There'll be no More Rainbows for a long Time
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor the X-Men.
I know this has been done before, but but Dear God I'm drowning in Plot
bunnies! I need to write this!
" Inuyasha, the ramens done!" Kagome called into the dark night. Sango and Miroku were out on a shard rumor. It was just the two of them, like old times. Kagome liked that, since her feeling had gotten more than just friends, the two were a couple now. Inuyasha said her was over Kikyo, and she was only in the past. Speaking of Inuyasha, he just walked into the clearing, his head bowed. Bangs over his eyes, though something was different.
" We need to talk." He said grabbing her arm roughly, pulling her out of the clearing.
" Is there something wrong Inu-" Kagome didn't have time to say the rest, cause she was thrown into a tree, thus knocking the wind out of her. Kagome stood up gasping for breath shocked he would do such a thing.
" I finally did it." He claimed triumphantly, tucking a section of Kagome raven tresses behind her ear. Yes he was that close. " I'm all demon, and you're still a weak human." He said inching closer.
" Inuyasha what's wrong?" Kagome didn't get an answer just a hard bone-crushing kiss. It didn't last long because Inuyasha spoke again.
"Kagome sit me." He growled out.
" But Inuyasha?" Inuyasha growled louder, and got in her face.
" Sit me!" He bellowed in her face, and Kagome complied.
" Ahhhh, sit boy." Nothing happened, Kagome paled, and Inuyasha smirked.
" Now we can proceed." He started kissing her again only harder and faster than before. The demon wanted in whether Kagome wanted it or not. Inuyasha nipped her lower lip making Kagome gasp. Taking advantage Inuyasha plunged his tongue into her mouth. Sliding his tongue across her teeth. His now overly large fangs were now tearing up Kagome's lip. He ripped her shirt and pushed her to the ground.
" Inuyasha STOP!" Kagome screamed trying to cover herself. Her cried fell upon silent ears as he straddled her hip and whispered in her ear.
" Remember the time when you said the ramen wasn't mine because my name wasn't on it?" He asked in a low husky voice, blood from his own mouth flicking in her ear. " Well the rules haven't changed." He lowered his hand to her smooth stomach. Kagome screamed as her wrote (in Kanji) the first symbol of his name in her creamy skin.
" Inuyasha stop it!" She screamed as she arched her back. Once again Inuyasha smirked that ominous demon smirk that drilled a whole in Kagome's heart.
" No tell me wench who do you belong to?"
" No one!" Kagome cried hot tears running down her face.
" Wrong answer." He growled carving the rest of his name into her flesh. Going a bit lower he started to run his tongue across his work. It was fire on her belly as the blood from his torn up mouth mingled with the fresh cuts on her.
Grabbing her bra strap he roughly pulled her back up to stand against the tree, his god tree. "Mnnn that was nice." Kagome felt cold steel on her throat, or should the narrator say fang. Which was later identified as the transformed Tetsusaiga.
" Inuyasha." She croaked, she was losing her voice.
" Shut up I've waited to long for this." He growled again, pressing harder drawing a bit of blood.
"Y-y-y-you don't know what you're doing."
" On the contraire Kagome I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm going to take you, then kill you, a one-night fling. Then Kikyo can have HER soul back, and I will be rid of you forever. Three birds with one stone." He pressed harder, and his other hand went to undo her skirt.
" Inuyasha! NO!" It all happened so quickly. It was like a supper sit, only it effected everything. Trees collapsed within themselves. Fist sized rocks made craters, and Inuyasha was on the ground unable to get up.
Kagome didn't stop to think, she bolted, like a rabbit running from a hunting dog. (I sorry *****)'The well' it kept racing through her head, she could she it, and Shippo lying at the base of it. She knelt down and scoped him up.
