Disclaimer: I do not own Kenshin, Watsuki does. Not me.
Author's Notes: It's funny how when you get upset it's easy to get into
Battousai's mind. Which is what I did here with writing this. So........
enjoy if you can.

~Curse in Death~
Dripping, drifting, sinking away
Years all stolen with this blade
Invincible you say, is its wielder
But that's not true, as I look in the mirror.
A line that seeps this cherry liquid
Shock that lingers with its message
A curse is set upon my soul
This crimson blood will forever flow.
In the dark the man still fights
Amongst dying days and bleeding nights
To seek revenge from the grave
To suck my down, to make me pay.
Death I've dealt to so many doomed
Damned the evil and the crude
Is this right or am I wrong
In this life, am I simply a pawn?
Dark black surround my soul
I'm a hypocrite by killing what I am
This blood that will remain on my bands
Forever torture from that man.

Author's Notes: Do you know who the man is? Short and kinda haunting, huh?
Love and hugs,
Crystal Renee