As Time Goes By
Disclaimer: Hey Arnold! Is improper English. J/K ;o)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As Time Goes By~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 10:
It's still the same old story,
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers,
As time goes by.
Arnold sat back in the cushy airplane seat. Nervously looking out the window. He was very nervous and confused. He couldn't even think about what he was going to say to Helga, it was too much stress at this point. He was nervous enough about finding her. He looked pretty odd, he was the only one on the plane in a tux, especially in coach. He was a little rough around the edges, after all, he hadn't had much sleep. He was on the 7AM flight to Los Angeles.
"Hey, football-head buckle your seatbelt." Arnold was shocked.
"Helga?" The stewardess was not pleased. He quickly realized that the bushy-haired, very grumpy stewardess was not the woman he was hoping it was.
"Sir, I am not this 'Helga' chick. If you would please buckle your seatbelt."
Arnold promptly buckled the belt. 'I have a lot to do, I might as well be comfortable now.' Arnold sat comfortably back into the seat and watched the clouds wistfully like a child. A familiar scene came to mind with a small plane flying towards its destiny. Maybe he finally found the destination…
Arnold awoke to a start. "Welcome to Los Angeles." Arnold heard over the intercom. Arnold picked up his small luggage bag from the party, and made his way into the airport. It was a busy terminal.
'…come on…I've got to find a phone.' Arnold spotted one at the corner of the terminal. He ran over as quickly as possible, he picked up the book and looked Helga up in the book. He found her number, having only cash in his wallet he emptied his pockets to the point where all of the contents were on the floor, "Just enough." He muttered to himself. He nervously dialed Helga's number. The answering machine answered, "You've reached Helga G. Pataki, doi! Leave a message and I'll get back to you when I feel like it." Arnold slowly hung up, he tore the page with her name out of the book and ran out to hail a taxi.
At least 4 hours had gone by, Arnold was running through traffic, wrong directions, etc. He was on the trip of a lifetime. He finally reached a peach colored apartment surrounded by palm trees on the coast. He looked at the address to make sure it was right. He adjusted his tie, and walked over to the door. He fixed his hair and nervously rang the bell.
No answer.
He nervously rang it again.
Only the cold reply of silence.
Arnold was disillusioned and sat down on the step. He rubbed his face in frustration. Arnold noticed the luggage bag sitting on the step as well, it had a nice amount of sand on it…and a red ribbon. It was one of the many that were laced through her hair. He walked down to the beach, where her sitting on one of the many brown benches that dotted the sand. Helga appeared very distraught and solemn. She sat in the same dress, the rose that was once in her hair was now in her hands, the plain box in which it was delivered to her was sitting with her as well, she was thinking about setting it sail. She sat with her feet in the sand, just staring at the ocean.
Arnold slowly walked over. Helga felt his presence, and tried to ignore it. Arnold wasn't quite sure of where to start. He noticed the box.
"What's the box for?" He asked
Helga looked up, but only for a moment, the flash of his deep aquamarine eyes stung.
"It came with the rose, I-I had it delivered." Helga said, while staring blankly at the sea.
"Wow." Arnold said, "Who would've thought that a such a exotic rose would come in a box like that."
"Well," Helga explained while still looking at the ocean, " the most beautiful gift can come in the plainest box." Arnold's eyes grew wide in realization. He looked at Helga closely.
"Making a painting?" Helga said dryly, noticing Arnold's observing of her. He promptly stopped. "May I join you?" Arnold asked.
"Whatever makes you happy." Helga replied solemnly, knowing he was intent on doing so. She was just waiting for Arnold's reply, 'You know I really like you. I really do, but I never really thought of you that way. I'm just not attracted to you.' Or those horrible lovers sayings like, 'I think we should be friends.' The horrible thing about it is, it doesn't always happen. Helga was starting to feel very ashamed of worshipping him. What was she thinking? 'Getting into a drama like this, it's pointless.' She thought sadly. Arnold hadn't said anything yet though, and Helga was just waiting for it.
"Whatever makes me happy?" Arnold pondered as he sat down next to her, Helga felt weak by his presence, and deeply sad at the same time. "Helga?" Helga just stared at the sand. "Helga, look at me." Helga complied, "You make me happy." Helga was shocked, he couldn't be saying...? She melted at the idea of him saying that to her, but her defenses told her to know better.
