A/n: Okay, I'm back from my trip! Miss me? Well anyways, I successfully wrote the last chapter…and here it is! Oh yeah, happy New Year! : )


Chapter 12 – Operation: Kidnap

"I have one…" Lauren said, and Sirius and Remus came close to listen to her idea. After minutes of planning, they spread apart, proud of their idea.

"Well, we're doing it tonight, I can't stand that they're flirting all the time, and they can't take the hints that they like each other. And Remus, I know that I'm sick, but I guess I have to deal with it. Plus, it's only chickenpox, it's not like I'm going to shrivel up and die," Lauren concluded, glancing at the two, eager to do her plan that night.

"Okay, but than how are we going to meet?" Remus asked.

"I'll sneak out, and meet you guys in the common room around twelve when everyone's sleeping, ok?" Lauren said quickly—and quietly, seeing that James and Lily were now paying attention to them.

"Hey, Lauren, I think we should go now, you need your rest," Lily said, coming towards her and giving her a hug.

"Okay, I'm getting tired anyways. G'night guys," Lauren said, faking a yawn, well, Remus and Sirius knew it was fake. After they shared their Good nights and their get-well-soons, they left Lauren to 'fall asleep'.

"Man, what's taking her so long?" Sirius said quietly, in the common room.

It was past eleven in the late night, and Sirius and Remus were waiting for Lauren, like she told them to.

"Do you reckon we go find her?" Remus asked, but before anything else could be said, the portrait door open.

"Sorry for the long wait you guys, it took forever for Madam Pomfrey to put this one stuff on me, and go to bed herself," Lauren said, coming into the full light. Her red dots were now pink, and she still had the mittens on.

"Why did you dots turn pink?" Sirius asked.

"Oh, she just put this one lotion stuff that would stop help the itching. Well, anyways, should we start working on the plan now?" Lauren said, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Yupp, let's go!" Remus exclaimed, but quietly so he wouldn't wake up the whole Gryffindor Tower, and walked up the boy's dormitories stairs, Sirius and Lauren following behind him.

Lauren's Plan:

"Okay, what's your plan Lauren?" Sirius asked quietly, so the soon-to-be couple won't hear them.

"Well, first off, we are going to take them into that empty charms classroom down the hall, and locked them in there, until they snog each other senseless," She explained, looking over at the 'subjects'.

"How are we going to make sure of that?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh…umm…I guess we'll hide some where in the room," Lauren said.

"Sirius, do you think we should use James's cloak?" Remus asked Sirius.

"What's so special about his cloak?" Lauren asked, eyeing the two.

"Well, it's an invisibility cloak," Sirius answered.

"Ooo, do you think we would be able to use it?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, I think so, but how are we going to get them there?" Remus said looking forward for the next idea this red-spotted girl could come up with.

"Okay, first, we'll take their wands. Than next, we'll take James in the class room first, but we'll take him when he's sleeping," Lauren said.

"Take him? We're kidnapping them?" Sirius asked, astounded.

"Yeah…" Lauren said, trailing off.

"How? Won't he wake up?" Remus asked.

"That's what I was thinking…do you have any ideas?" Lauren requested.

"Oh! I got one! We could do the body bind spell on him; blind fold him, and then do Silencio on him. Also we could levitate them to get them there. " Sirius told them.

"That's a great idea, but what about Lily?" Lauren asked.

"I know what we could do to her. We could tie her up, and tape her mouth, so that when James gets out of the body bind, he would be able to 'rescue' Lily," Remus instructed.

"Excellent! How can you guys come up with these plans?" Lauren said, a little curious.

"We're the Marauders, Lauren! We are the kings of pranks!" Sirius said, puffing out his chest.

"Great! Operation: Kidnap is now in commence!" Lauren said, proudly.

This whole procedure for Operation: Kidnap took quite a while for the 'secret agents'. The process included stealing both their wands, tying them up (or putting spells on them), and gagging them. They had to be very quiet during this function, so that the victims could not hear their voices. It was very long, but these agents were the best in the business (and possibly the only ones), and they could probably handle anything.

Finally, once all five of them were in the empty classroom, Lauren placed James's glasses next to him with her mitten hands, and went under the invisibility cloak with Remus and Sirius. Remus undid the body bind spell on James, and he immediately got up. Ah, the plan was in action.

"What the hell?" James exclaimed as he undid the blindfold. He noticed his glasses next to him, and put them on, looking around his surrounding. His eyes finally landed on Lily who was also blindfolded, tied up, and gagged.

"Lily!" He gasped, and went over to her squirming body, and untied the gagger that was gagging Lily.

"James, is that you?" Lily asked, now still.

"Yeah," He responded.

"Mind untying me?" She asked. James nodded, but there was no use for that because she couldn't see him, and untied her.

"Why are we here?" Lily asked again, rubbing her wrists.

"I don't know," James answered, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"James, you know very well why you are here," said a voice, but they couldn't find who exactly it belonged to, because they couldn't see know one else.

"Remus?" He said, looking around, confused.

"The one-and-only," The disembodied voice responded.

"Than why are we here?" Lily asked the invisible Remus.

"Because James needs to tell you something," said different voice.

"Sirius?!" James and Lily both exclaimed at the same time. They knew if something was up, and Sirius was included, it wouldn't be very good.

"You bet! Come on James, just tell her," The invisible Sirius said.

"Tell her what?" James asked, trying to play stupid.

"James, you no-brained-prat! You know exactly what you need to tell her! Don't try to play stupid!" A feminine voice scolded.

"Lauren?! What are you doing out of the Hospital Wing? You are sick…" Lily rambled on and on, telling off the invisible Lauren.

"Lily! Please be quiet, and listen to what James has to tell you!" Remus ordered.

"Tell me what?" Lily asked, looking at James.

"Ummm…" James started off. Than, there was a short silence.

"JAMES! JUST SPIT IT OUT!" The three indistinguishable people scolded, loosing patience.

"Okay, well…Lily, you're umm…the most wonderful girl I've ever met, and the most beautiful. I love that you're one of my best friends, but…I want to be more with you. I like you, a lot. I dream about you and me, and we have a kid named Harry…" James started, but ended up getting cut off.

"What kind of name is Harry?" An invisible voice said, most likely Lauren's, said to the other two invisible people, but James and Lily also heard.

"I happen to like the name Harry," Lily responded to Lauren's comment, a slight blush rose to her cheeks.

"You mean, you will?" James asked looking at Lily.

"Well, that depends," Lily started off slowly, and James looked down at his feet. "If your asking me to have a kid named Harry with you, I'm a little to young. But I'm not too young to be your girlfriend," Lily finished, blushing a little more.

"Really?" James asked, and Lily nodded. They looked into each other's eyes…having a little romantic moment.

"Hey Remus, cast the spell," Sirius whispered quietly, and Remus cast mentioned spell over the couple's heads.

James and Lily looked up above them, and mistletoe was floating over them.

"Guys, be serious, it's the middle of October," Lily commented.

"But I am Sirius," (or did he mean serious?) Sirius said, seriously.

James and Lily both looked at each other, their faces centimeters apart. They stared into each others eyes, looking for an answer if they wanted to, and James closed that gap between them, brushing his lips against Lily's.

"Aww…" The three invisible awed at the kissing couple.

The End


A/n: Wowzers! The last chapter! Well, thanks for all the reviews, and I'm right now writing a sequel to this story. But…I have no idea what the title is going to be, so do you guys have any idea? Well, if you want to review, and make a suggestion…please? Well, until next time I guess! : )