Here's a holiday gift for you all. Hope you had a very nice Christmas….and watched a lot of ROTKEE. Hehe. That was great, wasn't it? Happy New Year!

Nausea and weariness came over Legolas as they passed through the dark and narrow passage. Fog clouded his vision and he felt it was a matter of seconds before darkness would claim him. But Aragorn pressed him forward, not slowing down in his stride, knowing that the sooner they'd escape the better. He couldn't risk his father catching them. Ages seemed to pass before Aragorn and Legolas finally reached the end of the tunnel. Aragorn pushed aside a large board of wood and pulled Legolas through by the arm. The sudden exposure to light hurt the elf's eyes and he brought his hands up to cover them.

"Orlenir!" called Aragorn to the young stable boy.

Orlenir walked up to the man leading the horse he requested. He was quite surprised upon seeing his lord come out of the stable wall, but it was not his place to question.

Aragorn gave the boy a gold coin and made a signal for Legolas to come to the horse and mount. The elf prince did as he was bidden, though with some difficulty. Once Aragorn was certain that Legolas was secure upon the mare's back, he mounted up behind the elf and took the reins.

"I am capable of riding on my own," Legolas protested.

"It will be much quicker with just one horse," Aragorn assured him. Then turning to the boy he said, "You never saw us."

The boy nodded in understanding and with that, Aragorn rode out of Minas Tirith. He didn't know where he was headed, but he did know that he needed to get as far away from Gondor as possible. Just for the sake of having a destination, Aragorn directed the mare north towards the mountains. He would have to ride hard, but thankfully this was a young and strong horse.

Aragorn felt a weight on his chest and looked down, only to see that the elf had passed out. The man sighed, knowing that even though he got Legolas out, the elf spent too much time in captivity and might not have a chance of living through.

They rode on for three days without rest- with Legolas passing in and out of concienceness. Nightfall had come and Aragorn realized that they needed a brief respite: him, the horse, but mostly Legolas. The elf's wounds were still not fully healed and they weakened him greatly.

Aragorn stopped at a spot that seemed tranquil enough, by the river Anduin. His mare he set loose to get a drink, and Legolas he carefully lifted and lowered onto the cool earth by the roots of a tree. After refilling his water flask, Aragorn returned to Legolas' side just as the elf began to regain his senses.

/Where are we?/ he asked in the Grey Tongue, sitting up and leaning on the tree trunk behind him.

"Away from Gondor," answered Aragorn, uncorking the flask and offering it to Legolas, who gratefully accepted it.

In the meantime, Aragorn worked on washing and bandaging the elf's wounds. It was to his relief that they did not get much worse. However, what worried Aragorn was that too much blood had been lost. This weakened the elf terribly.

Finishing with Legolas' wounds, Aragorn was just about to turn away to start a fire, when Legolas grabbed his arm.

"Why are you going into exile for me?" he questioned.

After a few moments of pondering over the question, Aragorn said, "'Tis not just for you. It is time for justice to triumph, Legolas. My father has gone too far."

Aragorn noticed that Legolas' eyes were fixed on him and he asked what was wrong.

"It's nothing," said Legolas, "just that you called me by my name

The man smiled. "And I shall not forget it. You helped me see the truth and for that I thank you greatly."

With that they clasped the arm of one another and a great friendship was forged.

Dawn came and once again they were off. Legolas did not bother asking where they were headed for he really did not care. He felt much better that morning and considered that a good sign.

Now that they were out of Gondor borders, Aragorn allowed the mare to go from a gallop to a gentle trot. They moved along the coasts of Anduin, going in the opposite direction of the current so to make sure that they were heading north.

A sudden uneasiness came over Legolas, though. The birds were quiet and the trees whispered a warning to him. He heard a rustle in the woods that was too loud to be coming from animals.

"What is it?" asked Aragorn, seeing the elf startled.

But Legolas did not answer him, for he himself did not yet know what it was that he heard. Aragorn stopped the horse and Legolas continued to listen. Suddenly, realizing what was advancing towards them, Legolas exclaimed, "Orcs!"

