Ok. Well, As fun as it has been, I have decided to end 'Happy Holidays'. I personally think that when things are drawn out unnecessarily, they lose something, and I think I've kinda drawn out HH. So, this will be the last chapter. I'm VERY sorry I didn't give you all more warning, and have taken so long to update. Thanks for all the reviews, and keep an eye peeled for some other stories I should be writing. I have 23 reviews! Yes! Thanks go to Alia G.L., DBZ Chick1, Dragonmster01 and Woodelf193 for reviewing this chapter. Hope everybody ELSE who DIDN'T review liked it, since I have no way of knowing. Na, I'm just being me. Happy New Year everybody.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Teen Titans. This is for fun, and I have not, nor do expect or ask for any monetary gift or payment for ANY of my fanfiction works.

Chapter 9

Happy Holidays everyone

With a smile, Starfire took a bit of her pizza, and washed it down with a large gulp of mustard. Behind her, Beast Boy and Cyborg shivered at the thought. 1

They were at the same pizza place that they had eaten at after the bank holdup, several days before. They could all agree on pizza, just not the toppings.

With a last bite, Starfire stood up from her seat, stretched, and walked out the door, because the rest of the Teen Titans were waiting outside.

"Ok." Robin began, " Now that we're all done, I think we should go back to the Tower for what's left of our Christmas Day."

Starfire smiled. "An excellent idea Robin, because we did not get to fully exchange presents this morning." 5

Beast Boy nodded. "Yeah.I'm tired let's just go home."

Raven nodded. "For once we're in agreement."

"OR." Beast Boy looked at Raven, slightly hurt. "We COULD BORROW a spaceship, fly around, and then plant a flag on the sun!"

The rest of the Titans merely stared before beginning to walk back to Titan Tower.

"Hey guys! It was a joke! Wait up! Man, some people have no imagination." Beast Boy grumbled as he ran to catch up with them. 10


Robin yawned, as he gazed out over the bay from the top of Titans Tower. The bright setting sun, and big suspension bridge---his repertoire was interrupted by a knock on the roof door.

He sat turned around. "Yeah?"

Starfire's head poked through the doorway. "Robin? May I join you, or am I interrupting something?"

Robin nodded, "Sure, come on in Star."

She walked the roof, stopping a few feet away from Robin.

"Yeah Star? What is it? Is something wrong?" Robin stood up, alert.

Starfire paused, then shook her head. "No, I do not believe so, Robin. I.merely wanted. to talk."

Robin grinned. "Sure. What about?" He patted the empty space next to him.

Starfire sat down next to him, and drew her legs up to her chin. "Well.Actually, I am not really sure. Umm."

Robin smiled again. "Take your time, no hurry." 20

She paused for several moments, then continued. "Well... We have had a lot of fun in the past couple days right Robin?"

Robin nodded. "Sure Starfire---Except the part where I got thrown into that china shop." He shivered at the memory.

She smiled brightly. "Oh yes! You did not seem very happy at that time."

Robin nodded, smiling at the memory. "Yeah.Soooo. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Starfire opened her mouth, paused, blushed, then opened her mouth again. At that moment came from downstairs:

"Hey guys! Dinner's ready!"

"We're coming!" Robin hollered.

"Robin but.We did not finish." Starfire began, as Robin smiled.

He grabbed her hand, and began to lead her downstairs. "Dinner's ready Star."

Starfire sighed, resigned that she had lost ANOTHER opportunity to talk to Robin alone. She sighed again, disappointed yet strangely happy, as she followed Robin downstairs.

So ends my first fanfic, Happy Holidays. Hope everyone enjoyed it, I sure enjoyed writing it. So, if you have questions or comments, REVIEW! Also, if you want, send me an e-mail at [email protected] to tell me them. Goodbye!

Oh, and keep an eye out for some more fan fiction from me soon. Aloha!