" I can't leave him here, not with Inuyasha." There was a loud metallic roar in the distance, and jumped in. Falling through time Kagome seemed to calm down. The cool blue vibes from the well seemed to heal the cut on her neck, but the new hole in her heart would take much longer. When they landed on the other side Kagome sealed to well with a spell Miroku taught her. Though it wouldn't last long.
As Kagome walked up to the house Shippo started to stir.
" Uh Kagome? Oh your neck" Shippo gasped inspecting her cut.
" I'm okay Shippo, I'll tell you in the morning." Kagome proceeded into the house and up to her room. " I'm going to clean up, you stay here." She said setting him on the bed.
Kagome filled the tub, and stripped of the remains of her clothes. Tomorrow she would burn them. The events of the night whirled around in her head. Kagome hissed as she lowered herself into the water. Her stomach stung ever so badly. Coming back up she said.
" How could he do that?" the memories came back, and so did the tears, but she pushed them down, way down. " A shard detector." All Kagome wanted to fad into darkness, or crawl under a rock which ever was closer. Something was going on, and she didn't know.
Something was going on because Kagome couldn't feel the tub under her. She didn't want to open her eyes, but did any way. She and everything else in the bathroom was floating.
As soon as Kagome noticed this it stopped. She came tumbling to the floor followed by a wave of water. " What the hell was that?" Kagome clothed herself and went out to bed.
" Kagome, Kagome wake up." Shippo insisted pressing on her shoulder, trying to wake her up.
" Whu, oh good morning Shippo."
" Okay Kagome spill it." He commanded.
" Spill what?" Kagome asked trying to play stupid.
" What happened?"
" Inuyasha tried to kill me." Kagome answered leaving a lot out.
" What are we going to do now?" Shippo asked leaning his head on her shoulder. Before she could answer the doorbell rang.
" First we're going to get the door bell. You can hide you tail and feet in my hair." The two walked down the steps to answer the door.
" Hello does Kagome Higurashi live here?" asked a bald man from a wheel chair. (Guess who) Next to him was a gruff looking man who translated.
" I'm Kagome Higurashi, how can I help you? There's no need to translate for me, oh why don't you come in."
" Alright these are my comrades Jean Grey and Logan."
" Okay, so what brings you here?"
" Yes, Miss Higurashi, as you may not know you are not a regular human." He said as if he just diagnosed her with cancer.
" I know that."
" Oh, then you understand our situation."
" What situation! Is Kagome in trouble?" Shippo asked frantically.
" No, no she's not in trouble. We're from a special school in the US to teach kids how to handle their abilities." The Professor explained.
" There are still schools for Mikos?"
" Mikos?" They all looked confused.
" No not Mikos, Mutants." Kagome stopped.
" I knew it couldn't be over. We better talk about this with my mom, I'll go get her." Kagome said sadly setting Shippo down on the couch. Then walking into the kitchen. ' I knew it, it couldn't be over. I couldn't just quit.'
" So are you Kagome's little brother? What's your name? " Jean asked the first question, which Logan translated, both that and the answer.
" I'm Shippo, and Kagome's my mom." Jean twitched.
" Ever since my real Mom died."
" Oh" she answered, Kagome coming back into the room, her mom by her side.
" So what this I hear about a school?"
" It's a special school for mutants mom."
" Well I can't stop you. Actually I don't blame you for wanting to leave, there are too many memories here. It's best if you leave as soon as you can."
" We can leave now if you want." Kagome looked up from her lap at them with empty eyes. The strange thing was, the Professor was trying to see into her head, but she wouldn't let him. That's never happened before.
" Only if I can take Shippo with me."
" Of course he can come, but he'll need to speak English. Come here child." Shippo looked up at Kagome, she nodded in approval. He stepped out from behind the pillow to reveal his feet and tail. They were all taken aback. " I've never seen mutation so young before."
" Mutation. right." The professor leaned forward and touched his middle and forefingers to Shippo's forehead. Blue ripples spread for his fingers onto Shippo's forehead, and then he spoke.
" What did you do?" He asked in English.
