
By deemarie

Chapter 23

Christmas at the Burrow. Harry could think of nothing better. It was going to be the best Christmas ever. He was sure of that. Everyone was coming. There would be noise and bustle in the house again. It had been quiet here of late. And while Harry had needed the solitude to recover, he was growing restless. Besides, he couldn't wait to see Ginny again.

Harry had slept for more than a day after he had collapsed between Molly and Arthur. His reserves of strength had depleted as the power he had called up left him. He was still a bit groggy when he had woken up. Madame Pomfrey must have given him a sleeping draught. He sat up and put his glasses on. He looked to the bed next to him. Ginny wasn't there. What happened? Where was she? He started to get out of bed. Madame Pomfrey must have radar, because as soon as his feet hit the floor, she hurried into the infirmary.

"Oh no you don't, Potter," she said. "Not this time, back to bed right this instant!" She bustled him back under the covers.

"Madame Pomfrey, where's Ginny? Is she all right?"

"She's fine. She woke up this morning. I saw fit to discharge her into her parent's care." Harry let out the breath he had been holding. If Madame Pomfrey let her go, then she must be better. He leaned back into his pillow and closed his eyes. He slept peacefully.

The next time he woke, he heard the sounds of hundreds of voices drifting up through the corridors. The Welcoming Feast. The new school year had begun. He thought of asking if he could go, but without Dumbledore there, it would be difficult for him. Suddenly, a pair of very large green eyes peeked over the foot of his bed.


"Yes, Mr. Harry Potter, sir. The headmistress sent Dobby to see if Mr. Harry Potter would care to come to the feast? Your Wheezy lady is in attendance. Perhaps you would care to join them?"

Harry considered it. While he would love to be sitting there with Ginny, he decided against it. He was still quite tired, and his body hurt from the abuse he'd taken. He definitely didn't want to end up in St. Mungo's again.

"Dobby, would you take a couple of messages down for me?" Dobby nodded vigorously. "Tell Professor McGonnagal, I appreciate the invitation, but I am really too tired. Then tell Ginny that I wish I were there by her side. Perhaps she could come and see me after the feast?" Dobby raised his hand to disappear. "Wait! I'm famished! Think I could get something to eat?" With a smile, Dobby disappeared. Seconds later platefuls of food appeared on the bedside table.

He ate his fill and the plates disappeared. There was a rumble in the corridors. The feast must be over. Ginny would be here any minute. He tried to get himself into some kind of order. He must look a mess. A two days growth of beard scratched his face. He was sure his hair, unruly though it was normally, probably stuck out in ways he couldn't imagine. He tried to push it back down but knew it was hopeless. Footsteps were drawing closer. He hoisted himself higher in the bed.

Ginny appeared in the doorway, with Colin Creevy at her side. What was he doing with his arm around her? A swift, painful pang of jealousy rippled through Harry's heart. Then he realized as they walked toward him, Colin wasn't holding Ginny. He was helping her walk. Her movements were slow. Pain was evident on her face. Colin helped her into the chair.

"Hiya, Harry," Colin said. "Everyone's sorry about what happened. But we're all glad you and Ginny are okay." He turned to Ginny. "I'll wait outside. Call me when you're ready to go." Ginny nodded, then Colin left quietly.

Ginny sat looking at her hands. It was as if she were frightened of him. He knew he had to let her know that she need not fear him. That he didn't blame her for any of this.

Ginny woke to her family gathered at her bedside. She hurt. The pain that coursed through her body had set her nerves on fire. She needed water. Her throat was parched. She tried to speak, but couldn't. She tugged at one of the hands she found she was holding. Her mother quickly poured her a glass of water and urged Ginny to sip it slowly.

"Thank you," she said in the barest of whispers. "Where's Harry?" Charlie and Bill stepped apart. Harry was in the bed next to her.

"Harry!" the word barely escaped her. He was pale; there were awful purple bruises on his neck. Oh God, it had happened again! Because of her, Harry was hurt. All because of her! Would it never end? Would loving her only put him in danger time and again? She couldn't bear it anymore. Molly sat next to her on the bed, gathering her in her motherly embrace.

"He's going to be fine, Ginny. He's just exhausted. He needs to rest. Madame Pomfrey gave him a sleeping draught. He's not hurt." The words didn't register with Ginny, she was too deeply depressed.

Madame Pomfrey chased the family from Ginny's bedside so that she could examine her now awake patient. With reassurances that she would be fine, Fred, George, Percy and Charlie said good-bye to Ginny and left. They promised to write often and would see her back at the Burrow during the holidays. Ron gave Ginny's hand a squeeze.

"I've got to get back to Hermione. She's waiting on pins and needles. We'll see you as soon as we can, Ginny. First Hogsmeade weekend. We'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks. Promise." Ginny smiled weakly. Then Ron had leaned down and kissed her forehead. He had never done that before. It brought tears to her eyes. "If I haven't said so lately, I love you, Gin. Get better quickly." Then he too left. Molly and Arthur hugged her gently.