Aragorn eyes widened. He did not think that orcs traveled in this area, but apparently he was wrong. Quickly he and Legolas dismounted and sent the mare out of harm's way. Within a few minutes, they were surrounded by a pack of at least two dozen orcs. Aragorn unsheathed his sword and gave Legolas two daggers. It was fatal for him to fight, but it was more fatal for him not to. The man could not take on the orcs alone and Legolas was a fine warrior, no matter what condition he was in.

As soon as the orcs attacked, the pair split up and each took on their own group. Aragorn's blade sang and he fought furiously, taking out each foul beast that neared him. One swung at the man's head, but he ducked out of the way and buried his sword in the creatures' torso.

Meanwhile, Legolas was swinging his daggers, taking out his enemies and dodging their blows. He was moving gracefully fast, but the intense movements cause his head to spin. Nevertheless, he did everything his strength would allow to fight off the beasts. An orc came up behind him, but, as if seeing him from behind, Legolas plunged his dagger into its neck.

Only a handful of orcs remained. For that Aragorn and Legolas were grateful as they both were beginning to tire, Legolas most of all. They signed in relief when the three or four orcs that were still alive, retreated back into the woods. But their ease was erased when another thirty of the beast appeared out of the trees. Aragorn and Legolas' eyes widened in horror. There was no way that they could take on this many. Bravely they stood their ground and clutched their weapons, but inside they were afraid.

All of a sudden, a sea of arrows flew threw the air, each of them finding a mark in the flesh of the orcs. The man and elf turned to the direction from which they came and saw a group of cavalry archers come into view from the top bank of the river. It took but another volley of arrows before all the orcs lay dead upon the ground.

Legolas thought his mind was playing tricks on him. He thought he saw that their saviors were elves. But as the archers rode closer to them, he saw that they were, indeed, elves. A disbelieving smile spread across his face when he saw his kin.

A sudden weariness came over him and he dropped to his knees. Aragorn was quick to act as he supported the elf's shoulders. Legolas' breathing was becoming heavy and his heart raced. He looked up and his eyes rested on a familiar face.

"Elladan," he mumbled before collapsing to the ground.

Elladan got off of his horse and ran to Legolas' side, pushing Aragorn out of the way.

"Elrohir, Gilthel, hurry!" yelled the dark-haired elf to his companions.

Right away, two elves- one baring the same exact features as Elladan- came over to them and helped carry Legolas to the horses. They seemed to not even notice Aragorn, and frankly, he did not want them to. He found his own horse by the rocks. The battle with the orcs did not scare her off too far. Aragorn mounted and cantered over to the group of elves who were too occupied with Legolas to care about the man. Legolas was placed in front of Elrohir, and Elladan- who seemed to be their captain- told them to head for Imladris.

Elrond raced down to the courtyard as he heard the sound of approaching hooves. He had long foreseen the fate of Legolas, the Prince of Mirkwood, and after Gandalf's arrival he sent his sons out to meet Legolas and Aragorn. Elladan, Elrohir, Aragorn and the rest of the elves brought their horses to a quick halt once they saw the approach of the Elven Lord.

"Bring him inside," exclaimed Elrond, placing his eyes on the unconscious elf sitting in front of Elrohir.

With a nod, Elrohir dismounted his horse and helped Legolas down, with the aid of his twin brother. Quickly, they carried the prince inside taking him to one of the healing rooms. Aragorn looked around, marveling at the beauty of Rivendell. Gandalf has often told him stories of this place, even though it was against his father's will. But never did he imagine that it was this radiant. He then followed Elrond and his sons.

As they entered the healing room, Legolas was placed on a bed by the window. The rays of the sun fell on his gentle face, but for once Aragorn saw how pale and lifeless it was. Seeing how everyone was too occupied to notice him, he took it his advantage by coming closer to the bed.

"Is going to live?" he asked rarely foolishly, but not knowing what else to say.

It was then that Elrond looked up at him and stood to block his path.

"I ask you to leave, Aragorn son of Arathorn," he said sharply. "You do not belong here."

Aragorn was not surprised at this sudden coldness from the elf lord and took a few steps back. But as soon as Elrond turned his attention back to Legolas, Aragorn said,

"I can help."

"You did nothing but make it worse for him. Please leave."

"I'm telling you, I can help him! I know of his wounds."

Elrond was starting to get furious. "You know nothing. Any mortal wound I can heal. But it is he's spirit that is fading and passing beyond my reach. He has been kept in imprisonment for a lot longer than any elf can endure. It is a miracle he has held for this long and has not left for the Hall of Mandos. But now I do not know what to do."

