you weren't writing, the others were! Rocky even sent me a picture of you looking ridiculously happy with your arm around Kat."

She scowled at him before sighing at the look on his face. It had slowly morphed from angry to defensive and now was somewhere in the vicinity of bewilderment. It had been ages since she lost her temper. Kim inwardly counted to ten, in French, before continuing. They needed to get all this poison out. If there was ever going to be peace between them. Even if it meant admitting things she was deeply ashamed off. Gathering up the rest of her courage, she continued, but in a far softer voice.

"And to be fair, I probably made that letter a lot more hurtful than it needed to be. And I wish I could make an excuse for it, but I was a dramatic, lonely seventeen year old and I was a drama queen. I wanted to hurt you, because I needed you so badly and you weren't there. I wanted to hurt you as much as I'd been hurt. It isn't pretty, and I don't like it, but that's the truth."

Tommy was still quiet. She supposed he was still attempting to process all of this information. Or he didn't think it was a good enough reason for ripping out his heart. She didn't blame him; she didn't think it was a good enough reason either. But it was the truth, and it was all she had. She wished it had never happened but well everyone knew the old saying about wishes and beggars. Hindsight was a bitch. And she couldn't possibly expect him to ever forgive her. Not that it stopped her from hoping. However, even hope was waning at his prolonged silence. After a few more minutes, she spoke again.

"Look for the time being, we're stuck in close quarters with no escape, can we call a temporary truce?" she asked. Another pregnant pause. She sighed, moving to jump off the balance beam when his voice stopped her.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, finally. She turned to find him looking up at her, gaze meeting hers. The pain in those brown eyes nearly undid her. "I guess I never realized how hard it was for you."

"I... I'm sorry too. I took the cowards way out," she admitted.

"So I guess we're both to blame huh?" he asked.

"We were young. It was high school. Maybe this was meant to be? Everything happens for a reason right?" she said. But that was little comfort. Judging from the look Tommy gave her, he didn't find much comfort in it either. She offered him a small smile as an olive branch. Nothing spectacular, not one of her trademark grins. But it didn't matter to him. She was beautiful. His Beautiful.

"Kim..." he started, reaching out a hand towards her cheek. Tommy himself wasn't sure what he was going to say, and the chance to explore it never arrived because in the next moment both heard Billy's voice over the intercom.

"We'll be reaching our destination soon, I need everyone in the cockpit in ten for landing." Tommy and Kim shared a look. He finally hopped off the balance beam.

"Truce?" she asked, tentatively offering her hand.

"No," he replied, tightening his grip on her hand with his own when she tried to yank it back. He offered her a bonafide Tommy Oliver smile. One that reached his eyes.

"Friends," he corrected. And she smiled back.

When the two entered the cockpit, it was to find everyone else already seated and buckled up.

"Late again huh? And now you're dragging Kim into your bad habits? Tsk tsk!" Rocky teased. Tommy only shrugged sheepishly.

"Can't teach an old dog new tricks I guess?" he offered. Kim said nothing. In fact, the reason they were late – a Tommy trademark if there ever was one – was because he'd stopped her at the doorway to the subspace pocket.

"We step through this door, we leave the past where it should be. Behind us. It's time to move forward. You with me?" She'd felt the tears welling up when she realized what he was giving her. Forgiveness. It was there in his eyes, in the warmth of his hand. It was wonderful. And heartbreaking. How could she have ever left him? But she'd willed the tears away at his look of panic, smiled and nodded. He'd smiled back, and given her hand a squeeze. Together, they walked through the door, making their way to the cockpit. He held her hand the entire way. Trini apparently had noticed the fact that Tommy only released Kim's hand to buckle up, because she smiled at him. A nice change really from the flinty glares he'd been receiving recently.

"We were going to send a search party," Trini teased.

"I was training," Kim explained as an apology. At that, both Rocky and Jason turned to look at Tommy who threw up his hands in defense.

"I know I know, no more training sessions."

"For gymnastics," Kim said in exasperation. "Schmidt would never accept the excuse that I was off in the Millennium Falcon saving the universe for poor performance."

"I tried that once," Jason commented with a mock shudder. "I still have nightmares of my teacher's reaction." Kimberly rolled her eyes. Trini smacked him upside the head.

