Author's Note: I'm back, baby. This is Against My Friends, chapter 22... BOOYAH! It's been sitting around so long that I forgot the original title... ah well.

Chapter 22: The Legendary Sword

"Welcome, weary travelers," said the young man at the town gates, noticing the sea-worn look each of the youths had. "What, pray you, are your names?"

The older of the two, a sandy-haired young man, stepped forward and said, "I'm Ivan of Vale, and this is Sheba of Contigo." Neither of the names registered with the gatekeeper.

Perhaps these are wanderers from far-off places. I should bring them to Akafubu. He'll be most interested in them. He smiled at them, and bade them follow him.


So, said Sheba through a mind link, what do you make of this place?

Well, it's certainly not in mourning, came Ivan's reply. All appears to be well. They walked together, following the polite young man who'd stopped them at the gates.

That's a relief. Very few people weeping over a death that hasn't happened yet.

Yes, but until we killed that dragon, there was no reason to expect her to survive. Ivan looked up. Standing before them was a large building. "Who lives there?" he asked aloud.

Their young guide answered almost immediately. "This is the house of Akafubu, successor to Oeia, witch doctor," he said, grinning. "He is the wisest man in all Kibombo, and the cleverest." And, with not a word more, he whisked them inside and shooed them up the ladder.

As they climbed, they shared thoughts. Ivan, how old do you suppose this Akafubu is? Fifty? Sixty?

Twenty or thirty. I'm guessing that the whole "Successor of" thing is recent – our young guide hesitated a moment with this Akafubu's name.

I didn't hear any hesitation.

Probably my over trained ear, then. I hear all sorts of pauses and stops – growing up in a politician's house teaches you to listen for them.

I suppose… Sheba looked around the room they'd just entered. Where's Akafubu?

I don't know, replied Ivan as a flash of gray light filled the room with a dense smoke. By the time it was cleared, a twenty-three year-old or so man with a large feathered headdress was introducing himself.

"I am Akafubu, witch doctor. Who enters with gloved hands?" All was said before the smoke cleared. Ivan and Sheba exchanged glances.

"I am Sheba of Contigo," said the latter, bending into a curtsey. "And this is Ivan of Vale." She indicated her bowing companion.

Before she could say anything else, though the witch doctor asked, "Know you the power?" He paused, then added, "The secrets of mind's fury."

Ivan's habit of blurting the truth beat Sheba's careful nature to the answer. "This power?" he asked, casting a simple whirlwind spell. Akafubu smiled.

"Yes, prophesized master." Both of the Jupiter Adepts looked at each other. Before either could speak, however, Akafubu walked over to a glass case. Curious, they followed him. Inside was a glittering sword, its silver blade occasionally pulsing with a purple glow. Its blade was in the style of a katana, and the hilt seemed made of amethyst.

"What is it?" asked Ivan curiously.

A sword, replied Sheba.

I know that, said Ivan. "So," he asked, "what's so special about it?"

Akafubu grinned as he replied, "This is the sword known throughout the world as the Kikuichimonji, thought lost for all time." He paused to look at Ivan's face. An expression of wonder was fixed on it. "I assume, then, that you would have it?" he asked. Ivan nodded furiously.

"But you would never part with it, without a fight, right?" Akafubu nodded. "How many?" He held up one finger.

Sheba began to grow uncomfortable. She'd now read all of the legends, and this situation reminded her of a fight to the death between Asura the Proud and Raiden the Strong. Neither had survived; Raiden's dying blow had killed Asura.

Ivan was busy enquiring further. "How long is the fight?"

"Until one of us is beaten."

"If I win, I get the sword?" Another nod. "And if I lose?"

"You may stay ere as long as you like, but you may not have the sword." Ivan nodded, contemplated for a moment, then held out a hand. Sheba knocked it aside.

"First," she said, "who decides which one is beaten?"

"Whoever either concedes or is knocked unconscious."

"How will this fight be-"

"Kicks and blows. No weapons, no armor." Sheba reluctantly pulled her arm back, Ivan re-extended his, and Akafubu grasped it firmly. After they settled on a time and place (the next day at noon in the center of town) , the two Adepts descended the ladder.

Seems suspicious, thought Sheba. A blade that nobody's seen in years, and it's only a fistfight away?

Stranger things have happened, replied Ivan.

I guess so… But I still don't like it. Ivan, he could wallop you without a word!