"Are you proposing that it's my fault?"

The elf Lord grunted and walked closer to Aragorn until he was just a few inches away from the man. "Yes! It's your fault. Had you actually been wise enough to see beyond your father's lies, perhaps Legolas would be alive."

"He is not dead yet."

Elrond turned away from the man. "It's only a matter of time."

Aragorn sighed. He looked at Legolas once more. Even in his state the elf seemed strong and proud. Too proud to give in to the darkness. Suddenly, Aragorn walked pass Elrond and knelt by Legolas, placing one hand on his brow as he held the elf's hand with the other. Elrond tried to get the man away, but Aragorn objected.

"Please. Trust me. You have nothing to lose." With that he turned back to Legolas and closed his eyes.

Elrond made another move to protest, but a grunt voice from the doorway stopped him. "Let him do what he must, my lord Elrond. Trust him."

Averting towards the voice, Elrond spoke to the person behind him, "I don't know if I can, Mithrandir."

But nevertheless, he stood aside and let Aragorn do what he started. All Aragorn's concentration was bent on Legolas. Through their link he tried to bring the prince's soul back into the lifeless body by transferring some of his own energy.

/Legolas, I call you back to the light. Listen to my voice. Open your eyes./


After what seemed like decades, Legolas stirred, coming back from his deep sleep. He felt as though he had just come back from the Dark Tower of Mordor after being in the clutched of a hundred orcs. Why does this feel so familiar, thought Legolas to himself, almost laughing at the déjà vu position he was in. But all sudden he remembered everything. Him and Aragorn escaping Minas Tirith…orcs…the elves. Valar, the Elves! Elves from Rivendell! Were they real or had he dreamed them? He opened his eyes and sat up, immediately regretting doing so. He felt strong hands grab him by the shoulders and press him back down slowly.

"Easy now," said a gentle voice.

Legolas recognized that voice but couldn't believe it. "Lord Elrond?!"

"Yes, Legolas, it is I."

It was then that Legolas' eyes came into focus and fell upon the Lord of Imladris. "How is this possible?" asked the prince.

Elrond laughed slightly. "The magic of the elves was able to protect Rivendell from the wrath of Arathorn. You are not the only elf left, as you might of thought. There are also some who dwell in the mountains and now they wish to return to their home, be it Lothlorien or Mirkwood."

Joy filled Legolas' eyes.

"Thank you, my lord," he said graciously.

"Oh, it's not me you should thank." Confused, Legolas turned his head until his eyes rested on Aragorn, who was sitting by the window, smiling gently at him. Legolas locked eyes with him and nodded a little in gratitude.

"He surprised us all," continued Elrond. "He has a healing touch that even I cannot compare to."

"The hands of a king are the hands of a healer," mumbled Legolas softly.

Days passed and Legolas was slowly returning to his normal state, thanks to both Aragorn and the healing ability of elves. Most of his time was occupied with either long conversations with Aragorn or extended strolls through Imladris. He had often come here as a child and he would run through the woods and halls of Rivendell, disturbing the piece of the elves that resided there. They would admonish him for his impertinence, but he would pay them no heed. Legolas has been quite a mischievous elfing when his father wasn't around. Not a quality fitting for prince of Mirkwood.

A soft breeze caressed Legolas' face as walked out into the gardens. He closed his eyes and deeply inhaled the sweet scent of perennials and peonies, and listened to the songs of the trees. How he missed the days when he could be at one with nature; days when he could breathe fresh air with a clear mind.

"Are you always this withdrawn from the world?" asked a voice behind him.

Legolas neither opened his eyes nor turned around. He merely answered, "You're wrong, my friend. I have never been closer to the world as I am now.

Aragorn came to stand by his side. He, too, was awed by peace and tranquility of Rivendell, but did not possess Legolas' elven skills to communicate with the earth. After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "I have received word from my servant at Minas Tirith about my father."

The smile faded from Legolas' face and he opened his eyes to look at Aragorn. "What did you learn?" he asked quite seriously.

The man sighed. "He is dead."

Legolas bit his lip and Aragorn did not miss the look of sympathy in his eyes. As Legolas was about to give his condolences, Aragorn raised his hand in a calming gesture, which showed that no words were necessary.

