***Please read my fan fic "Before" first if you haven't. It explains some things dealing with the story which are important.***

*Note: Digimon is owned by Toei Animation, Fox Kids, etc. I also don't own any of the characters except Samantha (Sam) and Maura.

*Note 2 (in case you haven't read "Before") : Samantha is one of the old, new digidestined like Kari & T.K. and 12 years old. Maura is one of the older digidestined like Sora and the others and 14 years old. Ken's a good guy too now but he's only mentioned a little in this particular fic.

A Sleepover to Remember
Part One
By: ME jus1digigirl *Maura*

Setting: fall and pretty cold

Maura's house:

Sora and Maura were sitting in Maura's room being bored. It was Friday night and they had absolute no idea what to do.

Then, Maura spoke up, "Hey Sora, let's have a sleepover here at my house tomorrow night. My parents are gonna be out so we'll have the house to ourselves for several hours."

Sora rolled off the bed and smiled, "That's a great idea! Who should we invite?"

"I was thinking off making it a Digigirls only sleepover. We haven't had one yet since Yolei, Kari, Sam, Davis, Cody, and T.K became the new digidestined. We don't even know Yolei that well yet. This would be a perfect time for her to get to know us and vice versa."

"Plus the fact that it'll be total fun! Okay, let's call them right now."

"Okay. My sister's over Kari's house so we can tell her while she's there."

They walked to the living room and made the calls. Everyone was to come over the next night at six and stay until Sunday noon. Mimi, was going to come through the digital world tomorrow morning as she lived in a different time zone. She also wanted to help with the party plans.

Sora got off the phone and said, "Okay, it's done. I'll come over tomorrow at around four to help you clean and set - up."

"Okay." Maura said. "Should i tell Tai?" she looked at Sora intently who blushed and looked away.

Tai and Maura had been best friends forever but nothing more. Sora and Maura were best girl-friends. And it seemed lately that Sora had more stronger feelings towards Tai which Maura could obviously could tell. She had tried to get her two best friends together but had had no luck so far since she had promised not the tell the other of each other's feelings. (is that confusing?)

"Whatever. You can but - " Sora let it hang becasue Maura knew what she was thinking.

Last time Maura had had a sleepover a year after the first digital adventure, she had made the mistake of telling Tai. Since it was a campout in her backyard, he had decided to get Matt, T.K., Joe, and Izzy to come with him and ruin their party by spraying them with water from the hose. It was not good in the end.

"Hmmm...good point." Maura said. "But this time, it's too cold to campout."

"Yeah. But you know, he's your best friend so you can tell him if you want." Sora said. She looked at Maura and suddenly saw that her friend had gotten a crazy glint in her dark brown eyes.

Sora raised an eyebrow and said plainly, "What are you planning girl?"

Maura looked innocent. "What do you mean?" she raised her hands.

Sora shook her head, "I've known you long enough to know when you're up to something! Now spill or I'll tell M---"

"No!" Maura shouted getting the picture. "Alright alright! Jeez, Tai used to be the only person who could tell when i was up to something. Half the time it was bad enough cause whenever he helped me, it got crazier. But now you can read my eyes too."

Sora grinned, "Hehe. But i think i can be more helpful than Tai! Now spill!"

"Okay okay. Hold your horses. I've got the absolute best idea! We are gonna get back at
those boys from what they did last time!" she rubbed her hands and laughed evily. "Hahaha!"

"I like the sound of your laugh! Now tell me!" Sora said jumping up and down.

"Okay, here's the plan..."


Tai's house:

"Hey Matt!" Tai said into the phone from his house.

"Hey Tai. What's up?" came the reply from the other side of the line.

"Listen, can you come over now? I've got a great idea." Tai said excitedly.

"Ummm...Tai, everytime you have an idea, it's a crazy one."

"Yeah, okay. But you gotta come! Izzy, Willis, Micheal, and T.K. are coming to."

"All of them? What for?" Matt asked.

"Just get your butt over here and i'll tell you! It's a good idea! Trust me." Tai replied.

Matt sighed. "And everytime you say 'trust me', i know something crazy is gonna happen. I'll be over in fifteen minutes. Bye."

"Great. Bye!" Tai said and hung up smiling meschiviously.

