W00t! My second serious Teen Titans fic! Hope you enjoy it.

Cookies will go to the person who can figure out where I got Jeremy the Crow from.


Jeremy the Crow awoke to music playing quietly from his small clock radio and the smell of bacon trying to coax him out of bed. ~Magpie must already be up, ~ he thought. He vaguely wondered how she was able to be up so early. The equinox had kept him awake until almost four a.m. He also vaguely wondered how the humans could sleep through that much magic. He was too tired to think about it very hard though.

A few minutes later, he came downstairs. As he had already guessed, Magpie was there. She was holding a frying pan above her hand which was holding... A FIREBALL?!

"Magpie! What do you think you're doing?" Jeremy cried, "Do you want people to see you?"

Magpie looked at him, "I'm a Fae, and I have every right in the worlds to use my magic."

"I know it's frustrating, but try to live with it," Jeremy responded.

Magpie put on her infamous puppy pout (tm) face.

"If it's any consolation, I don't like it either. Do you know how hard it is for ME? I'm a magician and I haven't done any magic in a month!"

"Fine," Magpie closed her hand around the fireball and it disappeared, "The bacon's done anyway."

"Then let's eat," Jeremy hated when his Magpie was upset, she really looked much better with a smile on her face... WOAH! Hold the phone! His Magpie? Where had THAT thought come from?

His surprise must have shown on his face, because Magpie spoke, "Is something wrong?"

Jeremy shook his head slightly, "Nothing, I'm just tired."

Magpie looked at him suspiciously, but apparently his explanation sufficed, because she said nothing more about it.


Across town, someone else was having a hard time waking up. Raven was usually the first one awake of all the Titans, but it had been nearly impossible for her to sleep last night. Raven was one of the few people who could feel the huge amount of magic released on the Equinoxes and Solstices.

It wasn't really a good thing for her to have felt. She recalled how close all of that raw, wild, magic had come to pulling her out of her usual, emotionless state. It made her nervous, truth be told. She didn't want to risk hurting anybody.

Raven hastily shoved those thoughts away. It was over and there would be no more magical bursts like that until the winter solstice. She didn't need to worry about it.

But first, she would meditate to cleanse herself of those pesky emotions.


"So, what's the plan for today, Crow-kun?" Magpie asked happily.

"Don't call me that," Jeremy replied testily.

"Why not? Maybe I like calling you Crow-kun," Magpie smiled.

"Well, I don't like it," Jeremy grumbled.

"You say that as if anybody's opinion but mine matters," The words themselves could have been quite mean, but her smile revealed that she was only joking.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, "We've got to go to the bank, buy groceries, and pick up our stuff from the pottery place."

"'Kay," Magpie replied, finishing her last piece of bacon.

Jeremy got up from the table and put his plate in the sink. Magpie quickly followed suit.

He offered her his arm with a grin, "Shall we go, Milady?"

Magpie took his arm with an equally big grin, "Indeed, Milord, we shall."

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

~It's good that I got assigned to this task with Jeremy,~ Magpie thought, ~I would hate to be stuck here for two years with someone who hasn't got my quirky sense of humor.~

She looked at her feet, "Um, Jeremy? Maybe we should put some shoes on."

Jeremy sighed, "Two years and we STILL haven't gotten used to wearing shoes... That's pretty sad."


One bus trip and a two block walk later, they were at the bank. Jeremy was standing in line, while Magpie was admiring a young woman's engagement ring. Just like the bird she was named for, Magpie loved sparkly things. The woman didn't mind showing it off either.

Jeremy was writing a grocery list when the door burst open and three men holding guns ran into the bank.

"This is a hold up," One man said coolly, "Give us the money and we won't kill you."

The clerk trembled with fear, "Y-yes, s-s-sir."

A second man fired a shot right at one woman's feet, "Going somewhere?"

The woman stepped back and shook her head nervously.

"You might as well sit down," The third man said in the same cool tone that the other two men had used, "No-one's going anywhere for a while."


"Raven!" Cyborg's voice startled Raven out of her meditation.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

We'll tell you on the way," Robin answered, "We've got to go NOW!?"

"Then let's go," She replied, already heading for the door.

As she was flying, Raven asked Starfire what was happening.

"Three men are holding approximately thirty people hostage," Starfire responded quickly.

"And two of them are kids!" Beast boy added.

Raven said nothing, but she flew a little bit faster.


"We want transportation out of here." The first man was speaking into a cell phone, "And we're going to kill one hostage every hour until you give us what we want."

"WHAT?!" Magpie could hear someone yelling on the other end of the phone, "That's crazy!"

"Well, that's too bad," came the cold answer, "Guess what? Your first hour's up."

He set the cell phone down on the counter and looked around the room. His eyes rested on a five-year-old boy, "You'll do just fine."

The boy's mother screamed and hugged him close.

Jeremy stood up, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. The murder of an innocent child is not something I will allow. Especially not when I am completely capable of preventing it."

Most people would have classified Jeremy's actions under if this goes wrong, it will SO kill me. Most people however, were not Magicians with over a month's worth of unused magic stored inside them. Nor did most people have a pyrokinetic Fae to get their back.

"Hehe," Magpie grinned maliciously, "I haven't had a good fight in almost fifty years."


So, whatcha think? REVIEW!! I don't care if you hate it and think it's a blemish to all fanfic, I WANT FEEDBACK!!

Peace, out.