"Very funny Arnoldo. I know what will make you happy, a good sock in the face. To bring you back to your senses." Helga had to look away from Arnold's genuine stare. He took Helga's hand, she promptly pulled it away. She burned with emotion.
"Helga? Why wouldn't I want you? You are beautiful, funny, kind, caring… Helga, you wear a mask, a hardened, cold mask. On the inside there is a sweet, sensitive, beautiful side that you hide from all of us. I always knew you had it in you. I've been one of the lucky ones to see it, and it's intoxicating. Hell, even your hardened shell is a fascinating facet." Helga crossed her arms nervously.
"You're just blowing sunshine up my skirt." She replied.
"Why do you think that?" Arnold asked.
"Arnold… You don't get it do you? What sense is there in…in 'this'? You're supposed to settle down with a football headed wife and have football headed kids and live in a cookie cutter house on 'Leave It To Beaver' lane. How do I fit into the picture?"
Arnold took her hand, and held it so she couldn't let go. He looked directly into her eyes.
"Helga you're not undeserving." He said softly.
"I didn…"
"Helga, you're not undeserving. No one is undeserving of anyone else."
Helga was starting to get emotional, to her surprise. These words touched her deeply. She was still confused.
"Why are you doing this? I say…well you know what I said and all of the sudden you decide, 'Oh what the hell, I'm going to humor her?'"
Arnold realized that this wasn't going to be that easy. Arnold looked out to the deep blue ocean.
"All right. Helga, you're an actress. Maybe you could help me act out this scene. Okay, I'll play, well…I'll play…myself. And you? Well you can play… Cecile." Arnold added looking deeply into Helga's eyes.
Helga could tell by the way that he looked at her, he knew. She didn't know how, but he knew. She remained silent.
"So, in this play, my character falls in love with this incredible woman, Cecile. He loves her, and the woman behind the costume. In fact, he has been for a while, he just didn't admit it to himself. She moves, he misses her dearly. Meets up with her, has a romantic moment, then she confesses her love for him, and runs off. How could he convince her of his feelings?"
"I don't know…"Helga muttered. "Write to Dear Abby…" Arnold gently took Helga's shoulders. Helga didn't want to admit it, but she really was starting to believe him. Her bottom lip quivered.
"I don't know how to explain it, and I'm sure you don't either." Arnold let out a frustrated sigh, "Why should I go on explaining myself? Some things just don't have an explanation. Helga, it's just as simple as this…I…" Helga looked faint, "Helga don't you get it, I'm crazy for you. I've never met anyone like you…I felt this way for a long time, I just never pinpointed my feelings. I tried to brush them aside. I really missed you…Now I know how you feel and Helga I…" Arnold noticed the rose in Helga's hand. He took the rose and placed it in her hair. He brushed a few whispy hairs away so he could see all of her face. "Helga…I love you." The waves crashed in front of the picturesque scene. It was perfect, or at least Arnold thought. He put his hands around her shoulders and started to move in close. Helga grabbed his arm and stopped him right in his tracks.
"Promise?" She asked. Arnold looked at her softly and she didn't need for her answer. They both moved slowly, until their lips met. Helga was deliriously in love. She was truly loved. This time her beloved was kissing her back. Arnold was going through the same emotions as well, finally showing his feelings for the woman he loved. He moved his hands around her back and pulled her closer. They finally, after all this time, they had one another.
And the great fairy tale is over. As time went by, the old game was played, and it led them together in the end.
"No matter what the progress, or what may yet be proved, the simple facts of life are such, the cannot be removed."
Play it again, Sam.
As Time Goes By
Lyrics and Music by Herman Hupfeld
This day and age we're living in,
Gives cause for apprehension.
With speed and new invention
And things like fourth dimension.
Yet we get a trifle weary
With Mr. Einstein's theory,
So we must get down to earth at times,
Relax relieve the tension.
And no matter what the progress,
Or what may yet be proved,
The simple facts of life are such,
They cannot be removed.
You must remember this,
A kiss is still a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you,"
On that you can rely,
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man,
And man must have his mate,
That no one can deny.
It's still the same old story,
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers,
As time goes by.
Thank you all so much!!! I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! Again, I'd appreciate any feedback and I am thankful for all that responded before! Thank you!