" Great, we'll just gather some things up and we'll be off." Kagome put on a fake smile and scooped up Shippo. Then going up the stairs.
" The seem nice enough Kagome."
" I know Shippo, but nobody can know about the well. If any one asked you're a mutant ok?"
" Sure, I'm just glad to be with you." He said snuggling into her hair.
" It's a bit of a walk, we landed in the forest so not to attract attention." Logan walked over to Kagome and said.
" I'll take that." He gestured towards to giant yellow pack. Kagome only held it tighter. Inuyasha always tried to carry it for her.
" I can carry it." She said quickly back. A little too quickly for Logan's taste, he looked over to Shippo. He didn't smell right, not like a mutant. They walked out into a clearing where they landed the X-Jet (it's originally 'The Black Bird') Kagome learned along time ago not to be surprised. If you're surprised you guard is down, Kagome would never let her guard down again. Walking in and getting seated, Kagome gazed out the window at the forest, Inuyasha's Forest.
Stop what's that
Stop what's that
What's going down tell me what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
Now welcome to the world of a kid named Miky
Who only had one reason to be hated by whitey
Raised outside of Sylvan
Where they hated on him cause he was African American
Three years later Mikey was the down pride (town pride)
Basket ball Mikey went and called himself a full ride
Earned his acceptance on a hardwood floor
That's something white America could never ignore
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what going down
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
Take a look around
Everything is coming down
Do you hear the sutle sounds
For moralities sleeping
People on the go
We reap what we sow
Yeah we say we wanna know
But I've got my suspicions
Now welcome to the world of a girl named Sussie
Sussie's only crime was that she was bought aculie
Abused by her uncle and his friends
Alcohol in a mall leave the house for grends
But Sussie couldn't shake off the memories
Forced to find her own kind of remedies
A man eater for the rest of her days
Three Kids
Three men
No daddies by eleventh grade
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop children what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
What's going down tell ya what's going down
You wanna know what's going down
Take a look around
Everything's coming down
Do you hear the sutle sounds
For realities slipping
People on the go
We reap what we sow
We say we wanna know
But I've got my suspicions
What be
Going ticky down
What be
Going ticky down
When you find what you lost
But you lose what you found
Something's happen' to me
Something's happen' to me
When you find what you lost
But you lose what you found
Some things happen' to me
Some things happen' to me
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down
Tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
What's going down
Stop hey what's that sound
What's going down tell me what's going down
Stop hey what's that sound
You wanna know what's going down
Everybody look what's going down
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
When the flight ended the bright red head came up to Kagome. " I'm Jean, come on let's go see your room." The two walked out of te hanger in a laybrinth of underground halls, but Jean seemed to know ten perfectly. Up a simple set of stairs into a grand mansion.
" What is this place?"
" The Institute. Your room should be up the stairs and to the left."
" Thanks."
" When's lunch?" Piped up Shippo.
" Shippo."
" It's okay, we came just in time." They all walked into the kitchen. ' oh God what if I don't belong here either?'
There was a giant welcome banner across the coboards . Everyone was eating instant ramen with feeble atempts at chop sticks. Kagome's eyes went immediately to a blue fuzzy figure with.
" Golden eyes." Kagome turned and fled the room. Everyone stopped doing everything.
" Did we do something wrong?" Scott asked to no one imparticular. Then attention went to Shippo. " Did we do something wrong?" Scott asked to Shippo this time.
" Him." Shippo said pointing to Kurt. Kurt lowered head thinking.
' she must hate me.'
" He reminds us of some one we left back in the pa- Japan."
" If he reminds her some one, wouldn't she be happy?"
" No, he did something really bad."
" What was it?"
" I can say, you'll have to ask Kagome."
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww crap that's way to long for the fist chapter! Any way please review, because I want to know what you think. If it is like thsat I will keep writing, if it is not liked then I'll keep writing any way. Please gimmie pairings! They'll be voted for.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor the X-Men.
I know this has been done before, but but Dear God I'm drowning in Plot
bunnies! I need to write this!
" Inuyasha, the ramens done!" Kagome called into the dark night. Sango and Miroku were out on a shard rumor. It was just the two of them, like old times. Kagome liked that, since her feeling had gotten more than just friends, the two were a couple now. Inuyasha said her was over Kikyo, and she was only in the past. Speaking of Inuyasha, he just walked into the clearing, his head bowed. Bangs over his eyes, though something was different.
" We need to talk." He said grabbing her arm roughly, pulling her out of the clearing.
" Is there something wrong Inu-" Kagome didn't have time to say the rest, cause she was thrown into a tree, thus knocking the wind out of her. Kagome stood up gasping for breath shocked he would do such a thing.
" I finally did it." He claimed triumphantly, tucking a section of Kagome raven tresses behind her ear. Yes he was that close. " I'm all demon, and you're still a weak human." He said inching closer.
" Inuyasha what's wrong?" Kagome didn't get an answer just a hard bone-crushing kiss. It didn't last long because Inuyasha spoke again.
"Kagome sit me." He growled out.
" But Inuyasha?" Inuyasha growled louder, and got in her face.
" Sit me!" He bellowed in her face, and Kagome complied.
" Ahhhh, sit boy." Nothing happened, Kagome paled, and Inuyasha smirked.
" Now we can proceed." He started kissing her again only harder and faster than before. The demon wanted in whether Kagome wanted it or not. Inuyasha nipped her lower lip making Kagome gasp. Taking advantage Inuyasha plunged his tongue into her mouth. Sliding his tongue across her teeth. His now overly large fangs were now tearing up Kagome's lip. He ripped her shirt and pushed her to the ground.
" Inuyasha STOP!" Kagome screamed trying to cover herself. Her cried fell upon silent ears as he straddled her hip and whispered in her ear.
" Remember the time when you said the ramen wasn't mine because my name wasn't on it?" He asked in a low husky voice, blood from his own mouth flicking in her ear. " Well the rules haven't changed." He lowered his hand to her smooth stomach. Kagome screamed as her wrote (in Kanji) the first symbol of his name in her creamy skin.
" Inuyasha stop it!" She screamed as she arched her back. Once again Inuyasha smirked that ominous demon smirk that drilled a whole in Kagome's heart.
" No tell me wench who do you belong to?"
" No one!" Kagome cried hot tears running down her face.
" Wrong answer." He growled carving the rest of his name into her flesh. Going a bit lower he started to run his tongue across his work. It was fire on her belly as the blood from his torn up mouth mingled with the fresh cuts on her.
Grabbing her bra strap he roughly pulled her back up to stand against the tree, his god tree. "Mnnn that was nice." Kagome felt cold steel on her throat, or should the narrator say fang. Which was later identified as the transformed Tetsusaiga.
" Inuyasha." She croaked, she was losing her voice.
" Shut up I've waited to long for this." He growled again, pressing harder drawing a bit of blood.
"Y-y-y-you don't know what you're doing."
" On the contraire Kagome I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm going to take you, then kill you, a one-night fling. Then Kikyo can have HER soul back, and I will be rid of you forever. Three birds with one stone." He pressed harder, and his other hand went to undo her skirt.
" Inuyasha! NO!" It all happened so quickly. It was like a supper sit, only it effected everything. Trees collapsed within themselves. Fist sized rocks made craters, and Inuyasha was on the ground unable to get up.
Kagome didn't stop to think, she bolted, like a rabbit running from a hunting dog. (I sorry *****)'The well' it kept racing through her head, she could she it, and Shippo lying at the base of it. She knelt down and scoped him up.
" I can't leave him here, not with Inuyasha." There was a loud metallic roar in the distance, and jumped in. Falling through time Kagome seemed to calm down. The cool blue vibes from the well seemed to heal the cut on her neck, but the new hole in her heart would take much longer. When they landed on the other side Kagome sealed to well with a spell Miroku taught her. Though it wouldn't last long.
