Now, for your reading pleasure the edited version of 'Love on ice!' Reading through the first…oh…7 chapters? The amount of errors and other such things just ruined the story. And author notes. I will thank reviewers in the last chapter, having taken them out of each individual one has greatly decreased the length, but I will not change anything drastically plot-wise, just tidy up the sentences.
Enjoy the story! And remember to review, ne?
~*~Love On Ice~*~
Yugi walked down the pavement carefully, the ice was thick and the surface very
slippery. Jou was beside him, slipping every few seconds and grabbing onto the
nearest thing for support, usually a garden wall.
After a few minutes they had made it down the street, a distance which usually
only took 30 seconds to cover. "We're never going to get home at this rate
Jounouchi-kun! And even if we do we'll be icicles!" Jou shivered involuntary.
The day was cold and their school uniforms were thin.
"Yeah, but at least we'll freeze together, ne?" Yugi smiled, and then shivered
as a strong gust of wind brushed past. Yugi, weighing less than Jou, slid back
on the ice a few inches. "I'm going backwards!" Jou laughed, and held his hand
out for the smaller to take.
"Hold on to me, maybe you won't get blown away!" Yugi went to take his best
friends hand gratefully, but as he leant forwards another gust of wind,
stronger than before rushed past.
Letting out a gasp Yugi felt his trainers slide on the ice and then the world
tipped round. He fell to the ground and his leg slide underneath him. "Ahh! Jounouchi-kun,
itai!" Jou rushed to his friend as best he
"Daijoibu ka? Can you
"Iie, Jounouchi, my
leg hurts." Yugi had tears in his eyes; Jou gently lifted the leg of his right
trouser which Yugi was grasping in pain, and whipped out his mobile to call for
an ambulance.
"Hi, yeah, my friend slipped on some ice...I think his leg might be
broken...yeah, we're on Uramachi Street...thank you." He hung
up and turned to Yugi. "They'll be here in a few minutes, okay? Are you in a
lot of pain?"
Yugi looked up, his large violet eyes filled with tears and nodded. "It'll be
okay, the ambulance is on its way." Jou sat down next to Yugi, holding his hand.
The street was empty, the two had stayed behind after school on clean up duty,
and so were an hour late. And anyone who had any sense at all was indoors, the
roads and paths were far too slippery and it was already dark.
Taking another look at Yugi's leg Jou was almost sure it was broken. The
ambulance arrived after what seemed like to Yugi hours. Jou rode with him as
the paramedics gave Yugi painkillers and an oxygen mask which made him very
When Yugi awoke he was in a dark room. He couldn't see anything. But he could hear
somebody snoring lightly. Turning his head he could just about make out the
figure of his Yami, he was sitting on a chair and leaning on his bed fast
Yugi smiled, Yami looked so kawaii like that. But the movement caused the ex-pharaoh
to awaken and look directly at his hikari. "Yugi, you're okay? I was so
worried!" Yugi smiled, it was just like Yami to worry.
"I'm fine. My leg hurts a bit but not as bad as before. How long was I out?"
"I got the call from Jou at about 6, and it's now 2am. So about 8 hours." Yugi sighed and smiled.
"But I still feel tired!"
"Get some rest aibou, it's late. Well, early. I'm tired too you know."
"Must be all that
worrying." Yami smiled as he watched his hikari fall back onto the soft
pillows and drift asleep.
Yami resumed his, less than comfortable position, on the bed. /Yami, why are
you sleeping like that? It can't be very comfy./ Yami
sat up rubbing his back.
//Well, you're in a private room, there is no
where else to sleep.//
/Sleep on my bed. Lying down. There's enough room./ Yami blushed in the darkness, although Yugi couldn't see
//Okay then, if you're sure.//
Yami got up and pulled the covers back.
/Iie! Cold!/ Yami laughed
slightly and got in next to Yugi. He felt the cast on his Hikari's
right leg. /What colour is it?/
//Blue, your favourite.// He felt Yugi smile
beside him. //Now go to sleep. You need your rest.//
/Hai. Goodnight Yami./
//Goodnight aibou.//
As Yugi fell asleep Yami dared to put his arm around the smaller. He almost
pulled away as Yugi shifted in his sleep, but the arm stayed put as Yugi moved
further into the embrace.
//Aishiteru Yugi...//
~*~To be Continued~*~
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