Chapter 14: Guardian Angel
"You look like hell," Blaise said, surveying the man before him with a smirk. The pair embraced again as if two lost brothers.
"Good to see you, Blaise. Really good," Draco said after the two parted.
"Oh, Mr. Malfoy. What a pleasure." A cold voice drawled somewhere to Draco's left.
"The pleasure is all mine, My Lord." Draco immediately recoiled from a stinging sensation in his left cheek. James had slapped him…hard.
"How dare you?" James seethed with hate.
Blaise stood off to the side of the scene, his mind racing a mile a minute and his heart pounding deep in his chest.
"Why? You're asking me 'why'? How dare your tongue speak such insolence to your father? Get up, you worthless piece of—"
"Please! Plea—ase." A woman's shrill voice was gasping for breath. "Please, Henry. He doesn't know what he's saying."
"I know damn well what I'm saying, Mother. And I'm asking 'why'."
Blaise felt a tight grip on the collar of his robes and tasted his father's dank breath on his lips. "How dare you question the Dark Lord? You will be punished for your impudence, boy." He was thrown to the ground with force, his wrist twisting to an odd angle.
"Henry, you're right! He's just a boy! He's only 16!"
"And you will learn your place, Evelyn." Henry pushed Evelyn into a nearby sofa. Her head hit a lamp, sending it shattering to the floor. She lay motionless on the sofa.
Blaise felt…nothing. He felt no sympathy. This woman who had dubbed herself his 'mother' had not the slightest inkling of the definition. She was a strong woman: full of will-power and confidence. But something about husband number 5 had weakened her considerably. Blaise wondered vaguely about the use of the Imperious Curse, but swept the thought from his mind with a flippant attitude.
Henry stood over Blaise. Henry's eyes had become fiery with rage, his cheeks red from shouting, and his ears a pallid color. "I'll tell you again boy: You will be at the ceremony next month. You will be initiated. My name will not be tainted over your impertinence. You will bring the muggle girl. You will not question any more of the Dark Lord's orders. Do I make myself clear?"
Blaise glared at his current father-figure and stood silently, wincing at the pain in his wrist. He stood up straight, swallowed thickly, and stared, countering the man before him.
Henry spoke clearly and evenly, emphasizing each syllable with impressive force. "Do I make myself clear?"
His eyebrows arched sarcastically, Blaise took one last look at Henry, and spit at his feet. He turned and headed toward the front door, never looking back.
End Flashback
She had slipped into the tower a few minutes ago with a Disillusionment Charm to leave him the package. He couldn't see her. Not tonight. Her charm had broken when she had laid the package by his bed, her breathing had seemed to stop at the prospect of being so close to him. She had drawn back the curtains to find an empty four poster, and shakily cast another charm.
She stole down the stairs silently and quickly: the Disillusionment Charm she had cast had been done in such haste, with such shaky hands, her heart beating so erratically, she hardly relied on its endurance. She walked quickly through the Gryffindor Common Room.
She glanced at the fire, and saw a shadow thrown upon the wall. Her eyes traveled to a figure lying on the couch. With a small sigh of relief, she strode to him, her breathing again unstable.
She drank in every contour of his face: the way his eyes were set just a little far apart, the way his eyelashes curled upward, and the way one eyebrow was slightly uneven due to a charm that had backfired in fourth year. She looked at the way his concave nose sat on his face, sprinkled with the faintest freckles. His lips were smooth and parted slightly as he took in deep breaths. Her eyes traveled to his hands, one lying lightly on his chest, the other hanging off of the couch, open lazily. His breathing was steady, his strong chest rising and falling every few seconds. A red blanket was draped messily over his stomach and legs, and she saw his feet sticking out from the cover. A bold shape of green ink stood out—the tattoo on his ankle seemed to glow. She gently took his dangling hand and laid it across his stomach, hoping he would not wake: he slept as soundly as if she had not touched him. Her hand found itself on his chest, feeling his heart beat, and a few tears spilled from her eyes. She did not bother to wipe them away.
"I'm so sorry, Seth. I'm so sorry."
Seth grunted and Danica pulled her hand away instinctively. His body shifted slightly, and Danica almost got up to leave. She should have left. She needed to leave. But she didn't.
She kissed him softly on the lips, and whispered "I love you." in his ear. She stifled her tears, as it would not do to appear red-faced and blubbering, not to mention late.
Seth stirred and opened his eyes. "Danni?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily, adjusting them to the darkness. He propped himself up on his elbows. She was at the portrait before he said another word. "Danni, is that you?"
She tried to walk out. She should have. But she couldn't. He would suspect her anyway. Her Disillusionment Charm had broken the moment he said her name. She spun and returned to the sofa, kneeling beside him.
"Seth, I love you," she said. Was that anxiety she heard in her voice?