"Professor McGonnagal has given us a room here," Molly said. "We can stay as long as you need us." When had they gotten so old, she thought. Mum and Dad were definitely grayer now. There were lines about their faces she hadn't noticed before. Worry clearly evident in their eyes. She was so sorry. Sorry for everything. Would this pain never go away? With Arthur's arm about her shoulder, Molly and Arthur left the infirmary.

"I'll be by Harry, Ginger." Bill walked to the chair by Harry's bed and sat down. It wasn't long before Madame Pomfrey finished her exam. Aside from the bruising along Ginny's jaw and severe soreness in her rib cage, Madame Pomfrey felt he was well enough to leave. She helped Ginny dress and then asked Bill to escort her to Griffindor tower.

She stopped by Harry's bedside. Ginny wanted more than anything to crawl in next to him and just hold him. She wanted to kiss him awake, to make sure he still cared for her. She was scared he wouldn't. How much could one person take before it overwhelmed them? Would this be the incident that finally drove Harry away?

Bill put his arm around Ginny and led her back to the tower. The Fat Lady had apparently been waiting for them. She swung open without a password. Of course term hadn't started. There were no students to keep safe yet. The house elves had been busy though. There was a comfy fire burning. Bull helped her over to the couch. A soft moan of pain escaped Ginny as she sat. Bill murmured an apology and then sat next to her. Ginny snuggled up against him.

"Scared, Ginger?" It was truly amazing at how well he could read her.

"Very," she replied. "It's happened again. Harry's been hurt and it's my fault. I'm afraid this was one time too many."

"You're afraid he'll give you up? That he'll stop loving you?"

"How did you know? It was only yesterday that we..." her voice trailed off.

"You didn't see him when we found you. It was the most remarkable thing I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. You were wrapped in his arms. He was rocking you. There was this aura around him, a golden light, and he was willing it into you very skin.

"He was afraid you were dying, Gin. It was as if he was giving you his own life, pouring his soul into you. If we hadn't come when we did, I think he may not have stopped. He would have sacrificed himself for you.

"I don't think you have to be afraid, Gin. There's nothing that can come between you and Harry, ever."

Ginny took a deep breath and looked up into Harry's eyes. There was love shining brightly in their chocolate depths. He let out a soft sigh of relief. He didn't need to know what happened now. He wouldn't press her. The truth was there to be seen, she would tell him everything he wanted to know.

Harry pushed back the blanket and got out of bed. He went to his knees in front of Ginny. He took her hands in his.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sooner."

"No, Harry, don't be sorry. You were right, you should have come with us."

"I don't think that would have stopped Malfoy."

"Maybe, maybe not. We'll never really know."

"Ginny, if only..." she pressed a finger to his lips.

"No, Harry. You told me once there are no if onlys. There's just the here and now. I'm here, so are you. I love you with all my heart. I hope you still love me." Taking her tenderly into his embrace, he kissed her softly. There were tears glistening behind his glasses when they broke apart.

"I've never said this to anyone before, not to Ron or Hermione, not to your parents, not even to Sirius. I was never sure how to say it. I know now. I love you, Ginny."

Yes, Harry thought, this will be the best Christmas ever. He opened the small blue jewel case and looked down at the ring. It was a simple gold band. There were three garnets set along it. They reminded him of Ginny's hair, shades of red that danced in the light. They represented the three promises he would make to her. He could hardly wait to give it to her.

The house had grown quiet. Mostly everyone had gone to bed. Not Harry and Ginny, they sat together on the settee in front of the fireplace. Ginny was tucked into the crook of Harry's shoulder. Her legs were drawn up under her. Harry had rested his cheek on top of Ginny's head. His legs were stretched out in front of him. He had taken his shoes off and was warming his feet at the fire.

"We really should go up now, Harry. It's getting late."

"I know and we will, it's just that I wanted to wait till everyone was in bed before I gave you something."

"I can wait until tomorrow, Harry, after all that's Christmas Day." Somewhere in the house, a clock chimed.

"It is tomorrow, Ginny." Harry pulled the gift-wrapped box from his pocket. "Happy Christmas, love." Ginny smiled. She took the box and unwrapped it quickly. Her eyes widened in delight as she saw the ring inside.

"It's lovely, Harry. You shouldn't have gone to such expense."

"Don't worry about that, Ginny. I do have a vault full of gold."

"Thank you, Harry." The play of light about the three garnets flashed in her eyes. "Why three stones? Do they mean something?"

"These stones are promises."


"First, I promise to love you with all my heart."

"I like the sound of that."

"Second, I promise to be there for you, whenever you need me."

"It gets even better. And the third?"

"Well, when you're ready, Ginny, I promise to take you as my wife."

They never made it upstairs that night. They had sat and kissed and talked and made plans for life together, finally falling asleep near dawn.

Molly and Arthur had come down early that morning to have a private moment to exchange gifts before everyone else woke up. It had been their tradition since Bill had been born. Arthur saw them first. He smiled at Molly.

"I'm glad Harry came to live here, permanently."

The End.