*Sigh* I've missed you Star Wars fandom! This is woefully short considering I've been gone so long and for that I apologize. On a good note though, it has sparked the muse for another potential oneshot...though not the one I thought I'd be doing when and if I returned to this special, close to my heart verse :)

Drabble word count: 200.

- Someday -

Xanatos stood in the doorway, unable to sleep.

Watched the boy he now called padawan slumber peacefully,

oblivious to the worrisome musings of his master.

So young and so small, Obi-Wan's undeniable inner strength was

hidden by the darkness of night, softened by the vulnerability of sleep and the doubt

burning brightly within the man trusted to guide him to knighthood.

Xanatos had never truly feared anything.

Until now.

The darkness that had once threatened to consume him had been less terrifying

than the thought of somehow falling short of the faith that this child had placed in him.

He vowed to be worthy.

Knew that he wasn't.

He rubbed a trembling hand over his face at the enormity of the task set before him.


Sleepy uncertainty pulled him close.

"Sleep, little one," he said, "all is well."

Obi-Wan shifted, scooting to one side,

an invitation in changeable, hope filled eyes.

Unabashed happiness at his compliance, whisper soft sigh as sleep-spiked ginger hair settled on his chest in lieu of a pillow.

Xanatos wrapped his arm around the warm weight at his side.

Tried to imagine the snuggle bug next to him as the warrior

he would someday be.

E/O Supernatural cross fandom challenge. OF COURSE I PICKED STAR WARS! I MISSED YOU PREQUEL ERA!

Challenge word: rub

Word count is supposed to be 100 but I got carried away and figured I was due. And so were you. I missed this verse more than I thought once I got going!

Disclaimer: I only wish they belonged to me.

Shout out and hugs to all you e/o drabblers who peeked in & an extra special squeeze to MeAzrael and BarbaraGER! I haven't participated in weeks, but I just couldn't pass this one up!
