Minerva Matchmaker

Chapter 5: Undomesticated Equines

By: Cielita

Minerva's heels clicked on the stone floor as she and Albus walked down to the Great Hall. Albus wore a smile that was very nearly a mile across as he reached for the door to allow her in.

"Oh, so now I suppose you expect me to go in first?" Minerva said, crossing her arms over her much-more-revealed-than-usual chest. Albus only smiled wider and tipped his fedora and grandly swept his arm across her path.

"After you, my darling," he said. Minerva wanted more than anything to step on his foot as hard as she could. Scowling dangerously at him and not taking her eyes away from his gaze, she lifted her foot and crunched down as hard as she could. Albus didn't even flinch.

"Feel better, my dear?" he asked. Minerva was fuming. Had he no nerves in his feet? He must have read her mind, because he continued, "Steel toed boots, my love."

Disregarding the steel toed boots comment, Minerva heard only one thing.

"What did you call me?" Minerva said softly. Albus' smile gently.

"I love you, Minerva," Albus said. Minerva thought she had lost the feeling in her legs.

"How long have you felt like this?" she asked.

"So long that undomesticated equines couldn't have kept me from being with you tonight," he said, taking Minerva's hand. Minerva's eyes welled with tears.

"Wild horses, Albus!" she said, laughing a bit as she let a tear slip down her face. Minerva let her arms slide up around his shoulders and seconds didn't have time to pass before her lips met his. Albus wrapped his arms around her and held her. Neither noticed that the door was opening until it was too late.

"Professor.mighty nice outfit yer got on tonight," said Hagrid, his yeti costume shedding down over them. Minerva inched back down to the floor and blushed a bit before thanking Hagrid politely and continuing into the Great Hall, Albus once again grinning ear to ear. When they stepped into the room, couples were dancing, not only moving around the room in pairs, but as a single mass of people all moving in a large circle as they waltzed around the Hall.

"Professor?" said a surprised voice. Harry came out of the crowd dressed in a dashing Prince Charming costume, "Wow! You look really good!" Dumbledore chuckled and Minerva rolled her eyes.

"You look quite good yourself, Mr. Potter. Don't you have a date tonight?" Minerva said. Harry smiled and turned around, catching the eyes of a vision in a pale blue gown. Her red hair was swept up into a bun with curls cascading down around her face, her smile as sweet as Persephone on the first day of spring. Harry's Cinderella was Ginny Weasley.

"We can't thank you enough, Professor McGonagall!" said Ginny.

"For what, Miss Weasley?" Minerva asked. As they talked, a conga line was passing by behind them and the music had become obnoxiously catchy.

"If you hadn't dropped that note." said Ginny.

"That I didn't write." said Harry.

"I would never have known that Harry really liked me," Ginny said.

"Well, you can thank Madam Hooch. She's the one that faked the note. I was merely a facilitator," said Minerva. Albus' hand was around her waist now, and Harry took Ginny's hand in his own and kissed it. The music changed and the two kids made for the dance floor, leaving their teachers to contemplate the success of the matchmakers' mission.

"It must be genetic," said Albus, lightly kissing Minerva's shoulder.

"What's that?" asked Minerva.

"His father was rather attracted to redheads himself," said Albus. Minerva laughed and Albus smiled as they proceeded to the floor to join the others.

"Didja see them!?" squealed Madam Hooch, glomping Minerva as she and Albus walked.

"Yes," Minerva laughed, "Mission accomplished."

"Would you be so kind as to give us a minute, Albus? Girl talk," said Rolanda. Albus chuckled and ambled away from them.

"More than one mission got accomplished, I see!"

Hooch said. Hooch smiled at her best friend as she blushed.

"So that was your ulterior motive, huh? Getting Albus and I together?" Hooch laughed.

"It worked, didn't it?" said Hooch, adjusting her costume. She had come as the muggle singer Madonna.

"Yes, Ro, it worked brilliantly," said Minerva.

"How bad does he have it?" asked Rolanda. Minerva looked over at Albus, he was in the middle of a thick circle of students and staff as he danced, his long white hair flying about him and his blue eyes flashing with joy.