Not so. When our group was in Xian – Ivan felt a pang of loss. His friends probably thought him dead. He shuddered, then continued. In Xian, we stopped at a place called the Feh School. Old Master Feh taught me the basics of unarmed combat. He opened the door to their room at the inn. After changing into a silken nightgown he had been given in Izumo, he gave Sheba a peck on the cheek and slipped into bed. Good night, Sheba. Sleep well. And with that, he fell asleep.

I hope Master Feh taught you enough, my angel. I am till worried that you may be killed. She slipped into the sleeping robe she'd gotten in Izumo, blew out the candles in their room, rolled into bed next to Ivan, embraced him, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Ivan rose early and began practicing. He was in the middle of some jumping exercises when a slash spell was fired at him. That, he dodged. He looked towards the bed. Sheba looked grumpily at him. Do you have any idea how loud you're being? It's impossible for me to sleep!

Sorry, he sent meekly. He quickly changed his clothes to the loose gray robes he'd gotten in Vault. They would work well, since they were not very constricting and were also tight enough to not impede him. Well, I'm going to get something to eat. As he left the room, a young man came up to him.

"I have a most marvelous breakfast for you, sir. Eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, jam, many drinks-" Ivan smiled at him.

"Just a couple slices of bacon, if you don't mind," he said. The young man nodded, ran to the kitchens, and returned with a huge platter, filled with all kinds of food. "Um, could you save that until later?" he asked. The young man nodded, unfazed.

"Ah yes, after you fight Akafubu, you will need much nourishment. I understand." With that, he let Ivan grab a few slices of bacon, a piece of toast, and a small glass of water, and let him go. By the time he passed the kitchen, Ivan had finished his breakfast.


At noon, the two met in the center of town. Akafubu stuck the point of his spear on the ground, stripped to the waist, and tossed the clothes aside. Ivan did the same with his clothes and staff, walking into the area designated for their fight. "Skill against skill," he said, bowing. He then assumed the position he hoped would grant him a defensive advantage.

Akafubu returned the bow. "May the best man win." And then it began.

Before Ivan had time to launch a strike, Akafubu lunged forward, right fist zooming towards Ivan's head. The Adept dodged that blow and another aimed at his stomach. Countering, he threw a kick at Akafubu.

The witch doctor moved like water, dodging the kick and knocking Ivan in the small of the back. As he went down, Ivan sent one of his legs sweeping at Akafubu, connecting with the man's ankles and forcing him down.

As he went down, Akafubu launched a punch at Ivan's mouth. This one connected, and in retaliation Ivan sent a foot toward Akafubu's chest, hoping that a trick Mia had used against him would come in handy.

It did, and his kick landed in his true target – Akafubu's stomach. Both got up, and then Akafubu started kicking. These were powerful kicks, and Ivan was sure that if any landed, he would be concussed or stunned. So he dodged, ducking and jumping to avoid the man's feet.

Finally, one connected. As Ivan ducked to dodge the right foot, the left came under it and walloped him. Ivan collapsed into the ground, but only for a moment – he pushed himself up quickly. Unfortunately, Akafubu sent another fist attack; this one hit in a flurry of blows, pummeling the Adept's chest, stomach, and face.

Ivan collapsed again. This time, however, he waited until Akafubu had walked over to see if he was out; this gave him time to recuperate. He grabbed the witch doctor's ankle and heaved. The ploy worked; Akafubu lay on the ground. Ivan sprang to his feet, his energy returning more quickly after the brief rest.

As the witch doctor returned to his feet, Ivan showed no mercy. He pushed forward relentlessly, kicking and punching as though his very life depended on beating his foe into the ground. One punch would launch the witch doctor into the sky, and the midair kick that followed it would send him crashing into the dirt, sliding a few feet. Another punch might snap his face to the left, and the following one would return the head to center. All the time, Akafubu was grinning, even as his blocks failed and he was beaten back even further.

Finally, Ivan let up. Akafubu swayed for a moment, then walked over to the spear, taking it out of the ground and using it instead as a walking stick. He was laughing. "I concede," he said, using Psynergy to heal both of them fully. "That was the best fight I have ever had. You deserve the sword." He clapped twice, and a young man bearing the thin blade came before them.

Before Ivan could think, he blurted out, "Are you an Adept?"

Akafubu shook his head, smiled, and replied, "No. But the witch doctor has certain powers." With that, he took the sword and pressed it into Ivan's hands. "Now then, why don't you have that breakfast you were saving?" At Ivan's astounded look, Akafubu laughed again. "What, you think I don't know the innkeeper?" His laugh became deeper and heartier the longer it lasted.