Okay guys. I got all nostalgic the other day and pulled out some old CD's of mine. Of course, this one isn't really that old, but anyways. It's Craig David, 7 Days. And I thought of this really neat concept of inserting Fox and Teresa into this song and then making a story out of it. I hope you guys like. I wanted to wait and write it after I had finished either Destiny or Complicated, but once I got started I just couldn't stop. I have inserted the song at the end of the chapter so you have an idea or where this is going if you are not familair with the song. I hope you like. As always, read and review. Good or bad I enjoy reading them. I plan on posting the rest on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Carrie

Fox walked out of the elevator of the apartment building where his best friend, Dylan lived. He knocked on the door of his apartment and was greeted by a devishly handsome man. Dark skin, piercing blue eyes and jet black hair.

"Hey, Dylan, did you think I wasn't coming?"

"Hell, yeah, where have you been?" He said stepping out of the way to let Fox into the apartment.

"Yeah, Fox, we thought you had fallen off the face of the earth. It's been a week since any of us have seen or spoken to you. Wouldn't happen to be that hot girl you were telling us about last week would it?" One of the poker buddies yelled.

Fox crossed the room and sit down at the poker table. Dylan took the chair beside him and handed him a cold beer. Fox took a swig and then sit it down.

"You guys wouldn't believe it even if I told you."

Dylan smiled, "Oh, this has got to be good. Come on, this is your best friend here. Spill it."

Fox grinned, "Come on now, guys, you know I don't kiss and tell." He said nonchalantly.

"Bullshit, Fox." Dylan smirked. "You've never once worried about telling us about your one night stands."

"No," Fox said shaking his head, "but this one is different. She's special."

"Okay, now you've got our full attention." One of the other poker buddies said from across the table.

"Come on, Fox, don't make me beg. I'm not very good at it. I'm use to the women begging me. You know that." Dylan said.

"Okay, okay." Fox gave up. "If you'll get off my case. I'll tell you." He sat back in his chair. "Last Monday, before I stopped by here I told you I met this beautiful, doe-eyed, dark skinned woman in the Subway."

"Sounds hot." Dylan said ruefully.

"You can't even imagine. Anyways, she asked me the time. I told her that it would cost her."

"I think I see where this is going." One of his friends said. "What was the cost?"

"Her name, number and a date."

"She didn't smack the shit out of you?" Dylan asked.


"And this was for real?"

"Damn sure!" Fox protested.

"She legal?"

"Twenty four."

"Man this is getting good."

"You haven't heard the good part." Fox smiled.


On my way to see my friends

who lived a couple blocks away from me

As I walked through the subway

it must have been about quarter past three

In front of me

stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body

She asked me for the time

I said it'd cost her her name

a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine

Did she decline? No

Didn't she mind? I don't think so

Was it for real? Damn sure

What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24

So was she keen? She couldn't wait

Cinnamon queen? let me update

What did she say? She said she'd love to


She asked me what we were gonna do

said we'd start with a bottle of moet for two


took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

I met this girl on Monday

took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

Nine was the time

cos I'll be getting mine

and she was looking fine

Smooth talker

she told me

She'd love to unfold me all night long

Ooh I loved the way she kicked it

from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it)

And I oh oh I yeah

hope that she'd care

cos I'm a man who'll always be there

Ooh yeah

I'm not a man to play around baby

Ooh yeah

cos a one night stand isn't really fair

From the first impression girl hmm you don't seem to be like that

Cos there's no need to chat for there'll be plenty for that

From the subway to my home

endless ringing of my phone

When you feeling all alone

all you gotta do

is just call me call me


took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

I met this girl on Monday

took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

(Break it down, uh break it down)

Since I met this special lady

ooh yeah

I can't get her of my mind

She's one of a kind

And I ain't about to deny it

It's a special kind thing

with you-oh.......


took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

I met this girl on Monday

took her for a drink on Tuesday

we were making love by Wednesday

and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday