A/N: Yay. Finality. After this, they have a baby named Neonimorphtrin, which is the product of a foursome between Neo, Trinity, Niobe and Morpheus. Duahahahaha.

Oh, and, thank you to all of the following: Audrey A, Cmb, Protectress of Dalidon, Xauhquia, jade124, Caitlin, and Chephren for your kind reviews.

Special thanks go to geek_gurl_trinity_wannabe, who has reviewed EVERY chapter (and even took a look at I'm Here), and was my personal fangirl. And the specialest thanks of all go to WingdCallisto, my best friend and beta who had squeefits when I MSNed this fic to her. Duahahaha.



I look in the mirror and see your face

if I look deep enough

so many things inside that are just like you taking over


I stepped into Bella, the restaurant Tom had chosen, and looked around. I didn't have to look long when a hand raised and waved at me. It was Tom, in a table near the back.

"Hi," Tom said when I had sat down and put my coat on the chair. "I'm glad you came."

I smiled. "Me too."

He smiled too, but his smile dropped when he saw the scar over my eye that he hadn't noticed before. "What happened to your eye?" he said, reaching over and fingering the scar gently.

"I was in a car crash," I said quietly. "I just woke up a couple days ago, and I can't remember anything."

His eyes widened, and he stared at me for a long time. Finally, he said, "Me, too."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

He took in a deep breath. "I was in a car crash, too. I just woke up. And I can't remember anything either. Just... I remember her." He looked at me, tilting his head a little. "She looked... kind of like you."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. We both stared at each other, wondering what was going on.

We changed the subject and talked about other things, until the waiter collected the check. "Where do you live?" Tom asked, as he pulled on his coat.

"A while from here. I took a taxi. My car's in the shop," I said as I shrugged on my coat as well.

"I'll drive you home, then," Tom said, pushing the door of the restaurant and unlocking a silver Saab nearby with a click of the remote.

The drive home was silent, but when he walked me to my door, I spoke again. "Thank you," I said, looking down. "I had fun. And thanks for driving me home."

He shrugged. "No problem." I looked up at him just as he leaned in, and compelled by him, I leaned in as well for a kiss.

He put his hand around the back of my neck, and kissed me. It was as if something was completed when he kissed me. I didn't feel so hollow any more.

Then, suddenly, a rush of memories.

He was lying there, after fighting Smith, looking up at me, pulling me in for a kiss. He was in an elevator, dropping his bag, and kissing me with more passion than I knew was possible. He was sitting next to me on a bed, holding my hand. Above me on a rooftop, telling me he loved me too damn much. Above me again, a blindfold on his eyes, crying.

Neo. I had found him.

And right then and there, I fainted.


I believe in you

I'd give up everything just to find you

I have to be with you to live to breathe

You're taking over me


When I woke up, all I could see was white. And then a nurses' face, blurry at first, but then clear, was in view above mine.

"She's awake!" the nurse called, and I closed my eyes. What had happened? Tom had driven me home, and...



"Where is he?" I said a bit shrilly, sitting straight up in my bed. "Where is he?"

"He's outside," said the nurse gently. "He's been very worried about you. He's been out there saying 'Trinity' for hours now."

Trinity. Another sudden rush of memories. That was me. This time the memories were not enough to make me faint, but I did feel slightly dizzy.

"I have to see him," I said, ripping an electrode. "I have to. I've found him."

"Of course you have," said the nurse absently. "Let me just take this IV needle out."

She gently removed the needle, and I leapt up from the bed, ignoring the nurse's shouts of, "Miss Walker, you're too weak to walk!"

She was right. It was damn hard to walk, but I had to get to him. Gathering any strength I had left, I bolted through the door. There he was, sitting in a chair in the waiting room, head down and hands crossed over his lap. Slowly, he looked up and saw me.

"Trin," he said throatily. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I found you," I said. I was already crying. "Neo, I found you."

He came over to me and hugged me fiercely. I could feel a tear slide down my neck. "I thought I'd lost you," he said, his voice thick with tears.

Before I could say anything, he kissed me, and I knew. I knew I wasn't alone. I would never be alone again.


A/N: Well? What did you all think? Please tell me, I love reviews. If you flame me, be afraid. You may have to soil yourself. Because I giving scathing flames, and I can assure you that flames will be promptly answered, even if it's not a signed review. -evil laughter-