Doug and any characters represented are copyright of Nickelodeon and/or
Disney Studios.
By D. Mitchell
Judy had the house to herself. Doug was away to summer camp and her parents were gone away, as well. The house was a
mess, so she decided to thoroughly clean it as a kind gesture. Judy had a play to attend later that night with her friends from college and
there was no way that she was going to miss this performance. She quickly started cleaning the living room, the kitchen, and all the
bathrooms throughout the house. Just then, the phone rang and Judy answered it.
"Judy?" The voice asked.
"Yes? This is she." Judy replied.
"Hey, It's Marcos, are we still on for tonight?" Marcos asked.
"Yeah, Marcos." Judy said. "All I have to do is clean Doug's room and I'll be finished."
"Alright, then. See you tonight!" Marcos said before hanging up.
Judy hung up the phone and proceeded into her brother Doug's room. When she approached his room, she stood at the door
for a moment and contemplated going in. She caught a strange vibe from inside and it wasn't a good one. However, she wanted to
clean before Marcos came to pick her up. So, Judy crept in and flipped the light switch.
Doug's room was clean and arranged. Judy lifted the feather duster and began dusting off various areas of his room including
his windowsill and bedposts. She walked to his desk and began dusting off its surface until she noticed his journal lying underneath a
few sketches of Patti Mayonnaise he drew. Judy sat in his chair and pulled the book to her. She opened it cautiously.
Judy's read his journal before, but not completely. She's managed to catch a few glimpses here and there about Patti and his
friend Skeeter Valentine. But this one, it seems, she has never read before. Curious, she begins to read towards the end of book:
Hey Journal,
It's me, Doug Funnie. I saw Patti again today, so I walked over to talk to her. Before I could approach her, Chalkie
ran over and started talking to her before I could. Well, I never got
to talk to her because they started walking off, ignoring me.
Earlier today, Skeeter came by and asked if I could come with him to
summer camp in a week. He said his mom lets
him go to summer camp so he can get away from his dad. His dad let
him have it last night. I can still see the bruises on his
back from when his dad pushed him downstairs to his room. I told
Skeeter I'd go with him and he was really happy about it. I
don't think he'd be alive right now if he didn't have me as his
I can almost remember the other night when we were walking home and
these two guys were following us
carrying knives. We kept circling corners and hiding until we lost
them. But, one of them lunged out and took me down by
surprise. Skeeter stood there frightened. The guy pummeled me in the
face a few times before I kicked him off of me. Then,
he went for Skeeter. Skeeter was crying and yelling for someone to
help him. I thought about what Quailman would do and
quickly sought out an idea. The guy's friend, by this time, started
running off while the guy tackled Skeeter and started
choking him to death. I couldn't let this guy hurt my best friend, so
I jumped on him and jabbed my fists at him. I didn't care
what I was doing as long as it diverted his attention away from
Skeeter. Nothing seemed to work on this guy, and then I
snapped a branch from a tree nearby and bashed him in the head. The
guy fell over and Skeeter jumped to his feet, gasping
for air.
Skeeter grabbed my arm and we ran off. We stopped a few minutes
later and rested for a moment. My nose was
leaking blood and Skeeter had a bruises around his neck. Skeeter
began to cry and I did, too. Something like this has never
happened before in Bluffington and we were afraid it was going to
happen again.
Anyways, Journal, it's getting late and I need to feed Porkchop.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Judy closed Doug's journal and walked downstairs. She was hungry and a bit shocked by what she just read. She's never
heard her brother mention that night to anyone before. The phone rang again and she answered it. Marcos waited on the other line.
"Hello?" Judy answered.
"Judy! It's Marcos again! I was just calling to check-up on you."
"I'm fine, Marcos, I'm almost finished cleaning and we still have three hours before the play anyway."
"Well, that's cool, maybe we can get a cup o' java before, no?"
"Sure. Why not? I'll talk to you later, Marcos."
"Bye, Judy."
Judy hung up the phone and grabbed a bite to eat from the refrigerator. She pondered whether or not she should read more,
or just not read anymore at all. His journal captivated her because she knows her brother has more secrets in his journal just dying to
read. She finished her snack and preceded upstairs to Doug's room, where his journal lies in wait.
