There are not enough Yoh/Amidamaru fics out there and that makes my blood
boil. So, I am writing my own. It's been plaguing me for a while. I hope
you like it.
Summary: After getting locked together in a museum, hearing voices from the past, and awakening an ancient Goddess, Amidamaru and Yoh will relive Amidamaru's past, and learn the important part Yoh played in it. (yaoi)
-- Intertwined Pasts --
Chapter 1- A Journey to the Past
"Yoh, are you listening to me?" Manta asked for the third time. He sighed. 'It's no use. He's talking to *him*.'
Yoh smiled up at Amidamaru. "You tell the best stories. I wish you remembered ALL of your life. It was probably amazing."
Amidamaru tilted his head slightly. "I wish I did too." He gave Yoh a fond smile, "I'm glad you're here to listen, Yoh."
"No problem, Amidamaru," he said, getting to his feet. "Well Manta, I have to stop off at the museum now, I'll see you tomorrow."
Manta shook his head, "Bye Yoh. Have fun."
"I will," he waved. Amidamaru had vanished once more, though his spirit still remained close to Yoh. Yoh jogged at a fast pace towards the museum. He hoped to make it there before it closed. Turning a corner, he smiled as if came into view. He rushed through the front doors and skidded to a stop. "Hey Amidamaru, which way do you suppose is a good way?"
Amidamaru's translucent form appeared beside him. "Don't you know where you're going?"
Yoh shrugged, "Not really, I just wanted to look around. The story you told me today gave me a craving for the past, that's all."
"How about that way," he said, pointing to the left.
"Ok," let's go. He walked off in that direction.
They went down a log hallway, before entering a brightly lit room filled with relics and artifacts of all shapes and sizes. It was enormous. Small figurines and statuettes were situated here and there, and models and sculptures lined the shelves.
"Good choice," Yoh barely breathed out. He walked over to of the shelves and began to look at the vast variety of relics. After picking up one of the small artifacts, he began to get a strange feeling. "Amidamaru, what is it about this place?" he asked, sitting the object back down.
Amidamaru looked around the room almost engrossed. "Yoh, almost all of this stuff is from my time."
Yoh turned to face him, "Your time?"
Amidamaru nodded. He walked to one of the shelves and brushed his hand through a manufactured article. "I remember---"
||Amidamaru, do you love me?||
He quickly shook his head and stood back up. That voice, it sounded strangely like----
"Are you alright?" Yoh asked.
"Of course," Amidamaru reassured him.
||||Of course I do.||||
He inwardly shook his thoughts away again. That sounded like himself that time. What was going on? "Yoh, what time does this place close?" he asked.
Yoh nearly jumped at the question. "Um, now," he said looking at his watch. He heard the sound of a starting engine, and rushed to a window right as he saw the owner of the museum drive away.
"What are we going to do now?"
"I guess we have to stay the night. He always leaves pretty early." He sighed and turned towards Amidamaru with his head hung, "I'm sorry. It's my fault."
Amidamaru rushed to Yoh. "No it isn't," he was quick to say. "It's alright Yoh," he said, placing a finger under his chin and tilting his face towards his. "We'll manage," he smiled.
Yoh looked at him with wonder, "You always forgive me. I'm, lucky to have a spirit like you."
"And I am lucky to protect a boy such as you."
||Will you always watch over and protect me?|| that same voice asked in his mind.
A soft laugh, then, ||Always is a long time.||
Amidamaru jerked back. That voice, it had to be Yoh's. No one else had such a captivating voice. But, he never remembered having such a conversation with Yoh such as this. Especially not one concerning--- love.
"Amidamaru, are you sure you're all right?" Yoh asked once more, a worried expression on his face.
"Yes, sorry to worry you," he said.
"That's ok. Well, it's already getting dark. We should find a place to sleep. I think there are some blankets upstairs. Let's go check," he suggested.
Yoh rushed towards the staircase, running up it once he got there and at the top found 3 doors. "These must be rooms with extra stuff." He opened the middle door and flicked on the light. It was filled with towels, blankets, and pillows. "Yep, I was right." He walked to the door to the right and opened it, finding a room with a small bed in one corner. "I guess the owner used to live here or something."
Amidamaru nodded. "yes, it would explain the bed and spare materials."
