Hey! Thanks for checking out my fic! I've spent A LOT of time and thoughts
on this story and I try to make it the best I can! I have about 160 pages
currently on Word (And still going!!). I hope you enjoy cuz I sure enjoyed
writing it!
A BiT oF iNfO!: This is in Lilys POV in her 7th year. It's a love/hate story bcuz I am simply in love with them! :D
Title: LJ Together.Forever?
Summery: It's my 7th and final year and Hogwarts and all I want is to have fun and do the best I can! That is until James pops back into my life. For more than 7 years I had to deal with him and I just want him to go away!!
^Sorry but I really suck at summaries! Lol but mainly like I said b4 it's in 7th year. Its love/hate with loads of adventure, comedy, and some romance!! There is a sequel but it's not all written or posted.
Rating: Let's just be safe and say PG13 for language mainly.
Warning: I try my best to make this as true to the books but I am also trying to make it original. So plz bear with me and I'm sorry if you don't agree on some things
Disclaimer: As much as I wish, and trust me I do, I don't own any Harry Potter characters, some plots, or settings. Please don't sue!! Lol BUT some of the characters, plots, and settings are mine! So don't steal! You be nice and I'll be nice!!
!!Plz don't forget to review and tell me what I am doing right or wrong!! Thanks!!
Chapter 1: Summer days
The eyes of Lillian Marie Evens opened on a hot summer day. She had just woken up after a full night of reading. She groaned thinking of the day ahead of her. Work.
Before this whole story gets started I need to explain a few things to you. For one thing my name is Lillian Marie Evans. I will be turning 17 in one week. I will be attending my 7th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you couldn't tell from all that, I am a witch. I am muggle- born. Meaning my parents are not witches or wizards. I have one sister named Petunia whom I greatly dislike. She doesn't believe in witchcraft and stays as far away as possible from me. But I could care less. I have a best friend named Bree Turner. She has lived next door to me since we were two. I also have other friends who I miss. My roomies from Hogwarts. Ashley Etters, Michelle Homes, and Katie Potter. (Bree is also one of my roomies.) Katie Potter is James twin sister. God bless her! I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts. Except one problem. The Marauders. They have been bugging me ever since I first went to Hogwarts.
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Where do I begin? Sure they are handsome but idiots. They think they can have any girl they want. Including me. Ever since first year James took on a hobby of bugging me and asking me out. The others enjoy watching it. They also just play pranks on people and are incredibly rude. But enough about them, who wants to sit around and talk about them?
I rolled over on my bed and looked at the clock. It read 12:41 P.M. Jeez I must've been up late.
"Lily!" I heard an unusually horrible person call my name, Petunia. Joy.
"What?" I asked.
"Mum said that you need to get ready for work now or else you're going to be late," she yelled up the stairs.
"Ok," I called back down.
I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got dressed and did my hair. I ran downstairs and grabbed a pop tart for the road.
"Bye! Don't wait up for me tonight!" I yelled as I walked out the door.
"Like we would, freak," I heard Petunia reply.
I just shook my head and walked down the street. I worked at a local restaurant. Just a normal local restaurant. It wasn't all that popular so it was kind of boring but it paid well.
"Hey beautiful," I heard a familiar voice. Peachy just peachy.
"What do you want James, and probably Sirius too," I replied without turning around. I knew Sirius was there. James never went anywhere with out him.
"Want to go on a date tonight?" he asked me for the millionth time.
"No," I replied instantly.
"Why not you know you want me." I could hear Sirius laugh quietly.
"When are you going to get a life Potter?" I asked.
"When you go out with me." He said.
"Never. Now can you please leave me alone? I'm going to be late for work." I turned the corner and saw the restaurant in the distance.
"Aw c'mon Lils we aren't that annoying. You know you love me."
"No I don't"
I opened the door to the restaurant and shut and locked it quickly behind me. No one was in there, figured. I saw Bree on the phone behind the counter.
She saw me and hung up, "Hey what took you? Everything is set up for you."
"Thanks. Guess what caused me to be late again?" I asked her checking in.
"Hmm I wonder." She said looking up and laughed.
"Why don't you just go on a date with him and maybe he will leave you alone?" James and Sirius were standing outside the store window looking in and making faces.
"No. You've seen him. He is annoying and rude. Plus he thinks he can get anyone he wants."
"Oh so your playing hard to get. Nice Lily." Bree said winking.
"NO! Oh my god Bree. Shouldn't you be going?"
"Nah I think I'm going to hang here for a bit and give you company since you did it last time for me."
"I don't get off till 10:00."
"That gives me a reason to stay up late. Anyway, when are Ashley, Michelle, and Katie coming tomorrow?"
"Oh I dunno." I said sitting down on a stool next to her, "around 6:00."
There weren't many customers that night. Maybe because I locked the door. Around 9 P.M. I realized I never unlocked it. James and Sirius finally left after about twenty minutes of just standing around doing nothing. Their egos probably inflated so much that they had to leave. I walked home with Bree and we split apart as we each came in front of our houses.
"Night Lil. See you tomorrow." Bree said climbing the steps to her porch.
"Night," I replied climbing up my own steps. I went upstairs to my room to find a barn owl sitting on my windowsill. I let her in. I immediately realized that this owl held my Hogwarts letter. I was so excited I ripped open the letter and a little package fell out. I hope this is what I think it is! It was. My head girl badge. I wonder who the Head Boy will be. I asked no one in particular.
"It's not right for someone to be talking to themselves you freak." I saw Petunia enter my room.
"It's not right for maniacs to linger in corners and wait up for 'freaks like myself'."
"Shut up." She said walking away. I heard her door open then close. What a git I laughed to myself.