By D. Mitchell
Judy had the house to herself. Doug was away to summer camp and her parents were gone away, as well. The house was a
mess, so she decided to thoroughly clean it as a kind gesture. Judy had a play to attend later that night with her friends from college and
there was no way that she was going to miss this performance. She quickly started cleaning the living room, the kitchen, and all the
bathrooms throughout the house. Just then, the phone rang and Judy answered it.
"Judy?" The voice asked.
"Yes? This is she." Judy replied.
"Hey, It's Marcos, are we still on for tonight?" Marcos asked.
"Yeah, Marcos." Judy said. "All I have to do is clean Doug's room and I'll be finished."
"Alright, then. See you tonight!" Marcos said before hanging up.
Judy hung up the phone and proceeded into her brother Doug's room. When she approached his room, she stood at the door
for a moment and contemplated going in. She caught a strange vibe from inside and it wasn't a good one. However, she wanted to
clean before Marcos came to pick her up. So, Judy crept in and flipped the light switch.
Doug's room was clean and arranged. Judy lifted the feather duster and began dusting off various areas of his room including
his windowsill and bedposts. She walked to his desk and began dusting off its surface until she noticed his journal lying underneath a
few sketches of Patti Mayonnaise he drew. Judy sat in his chair and pulled the book to her. She opened it cautiously.
Judy's read his journal before, but not completely. She's managed to catch a few glimpses here and there about Patti and his
friend Skeeter Valentine. But this one, it seems, she has never read before. Curious, she begins to read towards the end of book:
Hey Journal,
It's me, Doug Funnie. I saw Patti again today, so I walked over to talk to her. Before I could approach her, Chalkie
ran over and started talking to her before I could. Well, I never got
to talk to her because they started walking off, ignoring me.
Earlier today, Skeeter came by and asked if I could come with him to
summer camp in a week. He said his mom lets
him go to summer camp so he can get away from his dad. His dad let
him have it last night. I can still see the bruises on his
back from when his dad pushed him downstairs to his room. I told
Skeeter I'd go with him and he was really happy about it. I
don't think he'd be alive right now if he didn't have me as his
I can almost remember the other night when we were walking home and
these two guys were following us
carrying knives. We kept circling corners and hiding until we lost
them. But, one of them lunged out and took me down by
surprise. Skeeter stood there frightened. The guy pummeled me in the
face a few times before I kicked him off of me. Then,
he went for Skeeter. Skeeter was crying and yelling for someone to
help him. I thought about what Quailman would do and
quickly sought out an idea. The guy's friend, by this time, started
running off while the guy tackled Skeeter and started
choking him to death. I couldn't let this guy hurt my best friend, so
I jumped on him and jabbed my fists at him. I didn't care
what I was doing as long as it diverted his attention away from
Skeeter. Nothing seemed to work on this guy, and then I
snapped a branch from a tree nearby and bashed him in the head. The
guy fell over and Skeeter jumped to his feet, gasping
for air.
Skeeter grabbed my arm and we ran off. We stopped a few minutes
later and rested for a moment. My nose was
leaking blood and Skeeter had a bruises around his neck. Skeeter
began to cry and I did, too. Something like this has never
happened before in Bluffington and we were afraid it was going to
happen again.
Anyways, Journal, it's getting late and I need to feed Porkchop.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Judy closed Doug's journal and walked downstairs. She was hungry and a bit shocked by what she just read. She's never
heard her brother mention that night to anyone before. The phone rang again and she answered it. Marcos waited on the other line.
"Hello?" Judy answered.
"Judy! It's Marcos again! I was just calling to check-up on you."
"I'm fine, Marcos, I'm almost finished cleaning and we still have three hours before the play anyway."
"Well, that's cool, maybe we can get a cup o' java before, no?"
"Sure. Why not? I'll talk to you later, Marcos."
"Bye, Judy."
Judy hung up the phone and grabbed a bite to eat from the refrigerator. She pondered whether or not she should read more,
or just not read anymore at all. His journal captivated her because she knows her brother has more secrets in his journal just dying to
read. She finished her snack and preceded upstairs to Doug's room, where his journal lies in wait.