"Well, we can stay in here tonight! I'm sure he wouldn't mind! It doesn't look like this room has been used for a long time. What do you say Amidamaru?"
||||You're suggesting something crazy! I can't take him to bed, he's too young.||||
Amidamaru sighed, "Whatever you want Yoh." He looked at him and froze. Yoh's clothing had transformed. He now had on a short white, raggedy skirt that was slightly dirty. Covering his upper-body was an old plain white chemise with only a thin blue sash holding it together. The headphones that he usually wore were gone and his feet were bare.
Yoh reached a hand out towards him, "I want you."
Amidamaru paused, "Yoh?" In the blink of an eye, the strange attire was gone, and everything was back to normal.
"Yes Amidamaru?" Yoh asked.
"N-Nothing, sorry."
"Let's go back downstairs to that room! It was amazing. You'll have to show me some of the things you remember from when you were alive."
"Of course, Yoh."
Minutes later, they were back in the strange relic-room. Amidamaru pointed to a small painting of a beautiful sunset. In the picture, a lone figure sat getting ready for bed. "That's what most of the sunsets looked like." He smiled sadly, "I don't think I'll ever forget those. The mix of beautiful colors and fades. It was stunning. I can almost remember it so vividly."
Yoh looked up at Amidamaru fondly. "Every time you talk about the past, it makes me wish I had been there with you. You make things sound so wonderful."
"Not everything was. Bad things went on as well," he looked up at another painting in which two samurai were faced off and ready to fight.
A slight breeze blew through the room causing Yoh to turn slightly. His sight caught that of a small wooden statuette. He slowly walked over to the object and kneeled beside of it. It was carved into a small woman kneeling down, her hands folded in prayer. She wore extravagant robes and her eyes were closed.
||||Yoh, never leave my side. Promise me you won't.||||
Yoh sat up. Where had that voice come from? More importantly WHO's voice was it? He hadn't said it. Amidamaru hadn't--- wait, it had sounded like him, but the voice sounded- more ancient, as if said ages ago. 'I must be hearing things.' "Hey Amidamaru, do you know what this is?"
In a flash, Amidamaru was at Yoh's side peering over his shoulder at the small wooden carving. "Yes I do. She is called a 'Providence Maiden'. Back when I was a child, she was said to come to people in their dreams and tell them of their futures. Many people believed she visited them. Some even claimed they knew how their lives were to be played out."
Yoh turned towards him, "Do you believe in her?"
"I--- don't know. It looks strangely familiar."
Another breeze blew through the room, seemingly from nowhere. Then, something strange happened: The wooden figure began to glow a deep lavender. The light pulsated around the figure's form for a few seconds until it faded. Left behind was a small girl kneeling, dressed in beautifully colored robes.
Yoh raised an eyebrow, "Amidamaru, is she alive?"
"I don't know, Yoh, step back."
|No, you have nothing to fear. I am not here as a threat,| a soft voice came from the relic. The girl opened her eyes revealing stunning mauve orbs. Her robes were slightly billowing, even though there was no wind. Her hair, which now took on a deep black color, was done up expertly with a fancy flower clip keeping it up. Everything would've probably been a bit more 'godly', if the girl was larger than six inches!
Amidamaru still stepped in front of Yoh, just to be sure. "Who are you, and what do you want?"
The small girl smiled. |Ah, Amidamaru, still doing your best to protect Yoh, I see. That's good to know. My name is Iris, I am the Goddess of Providence. I have been sent because it seems that there has been a slight problem. Amidamaru, you and Yoh are supposed to be together.|
Yoh blushed a light red. "Um, what?"
|I think Amidamaru knows what I'm talking about. He's already begun to remember.|
"Remember what?" Yoh asked.
Amidamaru was shocked, "What are you saying? That Yoh and I have- met before?"
The girl lightly chuckled. |Oh, you've done more than just meet, but that's for you two to find out. I am merely here to show you the past.|
"But I thought you showed people their futures."
|All in good time, Amidamaru. You see, in order for me to tell you your future, you must first delve into your pasts.|
"But not even I can remember my past life."
|That's all right. I have the power to make you remember.| She extended her arm towards the duo and from it, a soft white light was dispersed. It flowed around the two, speeding up and sort of making a 'whirlpool' effect around them, until finally, they were enclosed by it and could no longer see or remember- anything.
