Harry lay on his bed like a broken toy lies on the floor. His uncle had just left; Harry could still hear him and Dudley yelling down the hall. Harry's heart raced, his breath came in short gasps. He felt a weight in his chest. How much worse would it be next time, when Dudley would probably be out? Because surely Vernon would be more careful in the future. In all honesty, Harry wasn't sure living was worth all this.
He looked out at the evening sky. The first star had just come out. 'I love the stars,' Harry thought as more started showing their faces. 'It's as if they know what I'm going through and are crying for me.' He breathed a very troubled sigh and a dark streak appeared on his cheeks as he wiped the tears away. The stars winked at him in a very sad way. With a shaking hand, Harry got up, walked to the desk, and started to write a letter to his godfather.
Dear Sirius,
Everything is fine here at my uncle's house. How are you? I hope all of our friends are all right. I haven't heard from them in a while. Well, I'm pretty tired, so I'll write again in a couple of days.
Best wishes,
Harry Potter
Elrohir, disguised as Snape, was heading for the Headmaster's office. His hands were balled into tight fists and he had an agitated edge to his stride. His latest vision swam through his mind; darkness closing around his son, beaten back just before it swallowed him. Elrohir was out of time, he could not play spy anymore. He reached the stone gargoyle and muttered, "Bloodpop." The gargoyle sprang aside and Elrohir walked up the stairs.
"I'll be with you in a moment, Severus. I'm rather busy right now," Dumbledore said. He was bent over some papers.
"I need to talk to you now, not in a few minutes. It's about my son," Elrohir answered, ignoring the misnaming. Dumbledore looked up.
"What about Harry? Have you foreseen something?" he asked, looking concerned.
"I saw a darkness closing in on him, turned aside at the last moment. Besides that, Sirius mentioned his letters have become shorter than usual lately, less communicative. I want to bring him to live with me for the rest of the summer," Elrohir answered.
"I understand you want to spend time with him, but he is safer there. I want him to stay there. It is possible what you saw was Voldemort trying to reach him," Dumbledore said.
"But what if it isn't? You said yourself Lilly's relatives are not fond of him. I would feel better if I at least went to check on him," Elrohir answered.
"I'm sure if something was wrong, Harry would tell us about it," Dumbledore said.
"I am not so sure. You know he does not always trust adults," Elrohir said.
"He trusts Sirius and Remus. Besides, with Voldemort back, he needs the protection that only Lilly's relatives can give him," Dumbledore answered.
"I am aware of that. However, you have trusted my visions so far, as well as my own interpretations of them," Elrohir insisted. Dumbledore sighed, looking pensive.
"Well, I'm not opposed to you checking on him. However, do not move him unless it is absolutely necessary." Dumbledore replied.
"All right," he said, and left Dumbledore's office.
Elrohir went into his bedroom in the dungeons and changed into Muggle clothing.
When he got there, he walked up to number four and rang the bell. A large, beefy man with lots of mustache and little neck answered. "I wish to speak to Harry Potter. I'm one of his teachers. I've been sent to check on him," Elrohir told the man.
"Why do you want to see him? He's been writing you," the man answered suspiciously.
"I told you. I have been sent to check on him. Now, can I see him?" Elrohir answered, trying to appear friendly.
"Dad doesn't want you to see Harry because dad LIKES the boys!" A large boy yelled from the hall. Elrohir's eyes darkened and the man shrank back. Before the man had a chance to speak, Elrohir had cursed him, and he slumped to the floor.
"The curse will wear off in a couple of days. Now, where is Harry?" Elrohir asked.
"Upstairs. I'll show you." Dudley hesitated. "You really should take him with you, you know. Used to dad wouldn't come near him cause he was afraid, but... he's changed. I dunno why." He lead Elrohir upstairs.
Harry opened his eyes when his Dudley started banging on the door. "One of your teachers is here to collect you," Dudley yelled through the door.
Harry started. Why was one of his teachers coming to pick him up? Where were they taking him? Maybe they would take him to the Weasley's house. He hoped that they would at least give him news of what everyone was doing. No-one really talked to him anymore... didn't they want him there anymore? Dejectedly, Harry looked around, saw a sweatshirt and got dressed. He then headed downstairs.
"Professor Snape?" Harry asked and Elrohir looked up. Why was Harry wearing a sweatshirt in the middle of summer? "What are you doing here?"
"Get your things together. You are going to stay with me for the rest of the summer," Elrohir answered, then on impulse, turned to Dudley. "The wards on this house are set to your mother's bloodline. I could move them to a different house, but either you or your mother would have to come with us. Are you willing to?"
"Uh, sure, just let me get a bag," Dudley answered, turning into his room. Finally, it was HIS turn!