CHAPTER 10: The Final Hour

-The entire Cyber Freak army bolts towards the Fairy Council, which is now beginning to crumble with the earthquakes-

Legionary 1: Just a little further.

Legionary 2: We need to get back to Cyberspace before this place blows!

Legionary 1: Well jeez, thanks a lot, Mr. Obvious.

Legionary 2: Hey, I find that offensive, stinkwad!

Elite: Both of you SHUT UP! We need to get to the computer, pronto! Accept no distractions!

-The legionaries are about to enter the council, when Globox, Murfy and Clyde block their way-

Elite: What the... GET OUT OF MY WAY!

Clyde: Righty-o, fat chance.

Murfy: You'll go no further!

Elite: Oh, really? What makes you think you three can stand up to the entire Cyber Freak brigade?

Globox: ............ah, to heck with this. I'm getting outta here!!! -runs into the council-

Murfy: Coward!

Clyde: Nah, let him go. Something tells me he's doing the right thing.

Elite: I've got no time for this. CHARGE!

-The Cyber Legionaries easily plow past Murfy and Clyde-

Murfy: Any more bright ideas?

Clyde: Well, at least that bought us a bit of time. Anyway, we need to do something quickly, the planet's prone to explode in an hour!

Murfy: ...say, there's something you're not telling me. How do you know so much about this planet, anyway?

Clyde: Let's just say I had a lot of time to study while I was banished up there. Now come on, I have a plan B...

-Murfy and Clyde fly towards the top of the council. Meanwhile...-

Grand Minimus 1: Oh, there must be something we can do...

Otto: Get a hold of yourself! We're doomed, why can't you just accept it?!

Grand Minimus 2: Hey, wait a second! What about Murfy's computer?

Otto: Yeah, what about it?

Grand Minimus 2: It connects our world to Cyberspace. If we can get to it, there's a small chance that we can escape by teleporting into the network!

Otto: By George, I think you've got something there! Okay, listen up, everyone! We need to get to the computer, pronto! Accept no distractions!

-All the Teensies flood out of the room towards the computer. Meanwhile...-

Elite: There it is! The gateway to our sanctuary! Come on now, every Freak for himself!

-As the Cyber Legionaries bolt towards it, Murfy and Clyde fly out of seemingly nowhere, toting a large chunk of lodestone-

Elite: Oh, not you two again!

Murfy: One more step, and the computer gets it!

Elite: Don't be a fool! If you take out the portal, we're all doomed!

Clyde: Exactly. Everyone wins as long as you lose. We don't care about ourselves anymore, but we can't allow you to terrorize any more worlds!

Elite: What a moronic time to be bold. Everyone, CHARGE!

Murfy: Bleh! They won't stop!

Clyde: On three then. One... two...

???: HALT!

-Everyone stops-

Murfy: Wuh... what was that?

-The computer begins to flash and the teleporter is initiated. As the figure takes shape, everyone gasps-

Elite: Oh, crud.

Clyde: Oh, I knew you'd make it!

-As the dust clears, out comes Rayman!-

Rayman: Don't throw that rock!

Clyde: But... how... GL47?

Rayman: Let's just say I had another gruesome malfunction. Now, as for you punks...

-Rayman throws a curved punch. His fist has a brilliant glow. It strikes a Cyber Legionary, where it then explodes, vaporizing a large cluster of them-

Elite: What's happening here? How did you do that???

Rayman: I'm running on backup power from Cyberspace, so my powers are as they would be in there. However, I can't last long out here.

Clyde: Fine! We need to get to Cyberspace NOW! The planet's going to blow!

Rayman: Yes, I know, I saw everything. Where's Globox and the others?

Murfy: I have no clue! Look, we can't wait here any longer. WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!

Rayman: I suppose we do. Goodbye, my friend...

-As Rayman, Murfy and Clyde trudge towards the computer, Globox's screams of horror can be heard barreling down the hallway-

Globox: Gotta be brave, gotta be brave...

Otto: -is riding via piggyback- There's the computer! And... Rayman?!?

Rayman: No time to explain! Globox! Otto! Get inside, NOW!

Globox: All right, here I come!

Elite: Not so fast!

-The Elite Legionary moves in to obstruct Globox and Otto, but he gets knocked back. The three enter the teleporter and are transported back to Cyberspace-

Clyde: That's all the time we can spare. Move out, now!

-Clyde and Rayman teleport to Cyberspace-

Murfy: -sniff- I'm really gonna miss this planet...

Legionary 1: Ah, who cares about us, we're nothing but low ranked foot soldiers.

Murfy: Maybe, but you're still Cyber Freaks. Bye!

-As Murfy flies towards the computer, a rock jars loose from the ceiling and lands right on it!-

Murfy: OH ----!

Legionary 2: He who hesitates is lost. Now, what do we do now?

Murfy: Good question... -chuckles-

Legionary 3: Are you mad? What could possibly be funny?

Murfy: Think about it. The planet's about to go kablooie and I'm trapped on it in front of my enemies.

Legionary 3: I'm still not following you.

Murfy: And all this time, I haven't told Ly that I...

-Before Murfy can finish his sentence, the surface of the planet crumbles and everything is sucked into a singularity. It seemingly remains stable, but then explodes in a fiery fury similar to that of a supernova. The planet is gone. Now all that is left is Rayman, Globox, Clyde, Otto and the lone Elite Legionary. What will become of them?-

Rayman: -awakens to see a bright light- ...where are we?

Globox: My head... feels like Plum-O-Rama day at the council all over again...

Clyde: Brother...

Otto: Everything's gone... are we in Cyberspace?

Elite: No. We're on solid ground. That must mean...

-Some shadowy figures appear over the five-

All: ...we escaped...

-They all collapse in exhaustion-