I'm sorry that the chapter for May is a little late. My excuse is that I was really swamped with exams, last minute school work, and a cruise I just got back from. So, sorry. But anyway, here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. And I'm sorry for that cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter.


Lindsey sat cross-legged on her cot, carefully brushing through her long, black hair. It was something she'd taken to doing in the last month whenever she got angry, and that was whenever she thought about Erin. Her brush strokes were violent and occasionally painful, but still she brushed.

What else was she supposed to do?

Her best friend, the girl who was supposed to be there for her through thick and thin, had slept with the man Lindsey wanted to be with for the rest of her life. How was one supposed to react in a situation like that?


"I think Squid may be the father!" The words burst from Erin's lips so rapidly that a normal person might not have caught the revelation. To Lindsey's ears, however, the secret was disclosed at the slowest possible speed.

She felt her breath catch in her throat, and there was a sharp flash of pain in her chest. She wondered, briefly, if this was what having your heart break felt like. She felt a blinding ache behind her eyes, and she had to shut them for a minute.

"What?" She whispered. Even to herself, her voice sounded distant and remote. It was as if she was hearing this on television, and none of it was actually happening to her.

Erin looked down at her hands, which were twisting miserably together in her lap. Her lower lip trembled. "I-I think Squid may be the father of my baby." She repeated. Her voice was little more than a whisper as well.

"You- you slept with Squid? Alan?" Lindsey blinked several times. There was an unusual tingling sensation just behind her eyes. Had she been thinking straight, she would have realized she was trying to cry and could not.

Erin actually did burst into tears again at this point. "It was once, Lindsey! Once!" She buried her face in her hands and sobbed, her shoulders shaking.

"How could you do this to me?" Was Lindsey's next question. Her voice was unusually calm and steady. Had she always been this in control of her emotions?

"I'm sorry!" Erin wailed. "I-I guess I had something to prove to myself. Some inferiority complex that I've been struggling with my entire life."

"An inferiority complex?"

"I wanted to prove to myself that I was better than you, at least in something. So I got him to sleep with me." Then she burst into a fresh bout of tears. "Once it was over, he told me he'd only done it because he had to get some somewhere, and you were too much of a lady to even ask. He wouldn't demean you by even suggesting sex." She sounded slightly bitter.

Under normal circumstances, Lindsey might have been touched. But only maybe. At this point in time, however, she felt nothing but anger and disappointment.

Wordlessly, she climbed to her feet and left the tent. And that was the last time in an entire month that Lindsey had spoken to her ex-best friend Erin.


Lindsey realized that the arm holding her hairbrush had fallen limply to her lap. She gave herself a good shake. She almost wished she didn't have all this free time anymore. At least if she was digging holes, she might be exhausted enough to sleep at night.

She set the brush aside and lay down on her back. She thought of the way she had felt the last time Alan had kissed her and wondered if she'd ever be able to feel that way again.

She was just imagining the strong line of his jaw when the tent flap quivered and Erin came in. She had been whistling to herself, but stopped when she saw Lindsey and at least had the sense to look abashed.

"Hi." She murmured, sidling over to where her belongings were piled. Every time the two of them came face to face, she said something polite, but things could never be the same between them again.

Erin was in the first week of her second trimester already, but she wasn't showing very much yet. There was a small bump only visible when she was undressed, but Lindsey had noticed it right away.

The brunette sighed and took a seat on the cot next to her ex-friend. "Listen Lindsey," She began, and her green eyes truly were troubled.

Lindsey held up a hand to stop her. "If you're going to apologize, don't bother. I don't care anymore."

"Stop being so childish!" Erin snapped. "Do you think I wanted to get pregnant? Do you think I didn't realize it was a mistake halfway through it? Do you think I don't get it?" She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. "Listen, Squid agreed to raise both your children as his own, right? Like a real gentleman. Because he loves you."

Lindsey propped herself up on her elbows, slightly interested.

Erin took another deep breath, and looked away out the tent flap. When she looked back at Lindsey, she was very serious. "I've given this a lot of thought, and I'd like you to have my baby."

"What?" Lindsey demanded incredulously. You didn't just go around giving your baby away to the woman whose man you cheated with.

"Yeah," Erin nodded, looking down at her hands, which were resting on her abdomen now. "You're a much better mother already than I could ever be, and this sperm should have been yours anyway." She smiled slightly, and Lindsey was surprised she found humor in the joke.

"Yeah, you're right about that." She agreed.

"And if you won't agree to take my baby and pretend it's yours-"

"Which I won't. I can't live a lie like that." Lindsey said firmly, her eyes flashing. "It's one thing to raise a child as your own; it's another thing entirely to pretend that the child actually is your own."

"Then please agree to be my baby's godmother." Erin pleaded. "I need help, Lindsey, and you're the only one I can turn to!"

"You should have thought about that before you slept with Alan." Lindsey said coldly, rolling over. But she was seriously contemplating it.

Erin sighed heavily and got up to leave, believe her pleas to be futile. Lindsey sighed too, then rolled back over.

"Listen Erin, I'll be the godmother." She agreed in such a tone that suggested she was doing her friend a huge favor. "But I'm not going to raise it."

Erin grinned broadly and immediately hugged Lindsey.

The tent flap opened and an office attendant walked in. She was probably in her early forties, and she weighed more than both girls put together. She had a really bad perm and disgusting-looking acrylic nails that flashed in the bright afternoon sunlight.

"Lindsey, sweetheart, you've got a telephone call in the office." The woman told her.

"It better not be Alan." Lindsey muttered darkly, climbing to her feet. "I'm pretty sure that I'm not quite ready to deal with him just yet."

"Yeah." Erin nodded guiltily.

Lindsey followed the corpulent office attendant out of the tent and across the wasteland that was Camp Greenlake to the office. The phone was sitting out of the cradle on the desk, waiting for her. She scooped it up and held it to her ear. "Hello?" She said.

"Hey sweetheart." An unusually familiar male voice greeted her cheerfully. "I've been trying to get in touch with you for months! I've missed you so much!"

"Who the hell is this?" Lindsey demanded fiercely. The office attendants in the room with her looked up in surprise at the fear and horror in her voice.

"Don't be silly, sweetheart." The voice replied cheerfully. "It's your dad!"


Dun dun dun! Okay, not so much of a cliff-hanger as last chapter, but still a cliff-hanger. Yay. I like those. They're fun to write. So, if you guys are bored with the music you've been listening to, find a Say Anything cd. They are pretty much my new favorite band. Listen to 'alive with the glory of love' and 'every man needs a molly.' Those are my two favorites. Okay, review please!