As Kagome walked up to the house Shippo started to stir.
" Uh Kagome? Oh your neck" Shippo gasped inspecting her cut.
" I'm okay Shippo, I'll tell you in the morning." Kagome proceeded into the house and up to her room. " I'm going to clean up, you stay here." She said setting him on the bed.
Kagome filled the tub, and stripped of the remains of her clothes. Tomorrow she would burn them. The events of the night whirled around in her head. Kagome hissed as she lowered herself into the water. Her stomach stung ever so badly. Coming back up she said.
" How could he do that?" the memories came back, and so did the tears, but she pushed them down, way down. " A shard detector." All Kagome wanted to fad into darkness, or crawl under a rock which ever was closer. Something was going on, and she didn't know.
Something was going on because Kagome couldn't feel the tub under her. She didn't want to open her eyes, but did any way. She and everything else in the bathroom was floating.
As soon as Kagome noticed this it stopped. She came tumbling to the floor followed by a wave of water. " What the hell was that?" Kagome clothed herself and went out to bed.
" Kagome, Kagome wake up." Shippo insisted pressing on her shoulder, trying to wake her up.
" Whu, oh good morning Shippo."
" Okay Kagome spill it." He commanded.
" Spill what?" Kagome asked trying to play stupid.
" What happened?"
" Inuyasha tried to kill me." Kagome answered leaving a lot out.
" What are we going to do now?" Shippo asked leaning his head on her shoulder. Before she could answer the doorbell rang.
" First we're going to get the door bell. You can hide you tail and feet in my hair." The two walked down the steps to answer the door.
" Hello does Kagome Higurashi live here?" asked a bald man from a wheel chair. (Guess who) Next to him was a gruff looking man who translated.
" I'm Kagome Higurashi, how can I help you? There's no need to translate for me, oh why don't you come in."
" Alright these are my comrades Jean Grey and Logan."
" Okay, so what brings you here?"
" Yes, Miss Higurashi, as you may not know you are not a regular human." He said as if he just diagnosed her with cancer.
" I know that."
" Oh, then you understand our situation."
" What situation! Is Kagome in trouble?" Shippo asked frantically.
" No, no she's not in trouble. We're from a special school in the US to teach kids how to handle their abilities." The Professor explained.
" There are still schools for Mikos?"
" Mikos?" They all looked confused.
" No not Mikos, Mutants." Kagome stopped.
" I knew it couldn't be over. We better talk about this with my mom, I'll go get her." Kagome said sadly setting Shippo down on the couch. Then walking into the kitchen. ' I knew it, it couldn't be over. I couldn't just quit.'
" So are you Kagome's little brother? What's your name? " Jean asked the first question, which Logan translated, both that and the answer.
" I'm Shippo, and Kagome's my mom." Jean twitched.
" Ever since my real Mom died."
" Oh" she answered, Kagome coming back into the room, her mom by her side.
" So what this I hear about a school?"
" It's a special school for mutants mom."
" Well I can't stop you. Actually I don't blame you for wanting to leave, there are too many memories here. It's best if you leave as soon as you can."
" We can leave now if you want." Kagome looked up from her lap at them with empty eyes. The strange thing was, the Professor was trying to see into her head, but she wouldn't let him. That's never happened before.
" Only if I can take Shippo with me."
" Of course he can come, but he'll need to speak English. Come here child." Shippo looked up at Kagome, she nodded in approval. He stepped out from behind the pillow to reveal his feet and tail. They were all taken aback. " I've never seen mutation so young before."
" Mutation. right." The professor leaned forward and touched his middle and forefingers to Shippo's forehead. Blue ripples spread for his fingers onto Shippo's forehead, and then he spoke.
" What did you do?" He asked in English.
" Great, we'll just gather some things up and we'll be off." Kagome put on a fake smile and scooped up Shippo. Then going up the stairs.