"So where are we exactly?" Trini wanted to know. Billy smiled.

"The Andromeda Galaxy. We are going to one of the central planets, called the Core. It is where the council meets. So you will get your briefing there," Billy explained. He pointed to the planet that was very quickly rushing up towards them.

"Is anyone else reminded of a giant round pizza?" Rocky wanted to know. Kim and Trini snorted.

"Rocky, only you would manage to reference food at a time like this."

"Will we be able to breathe?" Tommy asked, eyeing the planet. To be fair, it did look like a giant cheesy pizza covered with large red and green bits. He wondered if Lola had Digiorno.

"Affirmative," Billy replied, checking a readout on one of the screens, "the atmosphere is not the same combination as ours. However, there is enough oxygen, and no harmful chemicals."

With that, the millennium began their descent through atmo. And it was shaky.

"If there are any Ewoks on that planet, I'm staying on the ship," Rocky announced.

"I always hated that about Star Wars. The imperial's best soldiers defeated by teddy bears with sticks? Really?" Trini said.

"At least it didn't have incest?"

"Just be glad Jonathan didn't make you watch the second film in French. Let me tell you, 'je suis ton pere' followed by 'Nooon!' isn't half as awesome as 'I am your father.' The rest of the film we fast-forwarded through and Jonathan did the sound effects. Every time Darth Vader was on screen it sounded like some twisted Lamaze practice," Kim said.

"Kimberly you are a disgrace to the world of science fiction. One of the most awesome villains of cinematic history having Lamaze. I am ashamed," Jason informed her. This started an all out verbal battle between red and pink rangers over the nuances of the film, which naturally descended into yet another argument about her Barbie jeep. Irritating enough that finally Billy interrupted.

"Children, if you can't behave, we're going to turn this space ship around and go straight home."

"But Mom," Rocky said in a whine, "you promised we could save the universe today!"

The laughter was only halted by the falcon jerking as it passed through the atmosphere. From there, it was quiet, with all the rangers tenser than they wanted to admit. Despite traveling in space for three days, the severity of the situation had been kept at bay. Perhaps it was just that they were too tired from the grueling workouts Tommy forced them through. Or perhaps it was the innate silliness in the Millennium Falcon being renovated to look like I love Lucy, twin beds and dial television included.

However, facing a completely foreign planet, one that was in danger slammed home the fact that they were here on an incredibly dangerous mission. No amount of ewoks or sister kissing feebs could break through the tension that created.

Plowing through the atmosphere, Kim was quick to realize that the yellow they'd seen, was actually a liquid ocean of some sort, with the red and green being ground – every inch of which was covered in cities. Huge mega cities filled with things that looked like Seattle's space needle, but on larger portions.

"Where are we going exactly?" she wanted to know.

"The coordinates had already been input into the system by the time we received the ship," Billy said, only after he landed the ship with nary a jolt or a jar. Kimberly patted the side of the craft.

"Not a lick of trouble, no need for a giant Wookie to beat her senseless."

"You're sure we can breathe?" Jason asked once again, as they all got up to head for the ramp down.

"Affirmative." Billy replied.

"Alright alright," Jason muttered, as the ramp lowered. He was quick to follow Tommy off the ship. Truth be told, spacious as it was, they probably were all facing a bit of cabin fever. Bad air be damned.

The first thing Kim noticed was the heat. Heat worthy of the tropics. Thick and wet air blasted into the ship. Kim made a face as she felt sweat start to bead on her forehead. There was something citrusy about the heavy air. The second thing was that their strange platform was connected via bridge to one of the buildings that did not look like a space needle. There was surprisingly little air traffic though.

"Welcome Rangers," a robotic voice intoned. Looking down, Kim spotted a robot that looked nothing so much as a rabbit with puppy ears.

"What a remarkable droid," Billy said, squatting down to get a better look at it. The rabbit thing unblinkingly stared back at him.

The rangers looked at each other before Tommy cleared his throat.

"Er... hello," he said. Kim could hear a slight whir and a series of clicks as the rabbit's head looked up.

"I am a Facile. Robotic. Edification. Device. sent by the Council to greet you and act as translator."