" 'Tis alright, my friend," Aragorn told him. "It is how it was meant to be."

"But Aragorn, he was your father."

"Aye. And I love him. I always will, no matter what was between us. But I do not regret his death. It is time that Gondor be free of his power. Too long has She suffered at his will."

Legolas sadly nodded, understanding Aragorn's pain. Oh what he would not give up to be with his father for a least one more day.

As if reading Legolas' thoughts, Aragorn placed his hand on the elf's shoulder. "Ironic how strangely akin we came to be."

"Indeed," answered Legolas. "How did it happen?"

Aragorn broke his eye contact with Legolas and he looked to the waterfalls in the mountains. "There was a mutiny lead by my father's 'loyal' soldiers. They demanded that my father gives them the gold and freedom that was suppose to be theirs years ago. But being as stubborn as he is, my father refused. That is when they gathered they full force and threw my father in the dungeon, continuing for days to press the matter. Realizing that he no longer had power, Arathorn drank a poison that he kept inside his ring."

"Now you can claim the throne that is rightfully yours."

Aragorn locked eyes with Legolas. "Nay. I will not go back to Gondor. There I was only a prisoner, a prisoner of lies and false perceptions."

"Where will you go then?"

"I'm sure Middle-earth has a place for me in the wilds."

"But you shall be no more than a wanderer."

Aragorn laughed slightly, clasping his friend's shoulder. "Not all those who wander are lost, mellon nin. I have often heard of Dunadain rangers that dwell in the north. They are the descendents of the Numenorian race, which makes them my kin. I feel that they shall welcome me much more kindly then the people of Gondor."

Legolas nodded. He felt that soon the two of them would part and that fact saddened him. They had grown to be fast friends, much to the curiosity of Lord Elrond and other elves of Rivendell. But their separation was inevitable, as both of them had their own separate destinies to follow. Aragorn needed to spend time alone in the wild and Legolas needed to gather together the elves in the mountains and repair the damage that has been done to the elven kingdoms. Aragorn had saved Legolas' life more than once, and it said that no such deed goes without being repaid. Perhaps, Legolas hoped, Fate would bring him and Aragorn together in a united destiny.


A/N: Though Prisoner was an AU story, I did everything I could not to let it interfere too much with the Tolkien. As you can see, Aragorn is a ranger in the wild and Elves still live, though in small numbers. Everything in the FOTR can still happen, with the exception of Legolas' reason for coming to the Council of Elrond. This fic I wrote as a way of showing the reason why Legolas is so loyal to Aragorn throughout the trilogy (he feels in debt to Aragorn for saving his life numerous times) and also how the friendship between the two of them formed.

Did I not tell you this was the last chapter? I didn't? Oh, silly me. Well now you know. Yes, I am done. After a year of writing this story, I am finally done. And yes, I know, you all are very disappointed that I killed off Arathorn. But I'll tell you what, you can have the body and do with it whatever your hearts desire before it rots.

Thank you everyone who stuck with me this long and encouraged me to finish my first project, even though it took this long. I promise you all that my next fic will have much quicker updates as I have learned from my mistakes and will only start posting a story when it is completely done. Speaking of which, I am currently in the process of writing (well, brainstorming actually) two fics and I don't know which one to start posting first. So, how's bout' a little voting? Which one of the following do you want to see first:

Divided We Fall

Summary: Post-ROTK: Aragorn is now king, but there is trouble in Gondor. Prince Imrahil is accused of a dangerous crime and Legolas will do everything in his power to prove his innocence, even at the expense of rending his friendship with Aragorn. Betrayal, ignorance, and vengeance threaten not only to break a great friendship, but also the alliance between Gondor and Dol Amroth. NON-SLASH

Untitled (if you could help me come up with a title that'd be great)

Summary: Rumors of a new and dangerous race created in Harad spreads through Middle-earth and Legolas is drawn into its mysteries. But in the process his risks loosing a lot more than just his life.

Eventually I will write and post both, but I need to know which one to start working on first, so bring on those votes. But don't wait too hard because I probably won't be able to start posting until mid next year. Although I may occasionally write a small one-shot if the plot bunnies start attacking.

Goodbye for now everyone!