I stayed up until 11:00 playing around on the computer. After that I was fast asleep. I had to go to work.again. Oh how am special am I?
A BiT oF iNfO!: This is in Lilys POV in her 7th year. It's a love/hate story bcuz I am simply in love with them! :D
Title: LJ Together.Forever?
Summery: It's my 7th and final year and Hogwarts and all I want is to have fun and do the best I can! That is until James pops back into my life. For more than 7 years I had to deal with him and I just want him to go away!!
^Sorry but I really suck at summaries! Lol but mainly like I said b4 it's in 7th year. Its love/hate with loads of adventure, comedy, and some romance!! There is a sequel but it's not all written or posted.
Rating: Let's just be safe and say PG13 for language mainly.
Warning: I try my best to make this as true to the books but I am also trying to make it original. So plz bear with me and I'm sorry if you don't agree on some things
Disclaimer: As much as I wish, and trust me I do, I don't own any Harry Potter characters, some plots, or settings. Please don't sue!! Lol BUT some of the characters, plots, and settings are mine! So don't steal! You be nice and I'll be nice!!
!!Plz don't forget to review and tell me what I am doing right or wrong!! Thanks!!
Chapter 1: Summer days
The eyes of Lillian Marie Evens opened on a hot summer day. She had just woken up after a full night of reading. She groaned thinking of the day ahead of her. Work.
Before this whole story gets started I need to explain a few things to you. For one thing my name is Lillian Marie Evans. I will be turning 17 in one week. I will be attending my 7th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you couldn't tell from all that, I am a witch. I am muggle- born. Meaning my parents are not witches or wizards. I have one sister named Petunia whom I greatly dislike. She doesn't believe in witchcraft and stays as far away as possible from me. But I could care less. I have a best friend named Bree Turner. She has lived next door to me since we were two. I also have other friends who I miss. My roomies from Hogwarts. Ashley Etters, Michelle Homes, and Katie Potter. (Bree is also one of my roomies.) Katie Potter is James twin sister. God bless her! I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts. Except one problem. The Marauders. They have been bugging me ever since I first went to Hogwarts.
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Where do I begin? Sure they are handsome but idiots. They think they can have any girl they want. Including me. Ever since first year James took on a hobby of bugging me and asking me out. The others enjoy watching it. They also just play pranks on people and are incredibly rude. But enough about them, who wants to sit around and talk about them?
I rolled over on my bed and looked at the clock. It read 12:41 P.M. Jeez I must've been up late.
"Lily!" I heard an unusually horrible person call my name, Petunia. Joy.
"What?" I asked.
"Mum said that you need to get ready for work now or else you're going to be late," she yelled up the stairs.
"Ok," I called back down.
I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got dressed and did my hair. I ran downstairs and grabbed a pop tart for the road.
"Bye! Don't wait up for me tonight!" I yelled as I walked out the door.
"Like we would, freak," I heard Petunia reply.
I just shook my head and walked down the street. I worked at a local restaurant. Just a normal local restaurant. It wasn't all that popular so it was kind of boring but it paid well.
"Hey beautiful," I heard a familiar voice. Peachy just peachy.
"What do you want James, and probably Sirius too," I replied without turning around. I knew Sirius was there. James never went anywhere with out him.
"Want to go on a date tonight?" he asked me for the millionth time.
"No," I replied instantly.
"Why not you know you want me." I could hear Sirius laugh quietly.
"When are you going to get a life Potter?" I asked.
"When you go out with me." He said.
"Never. Now can you please leave me alone? I'm going to be late for work." I turned the corner and saw the restaurant in the distance.
"Aw c'mon Lils we aren't that annoying. You know you love me."
"No I don't"
I opened the door to the restaurant and shut and locked it quickly behind me. No one was in there, figured. I saw Bree on the phone behind the counter.
She saw me and hung up, "Hey what took you? Everything is set up for you."
"Thanks. Guess what caused me to be late again?" I asked her checking in.
"Hmm I wonder." She said looking up and laughed.
"Why don't you just go on a date with him and maybe he will leave you alone?" James and Sirius were standing outside the store window looking in and making faces.
"No. You've seen him. He is annoying and rude. Plus he thinks he can get anyone he wants."
"Oh so your playing hard to get. Nice Lily." Bree said winking.
"NO! Oh my god Bree. Shouldn't you be going?"
"Nah I think I'm going to hang here for a bit and give you company since you did it last time for me."
"I don't get off till 10:00."
"That gives me a reason to stay up late. Anyway, when are Ashley, Michelle, and Katie coming tomorrow?"
"Oh I dunno." I said sitting down on a stool next to her, "around 6:00."
There weren't many customers that night. Maybe because I locked the door. Around 9 P.M. I realized I never unlocked it. James and Sirius finally left after about twenty minutes of just standing around doing nothing. Their egos probably inflated so much that they had to leave. I walked home with Bree and we split apart as we each came in front of our houses.
"Night Lil. See you tomorrow." Bree said climbing the steps to her porch.
"Night," I replied climbing up my own steps. I went upstairs to my room to find a barn owl sitting on my windowsill. I let her in. I immediately realized that this owl held my Hogwarts letter. I was so excited I ripped open the letter and a little package fell out. I hope this is what I think it is! It was. My head girl badge. I wonder who the Head Boy will be. I asked no one in particular.
"It's not right for someone to be talking to themselves you freak." I saw Petunia enter my room.
"It's not right for maniacs to linger in corners and wait up for 'freaks like myself'."
"Shut up." She said walking away. I heard her door open then close. What a git I laughed to myself.
I stayed up until 11:00 playing around on the computer. After that I was fast asleep. I had to go to work.again. Oh how am special am I?