Amidamaru slowly opened his eyes. The sun was just starting to rise, bringing with it a brilliant mix of oranges and yellows.
"Would you wake up please? There are things that need to be done Amidamaru," a perturbed voice said.
Amidamaru sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry Mosuke. I didn't mean to oversleep."
Mosuke sighed, then smiled. "It's ok. Just make sure you don't forget to go out and get water this morning."
"I'll do it right now," he said, grabbing a small bucket and rushing out of the makeshift house. He hastily put on his sandals in mid-run while making his way to the creek. He had on a plain dark blue robe with a white sash, and another white robe on over that, with a red sash wrapped around that. He hummed lightly to himself as he dipped the bucket into the crystal clear water making sure to fill it to the brim. He stood to his feet and was about to walk away when he noticed a small form huddled a few feet down next to the river. He sat down the bucket and rushed over towards the form at a quick pace. As soon as he reached them, he kneeled down and gently rolled the figure over. Small cuts marred the pale skin of the boy's arms and legs. All he had on was a simple white robe, and not even that was enough. It was almost in shreds, and most of it was colored a deep red--- blood. Amidamaru quickly gathered the figure into his arms and rushed back towards the house.
Mosuke was preparing a fire when Amidamaru ran in holding the small figure. "Amidamaru, what happened?!" he asked, running to his friend.
Amidamaru shook his head and looked down at the small teen. "I don't know. I found him by the creek like this."
"Lay him in your bed, quick. I'll get some ailments prepared. Stay with him and make sure he stays warm."
"Alright," he said and rushed into another one of the rooms. He laid the broken boy in his bed as Mosuke instructed him and carefully covered his small frame up with warm blankets. "Hold on, everything will be all right," he whispered, gently stroking the boy's soft brown hair. The person's breathing was paced, but then sometimes it would quicken up, only to die back down again. It was as if the person was fighting to stay alive, even in their unconscious state.
Mosuke ran into the room holding a small vile, cloth, and bowl filled with water. He kneeled down beside the bed and opened the vile, pouring some of the contents into the water. He then dipped the plain cloth into the liquid and barely rang in out before bringing it to the stranger's skin. Almost immediately, the person tensed up, drawing their hand away and curling into a small ball. "Amidamaru, I need you to try and calm him down. It's going to sting."
"But how?"
"I don't know, you're good at this type of thing though."
Amidamaru sighed and sat up on the bed, drawing the boy into his lap. He lightly caressed the brunette's cheek and motioned for Mosuke to proceed.
Mosuke nodded and pressed the cloth lightly back onto the boy's skin. He tensed up again, but Amidamaru held him gently and he seemed to calm down, snuggling slightly into the tender arms that held him.
They sat like that for a while. Even after Mosuke had finished, he had insisted that Amidamaru stay with the boy just in case he woke up, and he had. Mosuke told him he had a soft heart and that the boy needed someone he could trust when he awoke. He had received a wound from some sort of sword, that much they could tell, and was lucky to still be alive.
A soft groan awoke Amidamaru from his light nap. He looked down at the small boy who was stretching slightly and slowing stirring. The boy placed his hands on Amidamaru's legs and struggled to get up.
Where on earth was he? His arms failed him and he fell, only to be supported by someone else's arms. He slowly opened his eyes and met the face of his new savior. "Who are you?" he managed out.
"My name is Amidamaru. I'm here to help you."
The boy seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "My name is Yoh Asukura. Thank you for saving me."
Amidamaru shook his head, "Oh no, I didn't save you. I only found you, by the creek. Do you remember anything?"
"Kind of," he swallowed hard. "Almost everything hurts."
"Then rest, little one. I will stay by your side and protect you."
Yoh smiled. "Thank you." He nestled into Amidamaru's chest, slightly surprising him, and quickly fell asleep.
A warmhearted smile came to Amidamaru's face as he looked down upon the boy in his arms. "You deserve to sleep, small one. No one shall harm as long as I am with you."
well, there ya have it, the first chapter! Sorry about the lack of fluff/romance in this chapter. It's sorta like the intro and I really couldn't fit it in anywhere. Next chapter though. *evil grin*
PLEASE REVIEW! It really helps! I have to know whether I'm not the only Y/A fan out there.