" The seem nice enough Kagome."
" I know Shippo, but nobody can know about the well. If any one asked you're a mutant ok?"
" Sure, I'm just glad to be with you." He said snuggling into her hair.
" It's a bit of a walk, we landed in the forest so not to attract attention." Logan walked over to Kagome and said.
" I'll take that." He gestured towards to giant yellow pack. Kagome only held it tighter. Inuyasha always tried to carry it for her.
" I can carry it." She said quickly back. A little too quickly for Logan's taste, he looked over to Shippo. He didn't smell right, not like a mutant. They walked out into a clearing where they landed the X-Jet (it's originally 'The Black Bird') Kagome learned along time ago not to be surprised. If you're surprised you guard is down, Kagome would never let her guard down again. Walking in and getting seated, Kagome gazed out the window at the forest, Inuyasha's Forest.
Stop what's that
Stop what's that
What's going down tell me what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
Now welcome to the world of a kid named Miky
Who only had one reason to be hated by whitey
Raised outside of Sylvan
Where they hated on him cause he was African American
Three years later Mikey was the down pride (town pride)
Basket ball Mikey went and called himself a full ride
Earned his acceptance on a hardwood floor
That's something white America could never ignore
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what going down
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
Take a look around
Everything is coming down
Do you hear the sutle sounds
For moralities sleeping
People on the go
We reap what we sow
Yeah we say we wanna know
But I've got my suspicions
Now welcome to the world of a girl named Sussie
Sussie's only crime was that she was bought aculie
Abused by her uncle and his friends
Alcohol in a mall leave the house for grends
But Sussie couldn't shake off the memories
Forced to find her own kind of remedies
A man eater for the rest of her days
Three Kids
Three men
No daddies by eleventh grade
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop children what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
What's going down tell ya what's going down
You wanna know what's going down
Take a look around
Everything's coming down
Do you hear the sutle sounds
For realities slipping
People on the go
We reap what we sow
We say we wanna know
But I've got my suspicions
What be
Going ticky down
What be
Going ticky down
When you find what you lost
But you lose what you found
Something's happen' to me
Something's happen' to me
When you find what you lost
But you lose what you found
Some things happen' to me
Some things happen' to me
Stop hey what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What's going down
Tell me what's going down
I wanna know what's going down
What's going down
Stop hey what's that sound
What's going down tell me what's going down
Stop hey what's that sound
You wanna know what's going down
Everybody look what's going down
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
Stop hey
When the flight ended the bright red head came up to Kagome. " I'm Jean, come on let's go see your room." The two walked out of te hanger in a laybrinth of underground halls, but Jean seemed to know ten perfectly. Up a simple set of stairs into a grand mansion.
" What is this place?"
" The Institute. Your room should be up the stairs and to the left."
" Thanks."
" When's lunch?" Piped up Shippo.
" Shippo."
" It's okay, we came just in time." They all walked into the kitchen. ' oh God what if I don't belong here either?'
There was a giant welcome banner across the coboards . Everyone was eating instant ramen with feeble atempts at chop sticks. Kagome's eyes went immediately to a blue fuzzy figure with.
" Golden eyes." Kagome turned and fled the room. Everyone stopped doing everything.
" Did we do something wrong?" Scott asked to no one imparticular. Then attention went to Shippo. " Did we do something wrong?" Scott asked to Shippo this time.
" Him." Shippo said pointing to Kurt. Kurt lowered head thinking.
' she must hate me.'
" He reminds us of some one we left back in the pa- Japan."
" If he reminds her some one, wouldn't she be happy?"
" No, he did something really bad."
" What was it?"
" I can say, you'll have to ask Kagome."
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww crap that's way to long for the fist chapter! Any way please review, because I want to know what you think. If it is like thsat I will keep writing, if it is not liked then I'll keep writing any way. Please gimmie pairings! They'll be voted for.