15 minutes later...

Matt, T.K., Izzy, Willis, and Micheal were all sitting around Tai's bedroom. Willis and Micheal had come through the digital world into Tai's room from his computer. They sat around for a few minutes drinking coke and talking about sports and music.

Then, Izzy looked up at Tai and said,"Okay Tai. Why did you ask us all here?"

"Yeah, Micheal and I came all the way from America to find out what your 'idea' is," Micheal said. "Spill!"

Tai grinned, "Like you guys took a plane and everything! You came through my computer and it took only about umm..a few minutes?"

"Tai, tell us right now or else I am gonna pound you! I can't wait any longer!" Matt threatened.

Tai held up his hands, "Alright, alright! Sheesh!"

Before Tai could start, Willis said, "Why isn't Davis here?"

"Yeah. Or Joe or Cody or Ken?" Izzy added.

"Well," Tai started, "Joe and his family went to visit his aunt who's sick, Cody's mother and grandfather want him to spend the weekend with him, and Ken's family's out of town."

"And Davis?" T.K. said.

"He and his family are out too. I don't know where though. Jun's gone too," and as he said her name, he looked over at his friend to see his reaction.

Matt shuddered, "Don't mention her. I still can't believe she followed us all the way to the campsite! She follows me everywhere! Ugg!" he shook his head.

That got a laugh out of everyone even Matt himself.

Then, "Okay, now to get down to business. Why I asked you all here. I got a call from Maura earlier," he again looked at Matt who blushed and looked away. "she and the girls are having a sleepover and i was thinking-"

Matt inturrupeted him ,"Uh uh! No way! Remember what happened last time Tai?"

"But this time it's not a campout!" Tai protested.

Micheal and Willis were obviously very lost while Izzy and T.K. were siding with Matt.

"Yeah Tai. They wouldn't speak to us for a week!" T.K. reminded him.

Izzy added, "And we got into so much trouble with our parents! Do you want that to happen again?"

"Can someone please explain what happened?" Willis said.

"Yeah, we are totally lost here!" Micheal shouted.

He had to shout because Matt, Izzy, and T.K. were yelling at Tai who was yelling back about something. Micheal didn't understand what though.

"SHUT UP!!!"

Everyone quieted down and stared at Micheal. He wasn't the type of person to yell like that.

"Sorry." he smiled apolegetically, "but you guys are getting out of hand. Besides, what if your parents or sister heard all of us Tai?"

"I guess we were yelling too much. And as for my parents, they're out shopping and Kari is sitting outside of the patio with Sam doing something or other."

"Now that everyone's quiet, can someone please tell Micheal and me what happened and what you all were fighting about?" Willis asked.

"Oh sorry." Izzy said. "I think Tai should tell you."

Tai sighed,"Alright. This happened about a year after our first adventure to the digi-world. Maura was having a campout in her backyard with Sora, Mimi, Kari, and Sam. She told me since, afterall, i am her best friend. Well, I decided to play a trick on them for fun but i didn't want to do it by myself."

"So he dragged, me, Izzy, T.K., and Joe into it." Matt said.

"Umm..yeah. So anyways, the night of the campout, we waited with our hose ready and when the girls got settled down in the tent...well, we kinda..." Tai let it hang.

Willis and Micheal got the picture and grinned.

"So then what happened?"

"Well, they ran outside of the tent and got soaked. We couldn't turn the hose off. It was actually kind of funny. They were running around screaming,"Tai smiled remembering the moment.

"Yeah, but that's when the fun ended. Her parents came out to see what was wrong and we were caught. We all went inside and phoned our parents who were not happy." T.K. continued. "Mom was especially mad at Matt for taking me along. But that's not important."

"What happened to the girls?" Willis asked.

"Well, they had the rest of their campout inside. The worst part was that they wouldn't talk to us for a whole week. We had to get down on the floor and beg them to forgive us. And I mean literally!" Izzy said.

Tai shuddered, "Oh yeah. I remember that. Maura wouldn't talk to me or look at me she was so mad. And the bad thing was that we were partners for a project so she did her part and i didn't do mine, well, let's just say it was not good!"