Thanks for reading!
Summary: After getting locked together in a museum, hearing voices from the past, and awakening an ancient Goddess, Amidamaru and Yoh will relive Amidamaru's past, and learn the important part Yoh played in it. (yaoi)
-- Intertwined Pasts --
Chapter 1- A Journey to the Past
"Yoh, are you listening to me?" Manta asked for the third time. He sighed. 'It's no use. He's talking to *him*.'
Yoh smiled up at Amidamaru. "You tell the best stories. I wish you remembered ALL of your life. It was probably amazing."
Amidamaru tilted his head slightly. "I wish I did too." He gave Yoh a fond smile, "I'm glad you're here to listen, Yoh."
"No problem, Amidamaru," he said, getting to his feet. "Well Manta, I have to stop off at the museum now, I'll see you tomorrow."
Manta shook his head, "Bye Yoh. Have fun."
"I will," he waved. Amidamaru had vanished once more, though his spirit still remained close to Yoh. Yoh jogged at a fast pace towards the museum. He hoped to make it there before it closed. Turning a corner, he smiled as if came into view. He rushed through the front doors and skidded to a stop. "Hey Amidamaru, which way do you suppose is a good way?"
Amidamaru's translucent form appeared beside him. "Don't you know where you're going?"
Yoh shrugged, "Not really, I just wanted to look around. The story you told me today gave me a craving for the past, that's all."
"How about that way," he said, pointing to the left.
"Ok," let's go. He walked off in that direction.
They went down a log hallway, before entering a brightly lit room filled with relics and artifacts of all shapes and sizes. It was enormous. Small figurines and statuettes were situated here and there, and models and sculptures lined the shelves.
"Good choice," Yoh barely breathed out. He walked over to of the shelves and began to look at the vast variety of relics. After picking up one of the small artifacts, he began to get a strange feeling. "Amidamaru, what is it about this place?" he asked, sitting the object back down.
Amidamaru looked around the room almost engrossed. "Yoh, almost all of this stuff is from my time."
Yoh turned to face him, "Your time?"
Amidamaru nodded. He walked to one of the shelves and brushed his hand through a manufactured article. "I remember---"
||Amidamaru, do you love me?||
He quickly shook his head and stood back up. That voice, it sounded strangely like----
"Are you alright?" Yoh asked.
"Of course," Amidamaru reassured him.
||||Of course I do.||||
He inwardly shook his thoughts away again. That sounded like himself that time. What was going on? "Yoh, what time does this place close?" he asked.
Yoh nearly jumped at the question. "Um, now," he said looking at his watch. He heard the sound of a starting engine, and rushed to a window right as he saw the owner of the museum drive away.
"What are we going to do now?"
"I guess we have to stay the night. He always leaves pretty early." He sighed and turned towards Amidamaru with his head hung, "I'm sorry. It's my fault."
Amidamaru rushed to Yoh. "No it isn't," he was quick to say. "It's alright Yoh," he said, placing a finger under his chin and tilting his face towards his. "We'll manage," he smiled.
Yoh looked at him with wonder, "You always forgive me. I'm, lucky to have a spirit like you."
"And I am lucky to protect a boy such as you."
||Will you always watch over and protect me?|| that same voice asked in his mind.
A soft laugh, then, ||Always is a long time.||
Amidamaru jerked back. That voice, it had to be Yoh's. No one else had such a captivating voice. But, he never remembered having such a conversation with Yoh such as this. Especially not one concerning--- love.
"Amidamaru, are you sure you're all right?" Yoh asked once more, a worried expression on his face.
"Yes, sorry to worry you," he said.
"That's ok. Well, it's already getting dark. We should find a place to sleep. I think there are some blankets upstairs. Let's go check," he suggested.
Yoh rushed towards the staircase, running up it once he got there and at the top found 3 doors. "These must be rooms with extra stuff." He opened the middle door and flicked on the light. It was filled with towels, blankets, and pillows. "Yep, I was right." He walked to the door to the right and opened it, finding a room with a small bed in one corner. "I guess the owner used to live here or something."
Amidamaru nodded. "yes, it would explain the bed and spare materials."
