RAYMAN 4: Cyber Freaks

A fanfic by: Block


*Several months have passed since the defeat of Andre and the Hoodlums (when Andre transformed back at the end of Rayman 3, there was a short chase, then Rayman transformed him back for good).*

Rayman: I'm bored. It's like nothing happens around here.

Globox: That's not true! Just last Thursday, I tripped and fell!

Rayman: See? That's what I'm talking about. Fighting bad guys and saving the world is fun. And with no baddies to pound, it's very dull around here.

Murfy: Think of it as a vacation. Unwind a bit. Hey, have you ever noticed that you're sitting on a Squab who's foaming at the mouth?

Rayman: Yeah. I smack him once in a while. That's the only excitement I've had in months.

Murfy: You know, I really shouldn't do this, but. I'll let you use my computer.

Globox: Huh? You have a computer? I thought they were only urban legends!

Murfy: Well, they kinda are. I was talking to Polokus behind my back and he gave me a computer because I payed attention to him. He was lonely in his dream world.

Rayman: Woohoo! Now I can finally do things that aren't boring! Where is the computer?

Murfy: A secret chamber of the Fairy Council. I keep it there so nobody can see it and monopolize the keyboard. And you know Teensies aren't the best with electronic devices.

*The three see a Teensie trying to turn on a light, only for the fixture to fall and shatter*

Murfy: Case and point.

Globox: Can we go now?

Murfy: Yeah, sure. Just follow me.

*Rayman and Globox follow Murfy into the secret chamber*

Murfy: Now hang on, I have to turn this thing on. It takes a while.

Globox: What's that?

Murfy: That's the floor.

Globox: Oh, come on, left arm! You know better!

Rayman: Will it be on soon?

Murfy: When I said it took a while, I meant it.

Globox: Is it done yet?

Murfy: No.

Globox: Is it done yet?

Murfy: No.

Globox: Is it done yet?

Murfy: No.


Globox: Is it done yet?

Murfy: No.

Globox: Is it done yet?

Murfy: Yes.

Globox: YAY!

Rayman: Hey, there's some pretty cool stuff on here. Hey, look! There's two pictures on the desktop with my name on it!

*Rayman points to the two icons which read "RAYMAN" and "RAYMAN 2: THE GREAT ESCAPE"*

Murfy: Right. pictures.

*Suddenly, Grand Minimus comes in*

Grand Minimus: Hey, guys? There's something I need you all to do outside.

Globox: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *jumps on Grand Minimus*

Grand Minimus: Globox. Get off of me. Now.

*Murfy shuts down the comptuer and they both run out*

Rayman: Gotta go, bye!

*Globox follows*

Grand Minimus: Hey, what is that thing inside this room? Huh? Is that a computer???

*Literally hundreds of Teensies start charging towards the room, shouting "COMPUTER!!!" right before Grand Minimus seals the room*

Grand Minimus: Uh, yeah, I mean. ooh! Look at the pretty rock! Hehheheheh. *walks away* I've seen nothing. nothing.

*All the Teensies leave in disappointment. Meanwhile, inside the chamber, the computer turns itself back on, as a somewhat sinister laugh appears from the monitor*