The desperation in her voice worried him. He kissed her chastely. "I love you," he paused, searching her face. He could feel her wavering breath on his cheek. He grasped her hand and intertwined it with his. Her pulse was out of control. Her eyes were wide, her mouth turned down at the corners, her small was nose so delicate. He inhaled, hoping to steady his own heart. "Danni: what's wrong?" he demanded when he hoped his voice was steady enough to mask his own concern.
"I'm sorry, Seth. But I love you. I love you so much. I would do anything for you. You know that, right?" Her words were rushed, whispered in a rough tone.
"Danica, calm down." His voice was softer, rushed, but more gentle.
"I need you to know that I love you. More than anything in this world."
"Danica. I do. I know that." His brow creased. "You know I love you, right?" A small hint of worry crept into his voice. "You know I love you more than anything? That I'm nothing without you. You're everything to me, Danica. Do you know that?"
Danica didn't respond. She could hardly look at him. Her eyes diverted to anything else in the common room. She rose abruptly and raced up the stairs to retrieve the package she had set at his bedside. Back at his side, Danica fell to her knees, hysterics threatening to overcome here. A small, paper-covered, oddly shaped lump rested in her shaking hands. A note attached to the top of the package read Open at 1:00 AM. She placed it in his hands, panic and a million other emotions raging in her mind.
"Danica," he persisted. "Do you know that I love you?"
She kissed his cheek softly, her cheek resting against his for a moment. She pulled herself away. With one final longing look, she whispered almost inaudibly in her ear. "I'm sorry I'm not as strong as you." She left immediately, casting a Disillusionment charm on her way out.
"Danica, Danica wait!" Seth jumped from the couch and started after her, but Danica was gone before he reached the portrait. "I love you." He called softly, hoping she would hear.
"Dad, are you alright?" Danica had just sidled up beside him and Blaise jumped slightly, smiling apologetically down at his only daughter.
"I'm fine, Bella," he muttered, putting his arm around her. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered softly, "I'm really sorry, Bella. I'm really sorry." His grip around her waist tightened and he kissed the top of her forehead. "I'm sorry for everything."
Danica nodded, her eyes far away.
"Ms. Zabini, how nice for you to join us this evening," Voldemort drawled, abandoning Draco to cross to Danica.
He stroked her face with a long white finger. Danica tensed and spoke through clenched teeth. "My Lord." Her curt acknowledgement rang through the mid-sized room.
Voldemort smiled, the slits in his eyes narrow as he surveyed Danica. "You are ready, then, Ms. Zabini?"
There was something akin to a hesitation when Dania's shaky voice said, "Yes, My Lord."
"You have prepared? Your assignment is complete?" Voldemort turned to stare at Draco even as he spoke to Danica.
"Yes." Tears slipped down Danica's cheek, and she quickly wiped them away.
"Then we will begin promptly." Voldemort stood in the center of the room. His wand levitated Draco and threw him against the wall roughly. Draco settled himself, his head hanging low. James stood to the right of Voldemort, and when the latter nodded, Draco almost gasped in horror. James walked slowly over to Draco and pushed back the sleeves of his robes. The dark mark lay dormant, untouched for so many years. Draco muffled a small cry of pain when the vivid red mark became black at James' touch.
Tall men and women in dark robes with hoods began appearing in the small space. Each, after a few moments of bowing to Voldemort, finally glimpsed Draco. One Death Eater, a man with a black goatee, raised his wand angrily at Draco and muttered, "Crucio" with an intense hatred in his rough voice. Voldemort strode to the man and ripped the wand from his hand. The pain in Draco's body stopped abruptly, the wand realizing it was no longer under the control of its master. Voldemort snapped the wand cleanly and threw it on the grown at the hooded man's feet. "If it be worth stooping for, there it lies," he hissed. "But make no mistake: our 'friend's'," he spat the word, "actions will be well taken care of. But that is in my power. Not your own."
The Death Eater sank to his knees, kissing the hem of Voldemort's robes. "My apologies, My Lord. Your servant knows the ultimate power you hold."
But Voldemort had already left before the Death Eater had finished. He stood near Blaise and Danica. "It is almost time." His voice commanded respect, and those that heard it fell silent; a sense of awe and wonder filled the room like a heavy blanket.
Danica swallowed thickly, clutching her father's hand. Blaise closed his eyes, wishing for a better life for his daughter. He lowered his head to her ear. "It will be okay, Danni," he said fiercely. "Trust me." Danica nodded imperceptibly; hearing, but not believing. As much as she loved her father, she could not agree. As much as she trusted her father, she could not at this moment—she didn't have enough strength.
Death Eaters slowly crowded around in a circle, leaving Draco on the outside, a detail to which he did not object. However, his hope was soon shot down as Voldemort called to him. The force that had been holding him down was gone, and Draco stood precariously. "Draco Malfoy. Traitor to my power, my people, your family. Come stand at the sides of those you betrayed." Draco obeyed and was at Voldemort's left side instantly. He held his head high, battling himself over what role to play at this moment. "Look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters, Mr. Malfoy. Those who take pride in my name. In my beliefs. In our struggle." Draco looked at a point between the pointed hoods of two Death Eaters across from him. He was looking far away, to the point where his life had taken a turn.
