(To those of you who are waiting for my other story to have a new chapter, I'm still getting it done. I have not given up. As I said before, I want to see how it ends. Until then, here's some humor for you. -grin-)

Spike was sitting in his crypt while the sun was shining outside. It was 8 am.


Spike jumped off his couch and hit his head on the ceiling. "BLOODY HELL!" He said as he rubbed the top of his head. Grumbling, he walked to the door, and opened it carefully so the sun wouldn't hit him. As he did so, the sound came again. Looking out, he noticed a larger than normal woodpecker making a hole in the tree outside. The hole was underneath something that looked suspiciously like a tile roof, hanging over a porch with a little rocking chair on it.

The sound came again.

Spike picked up one of his full beer cans and threw it at the bird. Then he started to close the door. As he was doing that, the can flew back and hit him in the head, knocking him flat. While laying on the ground, he felt a pain in his foot from the sunlight, and screamed. Crawling fast away from the door, he heard laughter. Cautiously making his way back, he looked out, and saw the woodpecker hopping around on the ground laughing "Hahahahaha, hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What's so funny?!" Spike asked, then screamed as the woodpecker flew at him and started pecking him on the head. with a peculiar echo to the pecking sound. The woodpecker continued laughing maniacally. Spike started running around the crypt, waving his hands around trying to hit the woodpecker. Back and forth he ran until he hit his head on a support beam and fell backward. The woodpecker continued to laugh.

"Bloody hell!" Spike yelled, as he sat up from where he sprawled on the couch in Buffy's basement. "Next time Nibblet asks me to watch cartoons, especially that featherbrained Woody.. I'll hit her over the head with a dead woodpecker." He said as he leaped off the couch to go upstairs and yell at Dawn, tripped, and slammed into the tv knocking himself out.

When he came to, he groggily sat up. Then a mouse followed by a cat ran across his lap. The cat was carrying a mallet, and slammed it down trying to hit the mouse. He missed. Spike screamed and rolled around on the floor with his hands cupped between his legs.