"Undomesticated equines, Ro. Undomesticated equines," said Minerva, leaving her puzzled friend as she joined the circle of students watching Albus dance.

_"Here is the dome, back with the bass

The jam is live in effect and I don't waste time

on the mike with a dope rhyme

Jump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump

And I'm here to combine

Beats and lyrics to make your shake your pants

Take a chance, come on and dance

Guys grab a girl, don't wait, make HER TWIRL

It's your world."_

The music pounded, and slowly, Minerva began to unwind. She forgot that she was wearing an incredibly short dress. She forgot that she cared what the students thought of her. She forgot that she was trying to hide her feelings for Albus from the rest of the world. By the time she and Albus left the ball, they were exhausted, laughing, and just a little tipsy.

Albus pulled Minerva back toward his rooms but Minerva tugged back.

"Oh no. You've had your fun. It's my turn," said Minerva. Albus relented and let Minerva pull him back the other direction. In the direction of her own room.

Once inside the door of her room, Albus pressed himself against her, kissing her as he had longed to all night. He took hold of her shoulders and slowly pulled down the straps of her dress and placing soft kisses along her jaw line. Minerva shuddered and Albus smiled. Albus pushed her up against the wall and kissed her again. He took hold of the zipper in the back of her dress and slid it down forcing a shiver up and down her spine. She shrugged the dress off before taking his face in her hands and kissing him back. Albus pulled away a moment later.

"We shouldn't be doing this," he said, his voice ragged with emotion.

"Everyone else is down at the ball. They'll never miss us," Minerva said, popping her shoes off her feet. Suddenly another inch shorter, Minerva's lips slipped away from his and Albus stooped to pick her up, carrying her to her bed. Minerva took the fedora from his head and placed it on her own as he placed her on the bed and shed the overcoat from his costume and then the suit coat and vest. He pulled off his boots and climbed up onto the bed with her, covering her body with his and kissing her again.

The next morning dawned sunny and cool. A perfectly crisp autumn day. Minerva gingerly moved Albus' arm from around her and got up. He mumbled something

incomprehensible and went back to sleep. Minerva smiled as she dressed, kissing Albus lightly on the temples and tucking the covers over his bare shoulders before she left the room, softly shutting the door behind her.

"Rolanda!" she shouted as she neared the quidditch pitch. Rolanda was testing the Firebolt again. When she saw Minerva, she came to a gliding halt before her.

"So, how did it go last night?" she asked, setting her goggles on her head. A smiled played with the corners of Minerva's mouth. Rolanda saw this and pounced on it.

"You didn't!" Rolanda squealed.

"I thought this is what you wanted!" Minerva cried, "I'm in love with him, Rolanda!" Hooch smugly smiled and sat back on her broom.

"No," she said, "THAT was what I wanted. I wanted high and mighty Minerva McGonagall to admit that she was in love without being under the influence of hard liquor." Minerva grabbed a plain training broom from the stands behind her and swung the straw end at her best friend's head. Hooch laughed and the two spent the next half an hour swatting at each other and laughing like girls.

As the two collapsed to the grass, breath heaving and hearts pounding, Rolanda pounced on her friend and grabbed her left hand.

"I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT I SAW!!" Rolanda shrieked. Minerva was sporting a two carat, flawless diamond ring. Minerva rolled Rolanda off of her and sat up, shaking the grass out of her hair.

"He proposed at about 1:30 am, when we were laying awake-" Minerva stopped abruptly mid-sentence. She wasn't sure how much she wanted Rolanda to know.

Rolanda was on the ground laughing again, "What was that word you were trying to tell me at the dance? Something about domes or equals or something?"

"No, my dear dimwit. Undomesticated equines. Albus said that Undomesticated equines couldn't have kept him from being with me that night," said Minerva, catching her breath.

"As long as you know what it means. I'm going back up to the castle. Coming, Mrs. Dumbledore?" Hooch said. Minerva picked up her skirts and took off after her, her green robes fluttering out behind her like emerald rain as her hair flew about her. She had never felt so alive.