He was sitting in a dark room with a single light bulb, much like the rooms he saw on muggle TV in a police station. There was a cold, hard, metal table in front of him. He sat on a cold, hard, metal chair and waited, hands tapping a rhythm every once in a while. He had been here for an hour or so.
The holding room of The Department of Dark Magic and Marks and Records was a very lonely place to be, Draco decided. He drummed a few more tunes, every once in a while, humming to keep his anxiety at bay.
The door clicked.
The incarnate of Satan, Ginny Weasley, strode in. Her hair piled up on her head in messy curls, she sat down in the chair opposite Draco and folded her arms. "Talk." She said curtly.
"A misson. From Voldemort. To attack the muggle school. On Corner Road and Marthanville Road." Draco was speaking in fragments, not able to make a complete sentence for lack of air. His voice was hushed, as if afraid Voldemort might be on the other side of the two-way mirror. His hands drummed the table nervously. "I need help. It will be happening next Wednesday. I can give you the name. But you must promise protection for my family. I have a wife and a son—"
"I'm aware, Malfoy."
"I can't let them get into this."
"You brought them into this the moment you went running back to your precious Lord Voldemort." Ginny spat.
"I can't live like this anymore," he said, almost ignoring her comment. "I can't make them go trough this. I can't keep living this lie. This is not who I am."
"Please, Malfoy. You suddenly had a change of heart?" She laughed incredulously.
"I didn't fight with him in the final battle!" Draco's voice was harsh, meant to make a point, and it did.
Ginny sighed, staring into Draco's eyes, searching for something. "How do I know you aren't lying—"
"I already told you—"
"Be reasonable, Malfoy. Look at it from my perspective. How am I to be sure?"
"What can I do?"
"Among other things, such as giving us names, take the Veritaserum, and then we'll see where we stand."
"Give it to me," he said simply.
Ginny pointed her wand at Draco. A small drop of clear liquid appeared in front of his face at eye level. When he opened his mouth, with a flick of Ginny's wand, the drop zoomed into his mouth. Draco's eyes seemed to glaze over slightly and he stared straight ahead at some point beyond Ginny's fiery red curls. Ginny readied herself.
"What is your name?"
"Draco Cygnus Malfoy."
"Are you married?"
"To Hermione Jean Granger. To us was born a son, Seth James Malfoy."
"And why do you want to help the ministry?"
"I don't want my son to become what I am."
Ginny was slightly taken aback, but pressed on. "What do you know about Lord Voldemort's plan to attack a muggle school?"
"The job was assigned to me and James Michael Maridronne. We are to take over the muggle school on Wednesday this week and kill the muggle children. Silencing charms will be placed over each classroom individually, so as not to alert muggles. The attack will begin at nine o'clock and proceed from there. The expected time is a half hour. The school will then be set to fire to erase all traces of evidence."
"Are you willing to work with the Ministry in order to foil the Dark Lord's plan?"
"Are you aware that, should you fail to adhere to Ministry standards, you will be prosecuted as a Death Eater?"
"Thank you for your time, Mr. Malfoy." Ginny conjured a drop of antidote to fly into Draco's slightly parted lips.
Draco returned to his alert self and focused his eyes on Ginny. His seriousness was not to be missed as his eye bore into hers. "Thank you."
End Flashback
Draco looked around the circle of Death Eaters, picking out faces, matching names. Blaise Zabini stood across the circle from him, his daughter quivering imperceptibly, except to Draco, at his side. He noticed a tall, corpulent man three people to his right. He was Marcus Flint, troll-like as ever, his dark hair a mangled mat sitting on his head. To Flint's left was a woman Draco thought he recognized from Hogwarts, but he couldn't be quite sure—until she opened her mouth.
"My Lord, the darkness is waning. The sun will be coming up soon."
His repulsed stare bore through Alea Jugson. Alea had been a close member of the Slytherin Gang at Hogwarts with Draco and James, among others. Countless times she had seduced Draco to get her way. He shuddered at the memories. Voldemort's stare was enough of an answer for her childish remark, and he resumed staring at the center of the circle, as if waiting for something. The sky was black—it was the middle of the night. Maybe midnight or one.
Danica was trembling now.
Draco felt a change in the air.
In the moment it took Draco to close his eyes to draw a deep breath, there was a thud on the ground.
Danica shook violently, though hardly noticeable with the screams and cries of the circle of Death Eaters. More tears fell from her eyes as she tried to look away, but seemed unable to do so.
Draco opened his eyes and his heart stopped. "No," he said, disbelief and rage surging through him.
Voldemort's velvety cool voice slithered through the room, sliding down each person's body like a bucket of ice. "Mr. Malfoy." He was looking at the center of the circle at a young man who had just appeared. "How considerate of you to join us on your birthday."
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
-Your Guardian Angel: RJA