"Thank you?" Tommy said. The robot continued to look up at him, as though waiting for something. There was a long awkward minute of silence. Rocky coughed. Jason not so subtly punched Tommy in the shoulder.

"Ow! Oh I'm Tommy, this is Jason, Rocky, Trini, Kim and Billy."

"I welcome you," the robot said, "if you have questions, please do not be unconfident in asking. Now if you would follow me. The Council waits."

With that, the droid literally began to hop away. Billy was close to follow, muttering to himself about the engineering apparent in the strange little robot. Kimberly leaned over to Trini.

"Am I crazy for thinking that's adorable?" she whispered. The robot answered before Trini could.

"No Miss Kim. I was built to be as non-threatening as possible."

"Oh just Kim is fine," she said.

"Very well, Kim."

"And what should we call you?" Trini asked.

"Facile Robotic Edifying Device."

"Fred it is," Trini supplied, trying not to smile.

"That is satisfactory."

"Thank God," Rocky muttered, "I can't barely remember one name, much less four."

"So Fred why is it you speak English?"

"I have the capability of speaking two million languages."

"Damn I wish you were around when I was taking Latin," Jason said.

"Is that not a dead language? It would not be installed in my central processor," Fred said.

"Right, along with a sense of humor apparently," Rocky muttered.

"Correct," Fred said. Most of the rangers laughed at Rocky's reaction to that.

The conversation dwindled as they crossed the bridge into the building. It opened up into a huge room; with ceilings so high Kim had to crane her neck to see it. Everything in this room was separated only by large tunnels of water; at least she thought it was water that caused the walls to glow aquamarine. Creatures and robots that were walking, slithering, hopping to unknown destinations. Jason spoke for all of them when he whispered under his breath, "whoa."

The room was defined by frenetic movement. At least, until the rangers continued inside. Then everything stopped. Including the rangers.

"If you will continue walking, we will arrive much faster," Fred said in his odd monotone. They did, but it was at a snails pace.

"Fred, what's with the aquariums?" Jason asked as they continued across the gigantic room towards one of the hundreds of sets of what Kim assumed were doors.

"Those are for the species from the aquatic planets." Even some of those were stopping to stare at the rangers. Kim spotted one that looked like a mermaid, with webbed hands and gills in her neck.

"Now I know what it feels like to be a monkey at the zoo," Rocky said.

"You didn't before?" Jason asked. Rocky glared at him.

"We have never had homo sapiens here. You are a novelty."

"That's not a first for us," Jason said.

Upon reaching the doors, the group paused. There were two creatures resembling giant rocks with arms, not to mention deadly looking guns of some sort in their hands flanked on either side. They didn't move. Didn't even acknowledge the rangers' presence. The rabbit just walked right through. The rangers looked at each other curiously.

"Are you not coming?" Fred asked, appearing once again. Tommy walked over to the doors, touching it with his hand. It went right through, the door separating like liquid.

"Well he's not screaming in agony, so I guess it's safe," Rocky teased. Billy walked over to inspect the doors as well; he poked it with his finger.

"It appears to be some sort of opaque plasma. Perfectly harmless."

"Here goes nothing," Tommy said, walking through. The other rangers followed one by one. On the other side was a room far darker than the one they left. Also, it was much smaller by comparison, though at least four copies of Kim's apartment would have fit in it. Along the walls were a variety of chairs, each one occupied. She noticed some of the chairs were actually in vertical aquarium tubes. There was another few tubes similar to the ones they communicated with Zordon through. Fred hopped to the center of the room. Kim noticed there were a few other Freds scattered around the room. In total, there must have been 50 or 60 dignitaries.

A creature stood up and glided over to meet them halfway into the room. It towered over them by at least two feet. Not that Kim wasn't used to people towering over her, just not at this level. The creature had lovely lavender skin, wide pale eyes with feline pupils, and slightly darker purple hair twisted to look like a rope that actually touched the floor. It opened its mouth and began to speak, a strange lyrical language that sounded like it was singing. Fred immediately sat down, eyes shutting and going completely still.

"The High Chancellor greets the power rangers of Earth and thanks you for your prompt arrival." Tommy glanced over at Jason and Trini. Trini stepped up. Jason followed a moment afterwards. Kim realized what they were doing. After all, the red and yellow rangers were the ones who went on an international tour for world peace. They would have the most knowledge about the politically correct behavior in these types of situations. Right? Trini spoke first.

"It's our honor to be here. We only hope we can be of service to you." Fred quickly translated. There were quiet murmuring as the other Freds in the room translated. The chancellor didn't smile, but Kimberly still got the feeling it was pleased by the response. Major points to Trini. The chancellor spoke again.

"Zordon has informed us of your protection of your planet against the evil of Zedd and his bride. We are pleased by your determination and courage."

"Please tell us how we can help," Jason added. The chancellor made a small movement with its hand.

"Realize this is confidential information, we do not want to cause a panic amongst our peoples, though admittedly there is good cause."

"Of course Chancellor, you have our discretion," Trini said.

"Zordon has informed you then, of our enemy?"

"He told us your enemy's name is Aruendywar, from a race called the Metheal?"

"That is correct. He has proven most formidable. We have sent our best warriors, our fiercest armies, all to stop him, and all to no avail. We have failed. Some of the outer planets have already been destroyed completely." There was some muttering throughout the room at that. Perhaps this was new information to everyone. The Chancellor didn't appear to notice, or she simply ignored it. "It is only a matter of time before he sets his sights on The Central Planets. We are only barely able to continue to keep knowledge of this destruction from escaping. And fear is just as dangerous than the threat itself."

"It's just one being?" Jason asked.

"No. Unfortunately Aruendywar is creating an army. He has the power to poison any being he bites. Those who fall under his power also possess this ability. So far, the only way we have found to destroy them is through cutting off their heads and burning the bodies."

"That's horrible," Kimberly whispered to herself. It seemed though that Fred's exceptional hearing caught it, translating it for the chancellor.

"You are correct," the chancellor agreed. "We understand if you are not willing to risk your lives in this endeavor. It is not your planet at stake. Nor even your galaxy. But we ask that you help us. " The six rangers looked at each other. Nothing was spoken, as another feeling deeper than fear made its way onto six faces. Determination. Tommy glanced back up at the chancellor, and when he spoke he spoke for all of them.

"We'll do it."

At Tommy's pronouncement, there was more bristling, more murmuring at a far greater volume.

"How can you be sure that these... these humans even possess the ability to succeed where we have failed?" a voice called out. The rangers glanced over to the being who spoke – who looked like something between a salamander and a parrot wearing some sort of metallic armor.

"And what would you recommend?" she asked mildly. Though it was hard to tell between the natural musical lilt of the voice and the translation coming from the monotone Fred.

"We must inform the masses and put together a draft. Every creature should be fighting."

"I disagree," another creature called out, "we do not want to create panic."

"People should be panicking! This is war!"

"I would not have my people die in vain," someone else called out.

"And what makes this you think that creatures from such a primitive little planet could possibly handle this job? From what I've read, they've barely even begun to explore their own solar system, their own moon!"

"And yet they have successfully kept Rita and Zedd at bay for several years now, and kept destruction to a minimum." The chancellor pointed out.

"Why have they not destroyed them completely?" the salamander asked. The chancellor turned to look at the rangers for an answer to that.

"It was part of the oath we swore when becoming rangers. That we would only use our powers for protection." Trini answered.

"Protection and destruction walk hand in hand. We need this... this... abomination and his minions to be eradicated completely, not simply pushed back."

"This is true," the chancellor admitted. The rangers looked at each other. Could they really do it? Take lives?

"It's just another monster on a large scale that needs to be brought down," Tommy finally said. He did have a point, they had destroyed several of Rita and Zedd's creations – but those were always inanimate objects brought to life, weren't they? Though... they were also sentient beings that could talk, feel. Funny how Kim had never considered it before. Was she any better than those beings? A small voice inside her answered that question with a resounding yes. Intentions mattered. Rita and Zedd's creations merely wanted to destroy and kill. She wanted to protect and save. That had to count for something. Though what was that saying... about the road to hell?

Jason was nodding his agreement. "We're the good guys, and good guys always win."

"Naive of you," the salamander said.

"Hopeful," the chancellor corrected, "which is exactly what we need."