"Well, we can stay in here tonight! I'm sure he wouldn't mind! It doesn't look like this room has been used for a long time. What do you say Amidamaru?"
||||You're suggesting something crazy! I can't take him to bed, he's too young.||||
Amidamaru sighed, "Whatever you want Yoh." He looked at him and froze. Yoh's clothing had transformed. He now had on a short white, raggedy skirt that was slightly dirty. Covering his upper-body was an old plain white chemise with only a thin blue sash holding it together. The headphones that he usually wore were gone and his feet were bare.
Yoh reached a hand out towards him, "I want you."
Amidamaru paused, "Yoh?" In the blink of an eye, the strange attire was gone, and everything was back to normal.
"Yes Amidamaru?" Yoh asked.
"N-Nothing, sorry."
"Let's go back downstairs to that room! It was amazing. You'll have to show me some of the things you remember from when you were alive."
"Of course, Yoh."
Minutes later, they were back in the strange relic-room. Amidamaru pointed to a small painting of a beautiful sunset. In the picture, a lone figure sat getting ready for bed. "That's what most of the sunsets looked like." He smiled sadly, "I don't think I'll ever forget those. The mix of beautiful colors and fades. It was stunning. I can almost remember it so vividly."
Yoh looked up at Amidamaru fondly. "Every time you talk about the past, it makes me wish I had been there with you. You make things sound so wonderful."
"Not everything was. Bad things went on as well," he looked up at another painting in which two samurai were faced off and ready to fight.
A slight breeze blew through the room causing Yoh to turn slightly. His sight caught that of a small wooden statuette. He slowly walked over to the object and kneeled beside of it. It was carved into a small woman kneeling down, her hands folded in prayer. She wore extravagant robes and her eyes were closed.
||||Yoh, never leave my side. Promise me you won't.||||
Yoh sat up. Where had that voice come from? More importantly WHO's voice was it? He hadn't said it. Amidamaru hadn't--- wait, it had sounded like him, but the voice sounded- more ancient, as if said ages ago. 'I must be hearing things.' "Hey Amidamaru, do you know what this is?"
In a flash, Amidamaru was at Yoh's side peering over his shoulder at the small wooden carving. "Yes I do. She is called a 'Providence Maiden'. Back when I was a child, she was said to come to people in their dreams and tell them of their futures. Many people believed she visited them. Some even claimed they knew how their lives were to be played out."
Yoh turned towards him, "Do you believe in her?"
"I--- don't know. It looks strangely familiar."
Another breeze blew through the room, seemingly from nowhere. Then, something strange happened: The wooden figure began to glow a deep lavender. The light pulsated around the figure's form for a few seconds until it faded. Left behind was a small girl kneeling, dressed in beautifully colored robes.
Yoh raised an eyebrow, "Amidamaru, is she alive?"
"I don't know, Yoh, step back."
|No, you have nothing to fear. I am not here as a threat,| a soft voice came from the relic. The girl opened her eyes revealing stunning mauve orbs. Her robes were slightly billowing, even though there was no wind. Her hair, which now took on a deep black color, was done up expertly with a fancy flower clip keeping it up. Everything would've probably been a bit more 'godly', if the girl was larger than six inches!
Amidamaru still stepped in front of Yoh, just to be sure. "Who are you, and what do you want?"
The small girl smiled. |Ah, Amidamaru, still doing your best to protect Yoh, I see. That's good to know. My name is Iris, I am the Goddess of Providence. I have been sent because it seems that there has been a slight problem. Amidamaru, you and Yoh are supposed to be together.|
Yoh blushed a light red. "Um, what?"
|I think Amidamaru knows what I'm talking about. He's already begun to remember.|
"Remember what?" Yoh asked.
Amidamaru was shocked, "What are you saying? That Yoh and I have- met before?"
The girl lightly chuckled. |Oh, you've done more than just meet, but that's for you two to find out. I am merely here to show you the past.|
"But I thought you showed people their futures."
|All in good time, Amidamaru. You see, in order for me to tell you your future, you must first delve into your pasts.|
"But not even I can remember my past life."
|That's all right. I have the power to make you remember.| She extended her arm towards the duo and from it, a soft white light was dispersed. It flowed around the two, speeding up and sort of making a 'whirlpool' effect around them, until finally, they were enclosed by it and could no longer see or remember- anything.
