Hey everyone thanks for reading my story! Sorry it took so long to write but I have had so much stuff to do. I would like to thank the people that have been reading and reviewing my story. I hope you all like this chapter!

Disclaimer: No I do not own sailor moon, but the made up characters in the story are mine!

A Love and Destiny: Serena, with a new lover?

By: LeyLey

Tara stood up to greet her old friend Jason. "Hey Jay! I didn't realize it was you!" Tara gave Jason a big hug.

"Hey T, what's been going on with you?" Serena studied Jason; she thought he was cute with his brown hair and blue eyes.

"Nothing much just the same old stuff" Tara replied.

"Jay this is my friend Serena and she thinks you're cute."

Serena gasped. "You did not just say that Tay! This is my first time seeing him!"

Tara smiled. "Yes I did just say that and you cannot tell me he isn't cute!" Serena just sat quiet because she didn't know what to say.

"See I told you she thinks you're cute she's speechless, anyways this is my other friend Nikki. Nikki quietly said hi.

"Tay you'll never change, it's nice to meet you Serena and Nikki, and these are my two friends Marc and Donte." Jason said as he grabbed a seat beside Serena. "

You don't have to introduce us Jay; I think were old enough to do that ourselves." Marc said as he got a chair to sit by Nikki.

"Hi Nikki, my name is Marc." Marc said as he was laughing. "Hi Marc my name is Nikki." Nikki blushed by Marc's sudden urge to talk to her.

"OOH we got a little love connection going on!" Tara said laughing.

"I think there is a love connection but it's not complete yet, D ain't you gonna introduce yourself to Tara, I see you staring at her." Jay said with a cocky smile.

"Shut up Jay, I was getting ready to do that!" Donte cleared his throat. "Hey Tara my name is Donte."

"Hi Donte! Okay enough with stupid introductions this is a waste of time!"

"Where am I?" Luna said as she was standing outside of a large apartment complex. As Luna was about to walk further she felt a pair of little hands grab her. Luna almost scratched whoever it was, but she heard a child's voice and it made her stop.

"Look mommy a kitty, can we keep it?" A little girl with curly black hair said as she was rubbing Luna. Luna was shocked by how innocent the little girl sounded.

"No Brittany you can't keep it, we don't need a pet right now." The little girl's eyes began to well up with tears.

"But Mommy you promised me we would get a pet for my birthday." The mother looked at Luna suspiciously.

"Brittany you said you wanted a dog, now you want a cat?" Brittany smiled a wide crest smile.

"Yes I want this one!"

"You just picked up off the street who knows where it has been!" The little girl began to sob silently.

"Okay Brit-Brit I'll get you the cat but not after we take it to the vet first!" Luna frowned she did not like pet doctors especially when she was going to one. She could tell that it was going to be a long day.

"So Serena, where are you from?" Serena smiled, she liked Jason he seemed like boyfriend material, and they had been talking for 2 hours.

"Well I'm from Japan. Where are you from?"

"I was born in Tokyo and I stayed there till I was 5 then my family moved here."

"Oh so I guess you and I have something in common were both from Japan." Serena knew how dorky that sounded but she wasn't on top of her flirting game like she used to be.

"Yeah we sure are, crazy world huh?"

"Yeah sure is." Serena started to get shy; she hadn't talk to another guy besides Darien in a while.

"So Serena, do you have a boyfriend?" Serena was taken aback by how blunt he was, but she wasn't going to waste any time since she liked him.

"No I don't have a boyfriend. Why?"

"Well I was just wondering because I kind of like you."

"Do you kind of like me, or just like me?" Serena smiled flirtatiously to Jason. Now she was back on top of her game.

"I like you, you're beautiful and you seem like someone I could have a future with."

"Well I like you too and you and I could have a future together if you like." She started to blush. She didn't know she was going to say that to him.

"So Sere are we an official couple right now?"

"Yes we are." Jason and Serena switched numbers and all that necessary stuff. Serena didn't know if what she was doing was right but at that moment she didn't care. She knew she was acting out of character but it was time for a change.

"There you guys are I've been looking all over!" Tara said as she burst through the door of the secluded area that Jason and Serena were in.

"Well then we succeeded because we didn't want you to find us!"

"Haha Jason! Sere you ready to go?"

"Yeah Tay I'm ready!" Serena gave Jason a hug and her and the rest of the girls left to go back to Tara's apartment.

