Sakura no Tenshi

Prologue I

High up in heaven where angels reside, anticipation was crackling in the air. A new angel was going to arrive. Unlike all the other angels, this angel was chosen by God himself. Unknown to anyone else, God has kept his secret well.

Light brown hair and lovely emerald eyes, the new angel was welcomed by all. God led her by the hand and proudly showed off his angel. After the cherry blossoms he found so beautiful on earth, he named her Sakura. She was the angel unknown to anyone else. She was God's little secret.


Angel Sakura soon settled in heaven, where she found everything to be new and exciting. She loved the halo that always hovered protectively over her. She loved the fluffy wings that spread themselves in readiness whenever she even thought about flying. Most of all, she loved the other angels who were so kind to her, who all seemed to love her. All, except one.

Angel Tomoyo had hung back when God brought forth his little secret. She had felt a tinge of jealousy. She had watched with envy as all the other angels bestowed her with their blessings. She had turned away from the new angel's loving words and friendliness. All in all, she did not like Angel Sakura. She would have to find a way to resolve that.

Angel Sakura was completely unaware of this animosity. She smiled sweetly at every angel that passed. Some would stop to chat with her while others hurried to their tasks. Once, she had asked an elderly angel what do angels do exactly. He had answered with solemnity that angels free mortals' souls. It was a continuous and bloody battle between angels and demons over souls. Then she had asked if angels hate demons. The elderly angel had smiled and said in a quiet yet firm voice, no. She was surprised and asked why it was so. At that, the other angel laughed and said she asked too much. Everything would be clear if she looked into her heart.

After that, Angel Sakura did not chat. She stuck to her duty of guarding the heavenly gate. It was then Angel Tomoyo came up to her, not on a mission but for a purpose none the less important to her.

Angel Sakura


What powers do you possess?

Anou… I believe I don't possess any special powrers, Angel Tomoyo-sama. Gomen nasai.

There's no need to apologize… but, how could you be an angel if you don't possess powers?

I… I don't know. Do all angels possess powers, Angel Tomoyo-sama?

Of course we do. I, for example, possess the power of words. What I say, will become the reality. Angel Hitono-sama, the most senior of all, possesses the power to create. So, what powers do you possess?

I… I… don't have any powers.

What? No powers? Sou ka. Good luck to you then, when you're sent on your first mission.

Angel Sakura watched the retreating figure of Angel Tomoyo. Even though she was sure she had not said a single word, she was equally sure she just had a whole conversation with the senior angel. Maybe she could not speak, because whatever she spoke would become the reality. Angel Sakura finally realized. Yet, she frowned. Until now, she had not realized she did not have any special abilities. What was it she had said at the end? Good luck to you then, when you're sent on your first mission. She had not given her first mission much thought yet. However, now, she couldn't shake off the cold hand of fear whenever she thought about it.


Angel Hitono watched as Angel Tomoyo materialized in front of her. She liked this quiet and seemingly shy angel, who always performed extraordinarily well for her missions. She relaxed in her chair, carefully folding her snow-white wings behind her. She waited patiently for the younger angel to speak.

Angel Hitono-sama. The younger angel began reverently. The older angel smiled at her in acknowledgement.

I was wondering if you have decided what first missions to assign to all the new angels.

Not really. Would you like to help?

Angel Tomoyo bowed elegantly. I'm afraid I do not have the ability.

You underestimate yourself. What is the matter, Angel Tomoyo-chan?

Angel Hitono-sama, I would like to recommend the first mission for Angel Sakura-chan. I've talked to her. She gave me the impression of a very powerful angel. I suggest sending her to investigate the demonic activities in Nagasaki. I'm fairly sure she would do a good job of it. After all, she was the angel chosen by God himself.

Hmm… are you sure? Even though she was personally picked by God, she is still a young angel. From what we heard, the demonic activities in Nagasaki have increased alarmingly in frequency and there are hints of a vast operation. Are you sure Angel Sakura-chan would be able to handle it? This normally requires the work of a senior angel.

Angel Tomoyo looked at the other angel right in the eye. Yes, I'm sure. She will do a good job and prove her worth. She is a powerful angel.

Well… since you are so sure, all right then. Thank you for your recommendation, Angel Tomoyo-chan. I'm sure Angel Sakura-chan will be very grateful if she knows you have sung such high praises of her.

Angel Tomoyo smiled. She bowed in reverence to the senior angel and disappeared in a soft white light for her own mission. On her way out of the heavenly gate, she passed by Angel Sakura and gave her a sweet smile. Angel Sakura returned her smile but was a bit disconcerted to see the predatory glint her the older angel's eyes.