Amidamaru slowly opened his eyes. The sun was just starting to rise, bringing with it a brilliant mix of oranges and yellows.
"Would you wake up please? There are things that need to be done Amidamaru," a perturbed voice said.
Amidamaru sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry Mosuke. I didn't mean to oversleep."
Mosuke sighed, then smiled. "It's ok. Just make sure you don't forget to go out and get water this morning."
"I'll do it right now," he said, grabbing a small bucket and rushing out of the makeshift house. He hastily put on his sandals in mid-run while making his way to the creek. He had on a plain dark blue robe with a white sash, and another white robe on over that, with a red sash wrapped around that. He hummed lightly to himself as he dipped the bucket into the crystal clear water making sure to fill it to the brim. He stood to his feet and was about to walk away when he noticed a small form huddled a few feet down next to the river. He sat down the bucket and rushed over towards the form at a quick pace. As soon as he reached them, he kneeled down and gently rolled the figure over. Small cuts marred the pale skin of the boy's arms and legs. All he had on was a simple white robe, and not even that was enough. It was almost in shreds, and most of it was colored a deep red--- blood. Amidamaru quickly gathered the figure into his arms and rushed back towards the house.
Mosuke was preparing a fire when Amidamaru ran in holding the small figure. "Amidamaru, what happened?!" he asked, running to his friend.
Amidamaru shook his head and looked down at the small teen. "I don't know. I found him by the creek like this."
"Lay him in your bed, quick. I'll get some ailments prepared. Stay with him and make sure he stays warm."
"Alright," he said and rushed into another one of the rooms. He laid the broken boy in his bed as Mosuke instructed him and carefully covered his small frame up with warm blankets. "Hold on, everything will be all right," he whispered, gently stroking the boy's soft brown hair. The person's breathing was paced, but then sometimes it would quicken up, only to die back down again. It was as if the person was fighting to stay alive, even in their unconscious state.
Mosuke ran into the room holding a small vile, cloth, and bowl filled with water. He kneeled down beside the bed and opened the vile, pouring some of the contents into the water. He then dipped the plain cloth into the liquid and barely rang in out before bringing it to the stranger's skin. Almost immediately, the person tensed up, drawing their hand away and curling into a small ball. "Amidamaru, I need you to try and calm him down. It's going to sting."
"But how?"
"I don't know, you're good at this type of thing though."
Amidamaru sighed and sat up on the bed, drawing the boy into his lap. He lightly caressed the brunette's cheek and motioned for Mosuke to proceed.
Mosuke nodded and pressed the cloth lightly back onto the boy's skin. He tensed up again, but Amidamaru held him gently and he seemed to calm down, snuggling slightly into the tender arms that held him.
They sat like that for a while. Even after Mosuke had finished, he had insisted that Amidamaru stay with the boy just in case he woke up, and he had. Mosuke told him he had a soft heart and that the boy needed someone he could trust when he awoke. He had received a wound from some sort of sword, that much they could tell, and was lucky to still be alive.
A soft groan awoke Amidamaru from his light nap. He looked down at the small boy who was stretching slightly and slowing stirring. The boy placed his hands on Amidamaru's legs and struggled to get up.
Where on earth was he? His arms failed him and he fell, only to be supported by someone else's arms. He slowly opened his eyes and met the face of his new savior. "Who are you?" he managed out.
"My name is Amidamaru. I'm here to help you."
The boy seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "My name is Yoh Asukura. Thank you for saving me."
Amidamaru shook his head, "Oh no, I didn't save you. I only found you, by the creek. Do you remember anything?"
"Kind of," he swallowed hard. "Almost everything hurts."
"Then rest, little one. I will stay by your side and protect you."
Yoh smiled. "Thank you." He nestled into Amidamaru's chest, slightly surprising him, and quickly fell asleep.
A warmhearted smile came to Amidamaru's face as he looked down upon the boy in his arms. "You deserve to sleep, small one. No one shall harm as long as I am with you."
well, there ya have it, the first chapter! Sorry about the lack of fluff/romance in this chapter. It's sorta like the intro and I really couldn't fit it in anywhere. Next chapter though. *evil grin*
PLEASE REVIEW! It really helps! I have to know whether I'm not the only Y/A fan out there.
Thanks for reading!