"Definatley. And now, Maura's having another sleepover and Tai has some sort of scheme up his sleeve." Matt said. "You'd think he would've learned the first time!"

Tai stood up,"But this is really good and i don't think we'd get into too much trouble! It's just a little trick and her parents won't catch us cause they won't be home for a while!"

Micheal looked at him disbelivingly, "They didn't talk to you for a week the first time. How long could they not talk to you now?"

"I don't know," Tai shrugged. "That time was her first sleepover and I guess i did ruin it but this time, it won't be ruined. Come on guys! It'll be fun! For the sake of all guys playing tricks on girls! Agree with me here!" Tai pleaded. "Come on Matt! Buddy?"

"Weeelll....what exactly is it you want to do?"

Tai grinned, "Okay, listen up...."


Back to Maura's house:

The next morning at about eleven o'clock, the computer in Maura's room began to glow. This light woke up Maura from a really good dream. She was dreaming...well, never mind what she was dreaming. Anyways, she looked over at her computer and and suddenly, someone fell out of it.


It was Mimi. She had come from America.

Maura sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Hi Mimi. Nice to see you again."

Mimi stood up, "Hey Maura. I can't wait till your party!" she said excitedly. "We are gonna have so much fun! Especially with what you have planned!"

"Yeah!" Maura yawned. "Listen, I told my parents that you're coming over in the morning but they absolutley do not expect you to come out my computer."

"So what should i do then?"

"I've already thought about that. My parents are in the living room downstairs right now.
They're gonna leave to go shopping in half an hour. So you've got to stay in my room and be quiet until they leave. Have you had something to eat?"

Mimi nodded her head, "Yeah, i already ate. I'll stay in here and just look through your pictures from school and stuff."

"Great." Maura smiled. "I gotta go eat now before i starve. I'll be back after my parents leave." she got off her bed and headed towards the bathroom to wash up.


Still at Maura's house but hours later:


Maura looked at the clock on the wall. It was four-o'clock on the dot.

"That must be Sora," Mimi said. "I'll get it."

She walked to the door and Maura heard it open from the family room.

Then, "Mimi! Hey!"

"Hi Sora!"

Then, the two walked in. Sora came holding a couple of bags and her sleeping stuff.

"I'm gonna go put this stuff in your room, kay?" she said and head up without an answer.

She came back down and sat between Mimi and Maura on the couch.

"Do you think he fell for it?" she asked looking at Maura.

Maura smiled, "Are you kidding me? I've known him since we were in diapers! of course he fell for it Sora! You should know that. After all, you do - "

"Shut up!" Sora jumped up and threw a pillow at her.

Mimi giggled. "What were you saying Maura?"

"Well, i was saying that Sora likes - Oof!" she said as another pillow hit her. "Okay Sora, you asked for it!" she jumped up, grapped a throw pillow and smacked Sora on the butt. "Haha! Take that!"

Sora laughed and whacked her back on the head.

Mimi watched and slowly started singing in a low voice, "Sora likes Tai - ai! Maura like Ma - at!"

Sora and Maura stopped fighting, looked at each other, at thier pillows, then at Mimi.

She noticed them looking at her and stopped singing, "Heeeyyy! Two against one! No - "


Two pillows came down on her.

"AND MIMI LIKES IZ - ZY!" They both shouted out at the same time.


After about ten minutes, the girls had gotten settled down.

"Okay. We've got to get serious now. We've got less than two hours to get everything ready." Maura said. "Everyone's going to be coming over at six. Sam's coming with Kari from her house."

"Where do we start?" Mimi asked.

"I think we should start with the outside stuff first. It's cold now but it'll get colder later so let's finish up outside first." Sora said as she arranged the pillows on the sofa.

"Good idea. Let's grab our coats and get going." Maura said.

They did as she said and headed out the door to the back.


End of Part One

What's Maura up to? And what about the boys? What do they all have planned? What's going to happen now during the sleepover? Read Part Two. Hope you all like it so far! Please review please please! This is actually my first fan fic but my second to be posted. Thanks much!

(not my real name...read my profile if you haven't)

**Author's Note** IMPORTANT: After I get at least ten good reviews, I'll post the second part up so please review! I want to know if i'm any good at this. After ten reviews, I promise to post up the next part. Thanks!